Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Un letru a Pablo

EU Vadun skriber un letru a no amiko Pablo mas n'estun viser su adresu. Kel est su adresu? Esto habiter in Madrid in Espanu mas n'estun viser lu stratu i lu numeru d'stratu.
EN We are going to write a letter to our friend Pablo but we do not know his address. What is his address? He lives in Madrid in Spain but we do not know the street and the street number.
DE Wir werden einen Brief an unseren Freund Pablo schreiben, aber wir wissen seine Adresse nicht. Wie ist seine Adresse? Er wohnt in Madrid in Spanien, aber wir wissen die Strasse und die Hausnummer nicht.
ES Vamos a enviarle una carta a Paulo, pero no sabemos donde vive. ¿Cual es su dirección? Sabemos que vive en Madrid, pero no sabemos cual es la calle en que vive ni el número de su casa.
FR On va envoyer une lettre à Paul, mais on ne connaît pas son adresse. On sait qu'il habite à Madrid, mais on ne sait pas ni le numéro de maison ni la rue où il habite.

I in tu lingu i/o otri lingi?

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Monday, February 27, 2012

Em laver-mu - I wash myself

A matinu estum laver-mu, mu korpu, mu kapu i mu kapelu kon shampu i gelu d'laveru
In the morning I wash myself, my body, my head and my hair with shampoo and shower gel
Am Morgen wasche ich mich, meinen Koerper, meinen Kopf und mein Haar mit Shampoo and Duschgel
Por la mañana me lavo el cuerpo, la cabeza y el cabello con champú y gel

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Simplicity within Eulingu

Simplicity is one of the main ingredients of Eulingu to avoid confusion and misspelling. In this example "a message" is reflected as "un mesaju" losing its second "s" and turning its "g" into "j" representing the sound [zh] or [dzh] => [un me'sa'zhu]

Not to be confused with "masaju" [ma'sa'zhu] which we definitely need after all the hard work :-)

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Friday, February 24, 2012

What a baggage :-)

This is my personal understanding of "identification" and a way to bring etymology, sound and spelling together. I have chosen the word "baggage" which in "Skriblingu" (or "Skribilingu" - the written language) is reflected as "bagagu" and in "Parlingu" (or "Parlilingu" - the spoken language) as "bagaju" - focusing on the sound [ba'ga'zhu]. For the time being I guess both variations are acceptable and we will see which one will prevail in the future.

While checking in at Hamburg airport on Wednesday I thought about another alternative: "bagu" and "bagi" :-)

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A manju d'matinu

A manju d'matinu estum manjer un panu kon bur, pastetu i un ovu fritus. Yum!
At/for breakfast I eat a bread with butter, pâté and a fried egg. Yummy!
Beim/zum Fruehstueck esse ich ein Brot mit Butter, Pastete und einem Spiegelei. Lecker!

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Flexibility within Eulingu

Eulingu has three guidelines:

1. Simplicity
2. Indentification
3. Flexibility

This image gives us an idea how to reflect the 3. guideline in Eulingu. We have a strong grammar which allows the use of some minor alterations (e.g. "em" instead of "estum") and an inventory which reflects the diversity of European languages (which of course is subject to Eulingu's grammar, e.g. "un tagu" i/o "un jur" for "a day").

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

Friday, February 3, 2012

Tri parti d'Eulingu - The three parts of Eulingu

In a way Eulingu can be split into 3 parts:

Skolilingu: Strictly ruled by our brain (School language)
Tagilingu: Ruled by our "gut feeling" adding herbs & spices to our language meal (Day2Day Language)
Slangu: Wherever our feet carry us (Slang)

Un eksemplu:

Skolilingu: Estum bever un tasu d'kafu i manger un panu kon buru - I drink a cup of coffee and eat a bread with butter.
Tagilingu: Em bever un tas d'kafu i manger un pan kon bur.
Slangu: M bev tas kaf i mang burpan.

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

"Y" to "I"

Going forward we have changed "y" (and) to "i", "o" (or) remains the same, so:

-If you wanted to combine two words or sentences in Eulingu with the word "and", you can do so by using "i" [i:]: Marta i Marko bever kafu i (esti) leser un magazinu - Marta and Marco drink coffee and (they) read a magazine

-If you leave the option of "and/or" you simply use "i/o": Estut skriber un letru i/o un kartu? - Do you write a letter and/or a (post) card? Estut telefoner kon Marta i/o skriber un letru? - Do you phone Marta and/or (do you) write a letter?

-If you needed a clear answer go for "o": Estut guster kafu o biru? - Do you like coffee or beer?

Let us know what you think! :-)

© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu