Thursday, September 30, 2010

Algarvi Algarvi Algarvi...

Albufeiru. A jur etum arivir in Algarvu in sud d'Portugalu. Estu mu vakanzu primus in Portugalu. Estum habitir in un apartmentu d'resortu "Alfagar". In un marketu petitus d'resortu estum tradir tomati freskis, un panu y bur, un chorizu, tri sorti d'kaesu, un glasu kon olivi, un botlu d'ol d'olivu, sal y pimentu a manjir y un boksu d'latu, 5 litri d'aqvu, un botlu d'vinu tintus d'Portugalu, un glasu d'kafu y un boksu d'kapuzinu a bir.

Bonus apetitu!

a jur - today
etum arivir - I arrived
in Algarvu in sud d'Portugalu - in (the) Algarve in (the) south of Portugal
estu mu vakanzu primus - it is my first vacation
in Portugalu - in Portugal
estum habitir - I live/am living
in un apartmentu d'resortu "Alfagar" - in an apartment/flat of (the) resort "Alfagar"
in un marketu petitus d'resortu - in a small market of (the) resort
etum tradir - I bought
tomati freskis - fresh tomatoes
un panu y bur - a bread and butter
un chorizu - a chorizo
tri sorti d'kaesu - three sorts of cheese
un glasu kon olivi - a glas with olives
un botlu d'ol d'olivu - a bottle of olive oil (also ul y/o olu)
sal y pimentu - salt and pepper (also saltu y/o salzu)
a manjir - to eat
un boksu d'latu - a box of milk
5 litri d'aqvu - 5 litres of water (also vasku)
un botlu d'vinu tintus d'Portugalu - a bottle of red wine of Portugal
un glasu d'kafu - a glas of coffee
un boksu d'kapuzinu - a box of cappucino
a bir - to drink (also a bevir y/o a bebir)
Bonus apetitu! - Enjoy your meal (Bon appétit!)

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Un dialogu petitus d'Isabela y d'Karlo

Isabela: "Salut! Estum Isabela, estum espanus y vivir in Madrid. Y estut?"
Karlo: "Salut, Isabela! Estum Karlo y vivir in Berlin. Estum alemanus y in momentu studir Eulingu a komunizir kon otri populi in Europu. Y estut?"
Isabela: "Grandus! Estum studir Eulingu kon ma amika Veronika. Esta d'Frankfurt in Alemanu y laborir in un ofizu in Sevilla. Estut gustir Espanu?"
Karlo: "Gustir Espanu? Estum amir Espanu y manjaru espanus. In partikularu, fruti d'maru, 'paella', chorizu y vinu tintus espanus. Y estut? Estut gustir o amir manjaru d'Alemanu?"
Isabela: "Si, estum gustir Alemanu y manjaru alemanus. In partikularu, estum gustir kozinu d'Bavaru in sud d'Alemanu y estum amir biru bavarus...Prost!"
Karlo: "Prost!" :-)

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Skolu d'Eulingu. It looks like that creating "times" (tenses) in Eulingu is one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks we have been confronted with. In order to keep it simple, recognizable and rememberable we came up with the following solution as a first draft.

We distinguish between past tense (pastu), present tense (presentu) and the future (futuru). 3 different tenses seem efficient enough to reflect reality and "everyday life", everything else should be considered "poetry" or "science" :-)

The "past tense" covers everything until the "present" which itself describes what is happening "now", while the "future tense" gives us an idea of something which "will" or "is going to" happen.

Estum - I am
Estut - You are (sgl.)
Esto - He is
Esta - She is
Estu - It/the/this is
Estumi - We are (=many "Is" are...)
Estuti - You are (pl., =many "YOUs" are...)
Esti - They/these are

Uni eksempli
Rikardo est presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard presents/is presenting his passport at the airport
Rikardo esto uno artisto - Richard is an (male) artist
Esta ordir un kafu kon latu - She orders/is ordering a coffee with milk
Estu un muchus belus manjaru - This is a very lovely meal
Estuti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You organize/are organizing a conference in Paris
Esti salati grekis - These are Greek salads

PASTU KON "ET" [ae't]
Etum - I was
Etut - You were (sgl.)
Eto - He was
Etu - It/the/this was
Etumi - We were (=many "Is" are...)
Etuti - You were (pl., =many "YOUs" are...)
Eti - They/these were

Uni eksempli
Rikardo et presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard presented/was presenting his passport at the airport
Rikardo eto uno artisto - Richard was an artist
Eta ordir un kafu kon latu - She did order a coffee with milk
Etu un muchus belus manjaru - This was a very lovely meal
Etuti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You did organize a conference in Paris
Eti salati grekis - These were Greek salads

Volum - I will
Volut - You will (sgl.)
Volo - He will
Vola - She will
Volu - It/the/this will
Volumi - We will ( not confuse with "voluminu" = volume)
Voluti - You will (pl.)
Voli - They/these will

Uni eksempli
Rikardo vol presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard will present his passport at the airport
Vola ordir un kafu kon latu - She will order a coffee with milk
Voluti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You will organize a conference in Paris

The "futuru" needs to be discussed further in one of the next there is possibly a conflict in the way we understand "to will" and "to want", i.e. "Rikardo volo uno artisto" does not really mean "Richard wants to be an artist"!

Possible solution:
Rikardo vol estir uno artisto - Richard will be/wants to be an artist

Qvas estut pensir d'postu? What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!

Por favoru, postir un komentu y/o skribir un e-postu a, multi danki!

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Sunday, September 26, 2010

26 Septembru 2010 - Jur Europus d'Lingi

The European Day of Languages is 26 September, as proclaimed by the Council of Europe on 6 December 2001, at the end of the European Year of Languages (2001), which had been jointly organised by the Council of Europe and the European Union. Its aim is to encourage language learning across Europe.

The general objectives of the European Day of Languages are to:

-alert the public to the importance of language learning and diversify the range of languages learned in order to increase plurilingualism and intercultural understanding;
-promote the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe;
-encourage lifelong language learning in and out of school.

In keeping with these aims, people, young and old, are encouraged to take up a language, or take special pride in their existing language skills. Also, those responsible for providing access to language learning are encouraged to make it easier for people to learn a range of languages, and to support policy initiatives to promote languages. There is also emphasis on learning a language other than English.

Por mori informazoni sur lingi europis visir linku d'artiklu d'Wikipedia "European Day of Languages"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gramatiku - I diferenzi d'ekspresoni "a gustir", "a amir", "a admirir" y "a preferir"

In estu postu, estum eksplanir i diferenzi d'ekspresoni "a gustir", "a amir", "a admirir" y "a preferir" in uni eksempli.

Estu vitalus a mantenir ("to maintain") simplizitu y eleganzu in prozesu d'developmentu a kreir un gramatiku qv'est rekognirdt d'populi ("by the people").

A gustir - to like
EU Esta gustir manjaru espanus.
EN She likes Spanish food.
DE Sie mag spanisches Essen.

EU Tomaso y Petra (sont) gustir a travlir in Europu.
EN Thomas and Petra like to travel in Europu.
DE Thomas und Petra mögen es, in Europa zu reisen.

A amir - to love
EU Esto amir una fema espanas.
EN He loves a Spanish woman/girl.
DE Er liebt eine Spanierin/ein(e) spanische(s) Frau/Mädchen.

EU Patriko (est) amir a bir un pintu d'Guinness in un pub irus.
EN Patrick loves to drink a pint of Guinness in an Irish pub.
DE Patrick liebt es, ein Pint Guinness in einem irischen Pub zu trinken.

A admirir - to admire
EU Estum admirir simplizitu in lingu espanus.
EN I admire (the) simplicity in the Spanish language.
DE Ich bewundere/admiriere (die) Einfachheit/Simplizität in (der) spanischen Sprache.

EU Marko y Margerita (sont) admirir arti italis.
EN Marc and Margerita admire (the) Italian arts.
DE Markus und Margerita bewundern (die) italienischen Künste.

A preferir - to prefer
EU Isabela preferir vini tintis d'originu espanus.
EN Isabela prefers red wines of Spanish origin.
DE Isabela bevorzugt/präferiert Rotweine von spanischer Herkunft.

EU Melinda y Mikalo preferir a visir un programu d'musiku in TV.
EN Melinda and Michael prefer to watch a music programme on TV.
DE Melinda and Michael bevorzugen es, ein Musikprogramm im TV/Fensehen zu sehen.

For the last 2 examples we left out "est" and "sont" to demonstrate the flexibility of Eulingu!

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Uni eksempli d'elementi espanis in Eulingu - A few examples of Spanish elements in Eulingu

Madrid. In estu postu ("in this post"), estum usir eksempli d'pagu 83 in lekzonu 10 "cosas personales/personal matters" d'libru "beginner's spanish" d'skribori Mark Stacey y Ángela González Hevia. Por mori informazoni qvom a studir Espanus, visir estu postu.

ES En Inglaterre, se bebe más té que café.
EN In England, they drink more tea than coffee.
DE In England trinken sie mehr Tee als Kaffee.
EU In Anglu, esti bir mori teyi as kafi ("more the teas than/as the coffees").

Atenzonu! Attention!
Estu "a bir" un abrevazonu d'ekspresoni "a bebir" y/o "a bevir" qv'sont representir "to drink". Por mori informazoni sur verbis spezialis visir estu lekzonu (to be continued shortly).

ES En España, se paga en euros.
EN In Spain, one pays in euros.
DE In Spanien bezahlt man mit/in Euro(s)
EU In Espanu, estu pagir in euri.

ES En España, se circula por la derecha.
EN In Spain, you drive on the right.
DE In Spanien fährst du rechts/auf der rechten Seite.
EU In Espanu, estut zirkulir a rechu ("to the right")

Por-qvas "rechu"? Why "rechu"?
Estu "rechu" un vortu novus qv'est kreirdt per vorti d'lingi Germanus/Alemanus, Anglus, Italus, Franzus y Espanus, ie "rechts", "right", "destra/mandritta/diritta", "droite" y "derecha/derecho". Estu pronunzirdt [ret'ʃu:].

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Influenzu espanus in Eulingu

Madrid. In momentu estum studir y analysir lingu Espanus per libru "beginner's spanish" d'skribori Mark Stacey y Ángela González Hevia in ordu a inkludir elementi, strukturi y vordi espanis in Eulingu.

Estum gustir, admirir y amir akustiku y simplizitu d'lingu Espanus :-)