Monday, December 24, 2007

Bon nol...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

N'burokrato alto d'Europú

Urbanú. Dar un burokrato alto in hal d'urban. Est derivir burokrat ab un spot rural in Italú con nom Spotú be continued :-)

Urbanú - fictional city/town in Europe with "-ú" replacing the endings "-y", "-ie(n)" or "-ia"
dar - there is/are, derives from the Norwegian "det er"
burokrat - bureaucrat
alt - old
burokrato alto - old male bureaucrat
in - in
hal - hall
urban - city/town
hal d'urban - city hall
est derivir - derives
ab - from
spot rural - rural place/spot/village
in Italú - in Italy
con - with
nom - name
Spotú - fictional village in Italy be continued :-)

Gender & Neutral Vowels

Europú. It seems that of the 5 vowels "a, e, i, o & u" (common in Europe and most parts of the world) the vowels "e" & "o" often represent the masculine gender while "i" & "a" reflect femine behaviour/attributes, i.e. in Irish "e" stands for "~he" and "i" for "~she", in Spanish the male doctor is called "el doctor" while the female doctor enjoys the title "la doctora", "the man" in Italian is called ""l'uomo, il maschio and/or il signore", leaving the woman with "la signora and/or la donna". Therefore we like to name those 4 vowels the "gender vowels", consequently the "neutral" vowel "u" will be the "neutral vowel".

# The change from "na" (=the) to "nu" or even "n" should be permanent
# Still unsure about moving plural from "-i" to "-s", i.e. "un aktora" = "an actress", but "the actresses" could either be "ni aktoras" (as most "termi d'Europún" end with a consonant the simple "-s" would give the word an English/American "slang" touch) or "ni aktorai" (the elegant "-i" would accompany the "-i" in "ni" and also suggests a "sophisticated, even upperclass" Italian/Greek approach) => Maybe necessary to evaluate on a case-to-case basis, also to put the possibility into consideration that we have to live with two answers to the same question, i.e. "Upper Europún" with a "-i" rule and "Slang Europún" embracing the "-s" or even a combined version of both: "-is" (do we really want a "nu hus/ni huss"?) => Please give us feedback, con-vil-ud (=thank you, meaning "with-will-yours")!

Nu flur d'hus = The floor of the house
Ni fluri/flurs d'hus - The floors of the house

nu - the
ni - (pl.) the
flur - floor
hus - house
d'hus - (gen.) "of the house"

Please leave your comments or contact directly "por mori infomazoni" or "mor infomazons", con-vil-ud!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Europún in a new look as Eurolanguage

Dublin. Europún derives from Iorpún which itself has its roots in Duirún (with Duirún being a fully artificial language). In order to bring Europún to the next step we decided to change a few things that cut off most links to previous artificial languages and set the focus back on (the main) European languages.

# The article "na" (=the) will change to "nu" for two reasons, 1) the "a" in "na" suggests a female term which can be avoided by the neutral "u" and 2) as a reversal of "un" (=one, a/an)
# The plural "-i" will change to "-s"

€ Nu carn d'animals
prev. Na carn d'animali
EN The meat/flesh of the animals
DE Das Fleisch der Tiere

nu - the
carn - meat/flesh
animal - animal

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Europan = Europún?

How to form an artificial language which makes sense to everyone or at least to most of us? One would agree that it seems a great and sometimes impossible challenge creating a unilang which would serve all Europe and Europeans as a European auxiliary language such as Esperanto or Interlingua. While Esperanto & Interlingua were introduced in late 1880 and mid 1950, more up-to-date approaches seem necessary to deal with the enormous changes in social, cultural & European life. R u ready? Democracies, elections, the internet, mobile phones & free boundaries opened up a new world which cannot be ignored, the European Spirit needs to be held up high and its influence should be reflected in every step of our attempt in creating a European Unilang.

Surprisingly we have recently come across an experiment similar to the Europún approach which indicates that Europeans - wherever you are - are willing to at least discuss or even play with the thought of a European Unilang => EUROPAN, good luck, Thomas...keep in touch!


P.S.: Always feel free to contact me via or

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kapitulation by Tocotronic – Capitulazon by Tocotronic

€ Dar Tocotronic un band d’roq d’zid Hamburg in nord d’Garmanú/Alemanú
EN Tocotronic is a rock band from the city of Hamburg in the north of Germany
DE Tocotronic sind eine Rockband aus der Stadt Hamburg im Norden von Deutschland
ES Tocotronic é uma banda de Rock da cidade de Hamburgo, norte da Alemanha

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Por mor as un mons dar na land Anglú sub aqv et sont svim na populazon anglúz in frustrazon y n’agricultur in destrukzon.

Anglú sub aqv – England under water
Por mor as un mons – for more than a/one month
dar – there is/are, it is/are
na land Anglú – the land England
sont svim – are swimming, swim
na populazon anglúz – the English population
in frustrazon – in frustration
y – and
n’agricultur – the agricultura
in destrukzon – in destruction

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Norm et slang

Estam qvestir maskuli totali in Europú: “Qvem sonty lovir?” et ni maskuli sont respondir: “Sontiv lovir t’femi con legi longi!”

A qvest maskuli totali in Europú: “Qvem y lov?” et ni maskuli respond: “V lov femi con legi longi!”

Multi vordi con “qv”

A - I
V - We
qvest - ask
maskul - man
total - all
qvem - who
lov - love
respond - respond
fem - woman
con - with
leg - leg
long - long

Monday, July 2, 2007

Un intervenzon d’Unidad Nazoni (UN)

€ Estam start to intervenir y est intervenir na UN in multi landi d’Afriqú y d’parti d’ter
EN I start to intervene and the UN starts to intervene in many countries of Africa and parts of the earth
DE Ich interveniere und die UN interveniert in vielen Ländern Afrikas und Teilen der Erde

Ich – A => -am
Du – U => -ud
Er – E => -ex
Sie – I => -il
Es – Na => -an
Wir – M => -im
Ihr – Y => -iy
Sie – Z => -iz

Sontim y estam intervenir in multi landi d’Afriqú

intervenzon y intervenir
multi landi – many countries
parti d’ter – parts of the earth

Thursday, June 28, 2007

-azon y –ir
Na determinazon y determinir
Na continuazon y continuir
Na confrontazon y confrontir
Na combinazon y combinir

-zon y –ir
Na confuzon y confuzir
Na eksprezon y eksprezir

-zon y –tir
Un diskuzon y diskutir
Na revoluzon/revolt y revoltir
Na elaborazon y elaboratir
Ni interpretazoni y interpretir
Un selekzon y selektir

-anz y –ir
N’akzeptanz y akzeptir
Na performanz y performir

Un debat y debatir
Un campagn y campagnir
Ni categori y categorir
Un fabrikazon y fabrizir

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bye Bye Toni Blair y best luq por dun futur!

Idag dar last dag por Toni Blair “in office" as prime minister d’Anglú. V viz Toni luq total por son futur y projekt "road map" in landi d'Midal-Est .

I y min
U y dun
O y son
A y lan
V y vin
Y y yin
Z y zin

idag – today
dag – day
dar - there is/are, it is
por - for
as - as
viz - wish
luq total - best of luck
son futur - his future
projekt - project
landi d'Midal-Est - countries in the Middle-East

Un map d'landiq totali i Europú y Asú - A map of all countries in Europe and Asia

€ Un map d'landiq totali i Europú y Asú
EN A map of all countries in Europe and Asia
DE Eine Landkarte aller Länder in Europa und Asien

Friday, April 20, 2007

Un metod d’evaporazon(oq) - Est evapor(at)ir n'aqv

Et or Y?
€ N'infanti blaq y blanq d’ter(oq) et ni animali smal y grand d’land(oq)

EN The black and white children of the earth and the small and large animals of the land
DE Die schwarzen und weissen Kinder der Erde und die kleinen & grossen Tiere des Landes

€ Estam confirmir t’confirmazon d’contract(oq) liberal
EN I (am) confirm(ing) the confirmation of the liberal contract
DE Ich bestätige die Bestätigung des liberalen Vertrages

€ Un metod d’evaporazon(oq) - Est evapor(at)ir n'aqv
EN A method of evaporisation - The water evaporates
DE Eine Methode der Verdampfung - Das Wasser verdampft

€ Un satelit – tri sateliti d’nazoni(q) europúz
EN A satelitte - three satelittes of the European nations
DE Ein Satellit - drei Satelliten der europäischen Nationen

Dikzonar et/or ni vordi nov d’mons(og) Avril/April
Ni infanti blaq y blanq d’ter(oq) et ni animali smal y grand d’land(oq)
Estam confirmir t’confirmazon d’contract(oq) liberal
Un metod d’evaporazon(oq) - Est evapor(at)ir n'aqv
Un satelit – tri sateliti d’nazoni(q) europúz

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Un glob – Un famil d’humanoq

€ Est liv un famil d’human(oq) on glob
EN One family of humans lives on the globe
DE Eine Menschenfamilie lebt auf dem Globus

Sur et sub
Est eskortir na eskort t’femi sur pond/bridge

Q ?
Un rumor q’est
Ni rumori q sont

Et or y ?
Ni infanti blaq y blanq d’ter(oq) et ni animali smal y grand d’land(oq)

Ni vordi nov d’monsog Avril

Un favorit d’musiq

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Europú: Historú, change, chance y na futur

5 til 12 por Europú? I dag est blumir na flor Europú in tusend colori, tradizoni, culturi, lifestyles y linguxi. As tidi d’bataloq y d’pazoq hab survivir na popul europúz mortali, finali y hori blaq. As tidi d'isoq y tidi d'neandartaloq var developir Europú y Asú un cultur primitiv in ord to surviv(ir) condizon hard(úz), brutal y cold.

Mor on Jurnal d'Europúq

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Simplified Europún: Europún is spinning around

€ Estam consumir un caf Lavazza or A consumir un caf Lavazza but est consumir na cupal yung do cafi Lavazza
€ Sontiv diskutir con dam alt or V diskutir con dam alt but sont diskutir ni artisti con dam alt

“High Europún” y “Simplified Europún”: Both versions are accepted and are constantly undergoing several alterations and modifications.


Europún Germanisch


Europún Romanisch










































Eksampal: € Canud skribir or U can skribir

Na edizon unast in Yanur 2007
Europú: Historú, change, chance y na futur
I dag est blumir na flor Europú in tusend colori, lifestyles y linguxi. As tidi d’batal y d’paz hav survivir ni populi europúz mortali, finali y hori blaq.

Fix eksprezoni - Festehende Ausdrücke
Zeitgeist, Kindergarten


Eksampal: Vosam drinkir un tey et var parlir ni femi
=> Past Plural: var y -ir


Por mori informazoni on Europún email: or, con-vil-ut!

Ni varianti norgúz – Die norwegischen Varianten

Bon Jul et Gud Nyt An or Yar
Un jak or un yak?

“K” et “qv” instead of “C”
Kanam drinkar aqv norgúz

Verb kon –ar or –ir?
Estimar or estimir?

Na Genetiv – The Genetive
Befor: Un botal d’vinoq roz – A bottle of red wine
I dag: Un botal d’vin roz – A bottle of red wine

N’Akusativ – The Akkusative
Befor: Sontiv legar t’infant in bed
I dag: Sontiv legar infant in bed

Forward et tilbak
=> to Oslo – Lokal
=> til Mondag – Zeit

Ni dagi d’vuk – Die Wochentage
Mondag – Monday, Montag
Tusdag - Tuesday, Dienstag
Midvuk - Wednesday, Mittwoch
Torsdag – Thursday, Donnerstag
Freydag – Friday, Freitag
Saturdag – Saturday, Samstag (Sonnabend)
Soldag – Sunday, Sonntag

Auxilliary verbs: hav, hab, kan,
Estam ken un bon/gud restaurant in Oslo
Havam kent – Ich have known
Habiz kent – We have known
Kanud skrib – You can write
Volam –
Viliz –
Mustud –

Et and y
€ Ni ogi alt y blu et do armi smal y strong
EN The old and blue eyes and (the) two small and strong arms

Ni numbari
€ Un, do, tri, qvart, zinq, sez, ot, nin, din

€ Kursi d’Inglún basik y efizient et kursi d’Espanún
ES Cursos de Inglés básicos y acelerados

Ny – new => -ew in English and –eu in German will be replaced by –y
Nyhet – Neuheit => -het is replacing –heit in German
Ul or vul – Wool, Wolle
Bom – Tree, Baum
Conut – without

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: or, con-vil-ut!