Sunday, November 30, 2008

European Day of Languages, 26 September - Celebrating linguistic diversity, plurilingualism, lifelong language learning

At the initiative of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, the European Day of Languages is celebrated since 2001 on 26 September.

800 million Europeans throughout the Council of Europe 47 member states are encouraged to learn more languages, at any age, in and out of school. Being convinced that linguistic diversity is a tool for more intercultural understanding, the Council of Europe promotes cultural richness and plurilingualism in whole Europe.
On the occasion of the day, a range of events are organised across Europe: happenings for children, television and radio programmes, language classes, conferences, etc. Member states and potential partners, in particular schools, are given a free hand to organise activities. To coordinate the activities organised at national level, the Council of Europe asks participating countries to nominate "National Relay Persons" who also disseminate promotional material produced by the Council of Europe.

Por mori informazoni visit:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Film - Body of lies

EN Based on Washington Post columnist David Ignatius' 2007 novel about a CIA operative, Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio), who uncovers a lead on a major terrorist leader suspected to be operating out of Jordan. When Ferris devises a plan to infiltrate his network, he must first win the backing of cunning CIA veteran Ed Hoffman (Russell Crowe) and the collegial, but perhaps suspect, head of Jordanian intelligence. Although ostensibly his allies, Ferris questions how far he can really trust these men without putting his entire operation - and his life - on the line.

€ Est basirdt on noval d'columnist d'Washington Post David Ignatius in 2007 sur operative d'CIA, Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio), qv'est detektir un lead on major figur d'terror qv'est suspektirdt to operir ut Jordan...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cathi Bruns - Un sonu novu por Europu

Dublin. Dar sonu y music novu d'fem Cathi Bruns. Est habitir Cathi Bruns in Dublin in Iru. Audir ni canzoni on: y on:

"Patar nos" en Eulingu

Patar nos qv’est in cael
Est sanktirdt dun nom
Est arivir dun regnu
Est okurir dun vil
In cael as in teru
Donir-nus nos pan d’jur
Pardonir-nus nos debit
As v pardonir nos debitori
Y non conduktir-nus in temptazon
But liberir-nus ab mal
Por dun est nu regnu
Nu forzu y nu gloru
Por eternitu

©2008 Lokalisazon d'Skol d'Eulingu

Monday, November 24, 2008

Un traval trans Eurpou

Europu. N'est nu traval to Yerusalam but est nu traval trans Europu. V travalir con multi medi d'transport as ped, tren, car, ship y aeroplan. Dur traval v lesir libri y jurnali sur urbi d'Europu. V departir in lokazoni foran, v arivir in lokazoni eksotic et v dormir in hoteli, apartmenti y flati por un or multi juri/dagi. V akzeptir lingi y culturi diferenti d'Europu, v manjir y drinkir manjari y drinki diferenti et v audir canzoni y music diferenti. Dar varietu, beautu y diversitu in Europu et v amir/lovir varietu, beautu y diversitu niast. Lov y respekt por populi d'Europu!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

EULINGU on Facebook - Join us!

© Skol d'Eulingu

The big question: How to form an artificial language which makes sense to everyone or at least to most of us?

One would agree that it seems a great and sometimes impossible challenge TO create a unilang which would serve all Europe and Europeans as a European auxiliary language such as Esperanto or Interlingua. While Esperanto & Interlingua were introduced in late 1880 and mid 1950, more up-to-date approaches seem necessary to deal with the enormous changes in social, cultural & European life. R u ready?

Democracies, elections (just look at Obama in the US), the internet, mobile phones & free boundaries opened up a new world which cannot be ignored, therefore the European Spirit needs to be held up high and its influence should be reflected in every step of our attempt in creating a European Unilang.

If you want to be part of this challenge sign up on => FACEBOOK and download our logo, feel free to fill the top left "white part" with your personal ideas :-)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quote by Thomas Jefferson

USA. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.'

Thomas Jefferson 1802

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ni fruti d'glob

Dar multi fruti qv'sont distribuirdt sur glob. Dar fruti d'mar, dar fruti d'land, dar fruti d'forst y dar fruti d'teru. Sont ni orangi ni fruti d'land con multi vitamini por nu systemu humanuq.

