Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Estu un eulu grekus u logu d'Eulingu

Athinu. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state. A centre for the arts, learning and philosophy, home of Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum, it is widely referred to as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, largely due to the impact of its cultural and political achievements during the 5th and 4th centuries BC on the rest of the then known European continent.

Ancient Greece
Early Athenian coin, depicting the head of Athena on the obverse and her owl on the reverse - 5th century BC.

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yogurt kon humus y tomati

Mu kasu. A jur estum manger un platu d'yogurt kon humus y tomati...delizus.

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jur d'Valentino

A jur, 14 d'Febru 2011, estun zelebrer u jur d'Valentino kv'est un jur d'amu y d'afekzonu.

Wikipedia. Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs, Saint Valentine, and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD. 

It was deleted from the Roman calendar of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI, but its religious observance is still permitted. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tosti fritis kon latu y ovi

EU Esta konsumer tosti fritis kon latu y ovi 
PH [es'ta: kon'su:'me: to:s'ti: fri:'tis kon la:'tu: i: o:'vi:] 
EN She consumes fried toasts with milk and eggs
DE Sie isst fritierte Toaste mit Milch und Eiern

Vorti novis - New words
esta konsumer - she consumes
tosti fritis - fried toasts
kon latu y ovi - with milk and eggs
esta - she is
a konsumer - to consume
u konsum - the consume
kon - with
u latu - the milk
un ovu - an egg

Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a mrkunlovevn@gmail.com! 

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Relakser kon mu gitaru

Arne relakser kon su gitaru  
EU Estum konsumer un tasu d'kafu y un potu d'poridzu. In futur, estum relakser y musizer kon mu gitaru.
EN I consume a cup of coffee and a pot of porridge. Later (lit. "in (the) future") I relax and play music with my guitar.
DE Ich konsumiere eine Tasse Kaffee und einen Teller Porridge. Spaeter relaxe ich und musiziere mit meiner Gitarre.

About the conversation
This example is pretty straight forward. You describe, how you sit down at your kitchen table or in your couch in the living room with a nice cup of coffee and a delicious bowl of porridge. Once you are finished with your dish, you turn to your guitar and play a few chords to relax yourself.

Nevertheless, while the eating and drinking part explains itself, we have a closer look at the second sentence, especially at the construct "in futur".

Tri tensi
Eulingu's aim is to appear as simple and as recognizable as possible. Therefore we use simple phrases and expressions to describe the "momentum". Eulingu only consists of three tenses: the past, the present and the futur. This seems sufficient enough to give an adequate picture of your current situation.

Uni eksempli d'tensi
If one describes a situation in the past, we simply say: "In pastu, pastum visiter Italy" ("In (the) past, I visited Italy"). If one focuses on the present tense, we would say: "In momentu, estum visiter un biblioteku" ("At (the) moment, I am visiting a library") and if one is referring to the future, we would respond: "In futur, estum visiter Paris" ("In (the) future, I am going to visit Paris").

While we use "estum visiter" in both present tense and future tense, we settle in the past tense with "pastum visiter". This is definitely not concrete, but unless we find a better solution, we keep it that way. ;-)

Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a mrkunlovevn@gmail.com! 

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Un intervistu kon kompanu in Hamburg

Hamburg. In momentu, estum preparer por un intervistu d'telefonu a jur kon un kompanu in Hamburg. Estum amer Hamburg, u portu d'Hamburg, i fiski freskis y u szenu d'musiku y d'kultur.

Vorti novis - New words
in momentu - at (the) moment/in (the) moment
estum preparer - I prepare
por un intervistu d'telefonu - for a telephone interview
a jur - today (lit. "to day")
kon un kompanu - with a company
in Hamburg - in Hamburg
estum amer Hamburg - I love Hamburg
u portu d'Hamburg - the Hamburg port
i fiski freskis - the fresh fish (lit. pl. "the fresh fishes")
y - and
u szenu d'musiku y d'kultur - the music and culture scene

Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a mrkunlovevn@gmail.com! 

