Friday, March 23, 2012

Un poku d'Grekus - A little bit of Greek

EUL A tagu estun presente un poku d'Grekus kel est parlet in Greku.
ENG Today we present a little bit of Greek which is spoken in Greece.
DEU Heute praesentieren wir ein bisschen Griechisch, das in Griechenland gesprochen wird.

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Monday, March 19, 2012

Un poku d'Bulgarus - A little bit of Bulgarian

EUL Es un poku d'lingu bulgarus i faktu es numero 8 in Bulgarus "awesome".
ENG This is a little bit of Bulgarian language and the fact that the number 8 in Bulgarian is "awesome".
DEU Dies ist ein bisschen bulgarische Sprache und die Tatsache, dass die Nummer 8 in Bulgarisch "awesome" ist.

Or was it осем (osem)? :-)

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Friday, March 16, 2012

Un poku d'lingu romanus

EUL Es un poku d'lingu romanus kel estu partu d'familu d'lingu romanus.
ENG This is a little bit of Romanian language which is part of the Romanic language family.
DEU Dies ist ein bisschen rumaenische Sprache, die Teil der romanischen Sprachfamilie ist.

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Skipe letru "r" in sufiksu d'verbi

Gramatiku. Can we skip the "r" in "-er" going forward? Yep! Estun skipe "r" in sufiksu "-er"! :-)

EUL Em guste Eulingu mas n'em guste finu "-er" in formu d'verbu!
ENG I like Eulingu but I don't like (the) ending "-er" in the verb form!
DEU Ich mag Eulingu, aber ich mag nicht (die) Endung "-er" in der Verbform!

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Un tasu d'poriju - A cup of porridge

EUL Em manje un tasu d'poriju kon latu a manju d'matinu.
ENG I am eating/eat a cup of porridge with milk for/at breakfast.
DEU Ich esse eine Tasse Haferschleim/Porridge/Haferflocken mit Milch zum Fruehstueck.

How do we get from "porridge" to "poriju" and the bigger question, how am I able to form general nouns in Eulingu from "natlangs"? Well, in the case of "porridge" we have both sound and spelling: "porridge" and [po'ridsh] i/o [po'rizh]. According to our "reglu d'un letru" we do not encourage double consonants in Eulingu as "rr", therefore we can already and easily form: "pori" (as it present in both sound and spelling). 

Now the tricky part, do we go with sound or spelling when reflecting "-dge"? Currently we tend towards sound as this is what we will "hear" in future conversations. Therefore we need to look at [dsh] i/o [zh] (rather than "-dge") which in Eulingu is represented by the letter "j": "porij". 

As we treat "porridge" as something genderless and singular, the ending "-u" is required: "poriju" or "poriji" if we form the plural with "-i": Vadun manje multi poriji in estu semanu - We are going to eat lots of porridges (in) this week.

Ti fragi i komenti? Your comments and questions?

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Abrevu novus d'Eulingu

Out of respect and admiration for the Basque language (EU Euskara) we have changed the abbreviation for Eulingu from "EU" to "EUL". Going forward we will present all languages in that particular format of "tri letri" (ENG FRA ITA DEU ESP etc). 

Apologies if my/our previous behaviour has offended anyone, that was never my/our intention! Multi danki!

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lu tagu primus d'semanu

EUL Es luntagu lu tagu primus d'semanu.
IPA [es lun'ta'gu lu ta'gu pri'mus d' se'ma'nu]
ENG Monday is the first day of the week.
DEU Montag ist der erste Tag der Woche.
FRA Le lundi est le premier jour de la semaine.
ITA Lunedì è il primo giorno della settimana.
POR A segunda-feira é o primeiro dia da semana.

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu y d'Europu