Dar multi fruti - there are many fruits
qv'sont distribuirdt - which are dirstributed
sur glob - over the globe/earth
dar fruti d'mar - there are fruits of the sea
dar fruti d'land - there are fruits of the land
dar fruti d'forst - there are frutis of the wood/forest
y dar fruti d'teru - and there are fruits of the soil
sont ni orangi ni fruti d'land - the oranges are the fruits of the land
con multi vitamini - with plenty of vitamins
por nu systemu humanuq - for the human system/body

Monday, November 17, 2008

Nu lingu d'art LINGUA EURANA d'Klaus H. Dieckmann

DE Die Lingua Eurana ist als Sprache des europäischen Volkes entworfen. Sie ist logisch aufgebaut, "einfach" zu sprechen, mit einer regelmäßigen Grammatik. Die Lingua Eurana hat ihre Wurzeln im klassischen Lateinischen und ähnelt den romanischen Sprachen und kann in kurzer Zeit erlernt werden. Sie wird Ihnen sicherlich gefallen. Die Zeichenschrift zu beherrschen dauert natürlich länger, macht aber Spaß und vermittelt neue Einsichten und Ideen über die chinesische Kultur. Diese Schrift ist von besonderer Ästhetik. Je länger man sich damit beschäftigt, desto mehr Fazetten und unerwartete Assoziationen fallen einem auf, ein Aspekt, den die Lateinschrift nicht bietet.

Eksplanazon by Klaus H. Dieckmann

€ Est developirdt Lingua Eurana as un lingu d'populu europuq. Estun construirdt con logiq, simpal to parlir, con gramar constant y regular. Hab nu Lingua Eurana nus rutagu in Latin clasic et estun similar to ni lingi romaniq et canud studir Lingua Eurana in tid brev. U vil favorir nu lingu, as fakt. Natural est demandir tid to controlir nu font d'signali, but dar fun et estun transmitir comprezoni y idi novi sur nu culturu chinuq. Dar aestetic particular in font nuast. Nu mor estud okupir con font, nu mor estud detektir faseti y asoziazoni unekspektdt, un aspekt qv'est non ofarirdt by font d'Latin.

Translazon/Lokalisazon by Arne Duering

est developirdt - is developed (pas: est/sont + verb-ir-dt)
as un lingu d'populu europuq - as a language of the European people
estun construirdt - it is constructed
con logic - with logic = logically
simpal to parlir - easy to speak
con gramar constant y regular - with a constant and regular gramar
hab nu Lingua Eurana - the Lingua Eurana has
nus rutagu - its roots (its = nu + s, pl. ni +s)
in Latin clasic - in classic Latin
et estun similar to - and it is similar to
ni lingi rom(an)iq - the roman languages (adj: rom(an) + oq, pl. rom(an) + iq)
et canud studir Lingua Eurana - and you/one can study Lingua Eurana
in tid brev - in short time
U vil favorir nu lingu - U will favor/enjoy the language
as fakt - certainly, in fact
natural est demandir tid - naturally it takes time
to controlir - to control
nu font d'signali - the font/script(ure) of signs
but dar fun - but it makes/there is fun
et estun transmitir - and it transmits
comprezoni y idi novi - new insights and ideas
sur nu culturu chinuq - on Chinese culture (adj: chinu + q)
dar aestetic particular - there is a particular aesthetic
in font nuast - in that/this font/script(ure) (superlativ: nu + ast)
Nu mor - the more...the more
estud okupir - occupy yourself
con font - with the font
estud detektir - you detect
faseti y asoziazoni unekspektdt - unexpected facets and associations (un + ekspekt + dt)
un aspekt - an aspect
qv'est non ofarirdt - which is not offered (qv: "q" por lingi romaniq et "v" por lingi germaniq)
by font d'Latin - by (the) Latin font

Tapas - Nu spezialitu d'Espanu

Espanu. Dar manjari ekselenti in Espanu qv'est nomdt Tapas. Sont tapas porzoni smali qv'sont servirdt as hors d'oevre or curs major. As term hors d'oevre dar multi vordi in Eulingu qv'est conservir nu form original, i.e. vordi franciq in sektor manjar :-)

Tapas by Susanne Tee
Dar libar d'editora y skribtora Susanne Tee con nom "Tapas" qv'est availabal sur Derecoquinaria y Amazon.

Susanna Tee es escritora y editora, así como una excelente cocinera. Cuando estudiaba economía doméstica, recibió una beca de Nestlé que le brindó la oportunidad de realizar estudios sobre alimentación y cocina en Europa. En su vida cotidiana, Sussana compagina sus dos grandes pasiones: viajar y la cocina internacional.

Intru d'libar "Tapas" by Susanne Tee

Est Susanne Tee skribtora y editora, also un cuisinora ekselenta. During studiu d'economía doméstica, hadal rezepir un burs d'Nestlé qv'est bringdt oportunitu to realizir eksperimenti d'nutrizon y d'cuisin in Europu in particular. In las vidu banal, est combinir Susanne las do pazoni grandi: traval y nu cuisin internazonal.

Translazon/Lokalisazon by Arne Duering

nu spezialitu d'Espanu - the speciality of Spain
dar manjari ekselenti - there is/are excellent food(s)
in Espanu - in Spain
qv'est nomdt Tapas - which are called Tapas
sont tapas porzoni smali - Tapas are small portions
qv'est servirdt as hors d'oevre - which are served as hors d'oevre
or curs major - or main course
as term hors d'oevre - as the term hors d'oevre
dar multi vordi in Eulingu - there are many words in Eulingu
qv'est conservir - which conserve
nu form original - the original form
i.e. vordi franciq - i.e. French words
in sektor manjar - in the food sector
dar libar d'editora y skribtora Susanne Tee - there is a buk by the (female) editor and (female) writer Susanne Tee
con nom "Tapas" - with the name "Tapas"
qv'est availabal sur... - which is available on...
also un cuisinora ekselenta - also an excellent (female) cook
during studiu d'economía doméstica - during (her) studies of economía doméstica
hadal rezepir - she has received (had + al + verb + ir, she = L and the female ending is -al, i.e. she puts a bottle of red wine on the table = estal put(ir) un botal vinu roz on tabal, her = las)
un burs d'Nestlé - a bursary of Nestlé
qv'est bringdt oportunitu - which brings the opportunity
to realizir eksperimenti - to conduct experiments
d'nutrizon y d'cuisin in Europu - of nutrition and cuisine in Europe
in particular - in particular
in las vidu banal - in her daily life
est combinir Susanne - Susanne combines
las do pazoni grandi - her two great passions
traval y nu cuisin internazonal - travel and the international cuisine

Monday, November 3, 2008

Barack Obama: 44th president of the United States of America

Chikagu. Dar Barack Obama nu president-elect d'Unitdt Stati d'Ameriku (USA). Dank to Ameriku por Barack Obama! Por tid unast est considir Europu Ameriku as un amiku d'Europu y d'populi d'Europu. Por tid unast est considir Europu Ameriku as un nazon q'est bring(ir) change to glob et por tid unast est admirir Europu Ameriku por demokratu amerikuz. Yes, we can!

Ni artikali: Nu, Ni y Un

Nu/Ni: The definite articles "nu" and "ni" derive from the Irish articles “an” (sgl.) and “na” (pl.). In Europun “nu” means “the” (sgl.) and “ni” “the” (pl.). There is no distinction between f, m and n =>

nu fem – the woman, ni femi – the women
nu patar – the father, ni patari – the fathers
nu strat – the street and ni strati – the streets

Un: The indefinite article is “un” and there is no distinction between f, m and n =>
un fem – a (one) woman
un patar – a (one) father
un strat – a (one) street

-u: There appear to be cases where an additional "-u" is added to words in the singular form to replace "ordinary" endings such as "-y", "-o", "-ia" or "-ie"=>
un dikzonaru - a (one) dictonary
nu solu - the solo
un cafu - a (one) cafe, coffee

COUSCOUS (la graine et le mulet) by Anton Bitel

Abdel Kechiche's third feature is an ensemble film about food, family, failure and friction within France's community of North African émigrés

Dar feature triast d'
Abdel Kechiche un film ensembal sur fud, famil, failur y frikzon in categoru d'emigranti d'Nord Afriku d'Franzu

Take the grain away from fish couscous and you are left with nothing to absorb the acidity of the mullet or the spiciness of the sauce. A similar principle is at work in Abdellatif Kechiche's film.

All the ingredients seem to be in place for a predictable ensemble recipe where everything will come together harmoniously in the end - only for the director to leave us impatient and slavering, like the protagonist's drunken dinner guests in the final scenes, for a perfect dish that may never arrive. In other words, he make us hungry for wishful fantasy, while slyly serving up something with all the frustrations, disappointments and unsavouriness of real life, so that we simultaneously are invited to dream up a happy conclusion while witnessing a tragic catastrophe that tastes very bitter indeed.

In a memorable image from Couscous, we see the 61-year-old Slimane (Boufares) running in circles, getting nowhere except out of breath, as he pursues a trio of taunting youths who have just stolen his moped at a moment when his future employment depends on more => HERE!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yuropian by Florent Garet

Rouen/France. Yuropian is an imaginary variant of the English language, that could be the official language of the European Union.

hi sing - he sings
taim it flai laik an aro - Time if flies like an arrow
da haus ov mai fader - The house of my father

Nice job, Florent!