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Conlang - The Movie

A unique comedy about secret crushes, extreme linguistics and the language of love. Directed by Marta Masferrer and story by Baldvin Kári.

For more info please visit www.conlangthemovie.com or the Facebook group.

"Love to solve Klingon Word Jumbles? Can you provide a complete analysis of the jive term "Catch you on the flip side" back to it's social and historical origins? Can you receit the Gettysburg Address using the "izzle" suffix? Or maybe you're just in the mood for some nerd love? Check out Conlang, a little film about a club dedicated to "constructed languages" and the contest for linguistic superiority. This is a must see film!"

(Oxford's LOCAL)

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

The Fourth Language Creation Conference

Groningen. LCC4 will be in Groningen, Netherlands. It will be held on May 14th and 15th, 2011, under the direction of Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets.

If you have ideas for the conference or would like to participate, please email conference@conlang.org or submit them to our feedback forum at lcs.uservoice.com.

If you are interested in presenting at LCC4, please see our call for papers for more information.

Por mori informazoni visiter vebsitu d'Conlang.

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Pedro y Sabrina visiter Paris

Paris. Pedro and Sabrina are from different parts of Europe. Pedro is from the city of Sevilla in Spain and Sabrina from Berlin in Germany. They are sitting on a bench in a park in Paris. They have met for the first time and are curious to know where the other one is coming from and what they are doing.

Can you fill in the missing pieces?
Espanu plazer kvor-a solu guster kvanti amer fabrizer Germanu Germanus estut otri kafi parku visiter lingi kvas estum turismu jus ku parler kvel Espanus romanis n'estum

Pedro y Sabrina ______ sur banku in un _____. Pedro est d'Sevilla in ______ y Sabrina est d'Berlin in Germanu.

Pedro: "Hi, _____ Pedro. Estum d'Sevilla in Espanu. Y _____? __ estut?"
Sabrina: "Estum Sabrina. Estum d'Berlin in _______."
Pedro: "Ah! Berlin! Estum ____ Berlin. "
Sabrina: "Y estum amer Espanu. In partikulari i kusti, u maru y u ___. Y manjaru espanus y vinu tintus."
Pedro: "Estut ______ Espanus?"
Sabrina: "Non, estum parler di _____ kvel sont ________ y Anglus. Y estut? ______ lingi estut parler? Estut parler Germanus?"
Pedro: "Non, _______ parler lingu Germanus. Estum parler tri lingi ____ sont _______, Franzus y Italus."
Sabrina: "Ah! Estum amer i lingi _______."
Pedro: "Kvas estut _______ in Paris?"
Sabrina: "Estum _______ multi musei, u tur d'Eiffel y ____ atrakzoni d'_______. Y estut? ____ estut fabrizer in Paris?"
Pedro: "Estum visiter multi restoranti y ____ d'Paris. Estut ______ un kafu o un ___?"
Sabrina: "Estum! ______ estut guster?"
Pedro: "Café d'Espagne!"

Vorti novis - New words
Espanu - Spain
Espanus - Spanish (language)
plazer - sit
kvor-a - where to
solu - sun
guster - like
kvanti - how many
amer - love
fabrizer - do
Germanu - Germany
Germanus - German (language)
estut - you are
otri - other(s)
kafi - cafes/coffees
parku - park
visiter - visit
lingi - languages
kvas - what
estum - I am
turismu - tourism
jus - juice
ku - who
parler - speak
kvel - which
romanis - romanic
n'estum - I am not

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Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a mrkunlovevn@gmail.com! 

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Monday, February 7, 2011

Em parler tri lingi...

EU Kvanti lingi estut parler? Em parler tri lingi kvel sont Germanus, Anglus y lingu novus Eulingu.
EN How many languages do you speak? I speak three languages which are German, English and (the) new language Eulingu.
DE Wie viele Sprachen sprichst Du? Ich spreche drei Sprachen, welche sind Deutsch, Englisch und (die) neue Sprache Eulingu.

As much as we like "estum" ("I am") we more and more tend to embrace the slangu term "em" which somehow reminds us of the sound "I am" :-)

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Eulingu - The "U-lingu"?

Dublin. Many describe Eulingu as the "U-lingu". There are various reasons why we shall use the ending "-u" which are laid out and explained in greater detail here:

1. Substantive/Noun: The suffix classifies a word as a "substantivu" (= "substantive/noun"), i.e. "a parler" ("to speak") => "parleru" - "(the) speaking" or "parlu" - (the) speech. Bear in mind, Eulingu is all about simplicity, flexibility and identification and therefore shall be easily recognizable. We more or less only deal with substantives ("-u"), verbs ("-er") and/or adjectives ("-us").

2. Gender: The word becomes genderless, i.e. "amiku" - "friend" which can be a female or male friend but which can be more specified by replacing the "-u" with "-a" (female) or "-o" (male) => "una amika" ("a female friend") or "uno amiko" ("a male friend"). As you can see, the article ("un", "una" y/o "uno") always carries the same ending as the substantive, which is not always the case in European languages.

3. European languages: The ending "-u" steps in for several endings in European languages such as "-ie" (German/French), "-y" (English) or "-ia" (Spanish/Italian). It also replaces vowels such as "a" and "e", i.e. "Europa" or "Europe" simply transform into "Europu". We also watch "democracy" (one of the greatest words and achievements in history) become "demokrazu" not favouring one but all European languages.

4. Singular/Plural: The suffix "-u" indicates the singular, the plural "-i" is applied accordingly, i.e. "un lingu" ("a language") but "tri lingi" ("three languages").

5. Compound: In addition, "-u" can be found in compund endings such as "-anzu" or "-azonu", i.e. "toleranzu" ("tolerance") or "kreazonu" ("creation").

6. Surlingu/Slangu: More advanced speakers of Eulingu (i.e. in "Slangu") will be able to discard of the "-u" ending, i.e. "un panu" ("a bread") simply becomes "un pan", "un kapu" ("a head") "un kap" or "un blogu" ("a blog") "un blog". As long as we understand each other, everything is possible. On the Eulingu blog we will promote "Surlingu" (main language) but we will also give examples of "Slangu".

7. Last syllable: The ending "-u" also vanishes in cases where the last syllable already consists of the vowel "u", i.e. in "kultur" ("culture") or "manikur" ("manicure"). The same rule applies to words with only one syllable, i.e. "hus" ("house"), "jus" ("juice"), "kult" ("cult"), "kur" ("cure") y/o "lung" ("lung").

Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a mrkunlovevn@gmail.com! 

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Eulingu - Where to start and where to go

'Eulingu shall start at the lowest common ground of European languages', says Arne Duering, 'and then work its way up to transform and develop into a proper recognizable language. During this process it shall show the utmost respect for the different European languages and cultures which hopefully will all be reflected in the final structure.'

With this "bottom up" approach Eulingu hopes to attract as many supporters as possible, either as loyal but critical advocates or as solid contributors operating within the "Amiki d'Eulingu" network.

The "Friends of Eulingu" were introduced as the information gathering community and act further as the developing, monitoring and guiding body of the Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) project.

'The "amiki" need feedback such as comments on blog posts, on Facebook or on Twitter', explains Arne Duering, 'in order to move forward and in order to get the approval stamp from the people of Europe.'

Un tostu kon marmeladu y/o nugatu?

Em preparer un otru tasu d'kafu kon multu latu y un tostu kon bur y marmeladu d'aprikosu o nugatu? Em penser em preferer nugatu.

Vorti novis - New words
em preparer - I prepare (short for "estum preparer")
un otru tasu d'kafu - another cup of coffee
kon multu latu - with lots of milk
y un tostu - and a toast
kon bur - with butter
y marmeladu d'aprikosu - with apricot jam/marmelade
o nugatu - or nougat
em penser - I think/guess
em preferer nugatu - I prefer nougat

Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu blog y/o visiter-nu in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a mrkunlovevn@gmail.com! 

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu