Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e' ?"

Sprechen Sie Volapük? Oder Loglan? Seit mehr als hundert Jahren tüfteln Wissenschaftler und Visionäre an einer Sprache für alle. Einigen konnten sie sich bislang nicht, doch ein Zungenschlag ist stark im Kommen - Zehntausende sprechen klingonisch. Von Ariane Stürmer

Por mori informazoni on EULINGU email: mrkunlovevn@gmail.com or eulingu@gmail.com, con-vil-ud!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Montenegro files EU membership application

Montenegru. Montenegro on Monday presented its official application for EU membership to current EU President Nicolas Sarkozy, hoping to win EU candidate country status some time next year.

Por mori informazoni en EULINGU email: mrkunlovevn@gmail.com or eulingu@gmail.com, con-vil-ud!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Nu orkestru d'vidu

€ Estam conduktir t'orkestru d'vidu con instrumenti d'amoru
EN I conduct the orchestra of life with the instruments of love
DE Ich dirigiere das Orchester des Lebens mit den Instrumenten der Liebe

Por mori informazoni en EULINGU email: mrkunlovevn@gmail.com or eulingu@gmail.com, con-vil-ud!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Norm y slang - Ni legi d'femi

Estam qvestir t'maskuli totali d'Europu: "Qvem sontiy amir?" et sont respondir ni maskuli: "Sontiv amir t'femi con legi longi!"

A qvest maskuli totali d'Europu: "Qvem y lov?" et sont respondir ni maskuli: "V lov femi con legi longi!"

estam qvestir - I ask
t'maskuli totali d'Europu - all the men of Europe
qvem sontiy amir? - Whom do you love?
sont respondir ni maskuli - the men respond
sontiv amir - we love
t'femi - the women (akk.pl.)
con legi longi - with long legs
A qvest - I ask
qvem y lov? - whom do you love?
v lov femi con legi longi - we love the women with long legs

Por mori informazoni en EULINGU email: mrkunlovevn@gmail.com or eulingu@gmail.com, con-vil-ud!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Un definizon d'constructed languages

Wikipedia. A constructed or artificial language—known colloquially or informally as a conlang—is a language whose phonology, grammar, and/or vocabulary have been consciously devised by an individual or group, instead of having evolved naturally. There are many possible reasons to create a constructed language: to ease human communication (see international auxiliary language and code); to bring fiction or an associated constructed world to life; linguistic experimentation; celebration of one's aesthetic tastes in language; and language games.

The synonym planned language is sometimes used to refer to international auxiliary languages and other languages intended for actual use in human communication. Some prefer it to the more common term "artificial", as that term may have pejorative connotations in some languages. For example, few speakers of Interlingua consider their language artificial, since they assert that it has no invented content. While this is not true of Esperanto and Ido, some speakers of these languages also avoid the term "artificial language" because they deny that there is anything "unnatural" about the use of their language in human communication. (In Esperanto itself, the equivalent of English "artificial" does not have the same pejorative connotation, having more connection with the concept of "art".) Some philosophers such as François Rabelais have argued that all human languages are conventional or artificial.

Calling languages "planned" also addresses a difficulty with the term "constructed language": a few languages are loosely grouped under this heading as a result of shared history and uses but are not, by their proponents, themselves viewed as constructed. Interlingua's vocabulary is taken from a small set of natural languages with much less phonological modification than in Esperanto or Ido, and its grammar is based closely on these source languages, even including a certain degree of irregularity; its proponents prefer to describe its vocabulary and grammar as standardized rather than invented.

Por mori informazoni visit nu artiklu d'Wikipedia

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gramar d'Eulingu - Teatru/teatri vs. teatar/teatari & artiklu/artiklu vs. artikal/artikali

EN It is the goal of Eulingu to make the creation, grammar, spelling, phonology, vocabulary and pronounciation of words as simple as possible, so that the European mind grows accustomed to it in order to lay the foundation for this new European auxiliary language. Therefore it is sometimes necessary to allow 2 or more different versions of the same term/expression when no agreement can be found (the roman-germanic clash :-) within the Skol d'Eulingu => i.e. "day" = dag vs. jur => both terms are acceptable and can be used within Eulingu as seen in the following examples.

Oskar: "God dag, Sarah!"
Sarah: "God dag, Oskar, qva'estud drinkir?"
Oskar: "Estam drinkir un tasu d'tey"

Pierre: "Bon jur, Jose!"
Jose: "Bon jur, Pierre, qva'estud drinkir?"
Pierre: "Estam drinkir un tasu d'cafu"

Up to now endings such as "-cle" or "-kel" are/were translated as "-al" into Eulingu but - although it seems a pretty solid and easy solution - make a word rather long, therefore the Skol d'Eulingu has introduced a second alternative in the form of "-klu" and "-kli", i.e. nu artikal/ni artikali vs. nu artiklu/ni artikli. 

Both variations are allowed and can be used within Eulingu and it will be decided at a later stage, which will be part of the future "main lang" while the other will be described as "slang lang". Similar rules apply to the existing "-ar" ending which replaces "-re" and "-er", i.e. nu teatar/ni teatari vs. nu teatru/ni teatri => it has to be seen which version will become most familiar with Europeans.

€ Dar destinazon d'Eulingu...to be continued

Istanbul 2010 - European Capital Of Culture

Istanbul. The idea of having a European Capital of Culture was first put forward in 1985 when Melina Mercouri was Greek Minister for Culture. In the same year the European Union Council of Ministers determined the scope of the project and put it into implementation. From 1985 to 2000 one city from the countries which were members of the European Union was selected each year as European Capital of Culture. To mark the start of the new millennium, from 2000 onwards the title of European Capital of Culture began to be given both to more than one city each year and to cities in countries which were candidates for EU membership.

Por mori informazoni vistir www.istanbul2010.org, con-vil-ud!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

European Day of Languages, 26 September - Celebrating linguistic diversity, plurilingualism, lifelong language learning

At the initiative of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, the European Day of Languages is celebrated since 2001 on 26 September.

800 million Europeans throughout the Council of Europe 47 member states are encouraged to learn more languages, at any age, in and out of school. Being convinced that linguistic diversity is a tool for more intercultural understanding, the Council of Europe promotes cultural richness and plurilingualism in whole Europe.
On the occasion of the day, a range of events are organised across Europe: happenings for children, television and radio programmes, language classes, conferences, etc. Member states and potential partners, in particular schools, are given a free hand to organise activities. To coordinate the activities organised at national level, the Council of Europe asks participating countries to nominate "National Relay Persons" who also disseminate promotional material produced by the Council of Europe.

Por mori informazoni visit: http://www.ecml.at/edl/

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Film - Body of lies

EN Based on Washington Post columnist David Ignatius' 2007 novel about a CIA operative, Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio), who uncovers a lead on a major terrorist leader suspected to be operating out of Jordan. When Ferris devises a plan to infiltrate his network, he must first win the backing of cunning CIA veteran Ed Hoffman (Russell Crowe) and the collegial, but perhaps suspect, head of Jordanian intelligence. Although ostensibly his allies, Ferris questions how far he can really trust these men without putting his entire operation - and his life - on the line.

€ Est basirdt on noval d'columnist d'Washington Post David Ignatius in 2007 sur operative d'CIA, Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio), qv'est detektir un lead on major figur d'terror qv'est suspektirdt to operir ut Jordan...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cathi Bruns - Un sonu novu por Europu

Dublin. Dar sonu y music novu d'fem Cathi Bruns. Est habitir Cathi Bruns in Dublin in Iru. Audir ni canzoni on: www.myspace.com/cathibruns y on: http://amiestreet.com/music/cathi-bruns/inner-radio/

"Patar nos" en Eulingu

Patar nos qv’est in cael
Est sanktirdt dun nom
Est arivir dun regnu
Est okurir dun vil
In cael as in teru
Donir-nus nos pan d’jur
Pardonir-nus nos debit
As v pardonir nos debitori
Y non conduktir-nus in temptazon
But liberir-nus ab mal
Por dun est nu regnu
Nu forzu y nu gloru
Por eternitu

©2008 Lokalisazon d'Skol d'Eulingu

Monday, November 24, 2008

Un traval trans Eurpou

Europu. N'est nu traval to Yerusalam but est nu traval trans Europu. V travalir con multi medi d'transport as ped, tren, car, ship y aeroplan. Dur traval v lesir libri y jurnali sur urbi d'Europu. V departir in lokazoni foran, v arivir in lokazoni eksotic et v dormir in hoteli, apartmenti y flati por un or multi juri/dagi. V akzeptir lingi y culturi diferenti d'Europu, v manjir y drinkir manjari y drinki diferenti et v audir canzoni y music diferenti. Dar varietu, beautu y diversitu in Europu et v amir/lovir varietu, beautu y diversitu niast. Lov y respekt por populi d'Europu!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

EULINGU on Facebook - Join us!

© Skol d'Eulingu

The big question: How to form an artificial language which makes sense to everyone or at least to most of us?

One would agree that it seems a great and sometimes impossible challenge TO create a unilang which would serve all Europe and Europeans as a European auxiliary language such as Esperanto or Interlingua. While Esperanto & Interlingua were introduced in late 1880 and mid 1950, more up-to-date approaches seem necessary to deal with the enormous changes in social, cultural & European life. R u ready?

Democracies, elections (just look at Obama in the US), the internet, mobile phones & free boundaries opened up a new world which cannot be ignored, therefore the European Spirit needs to be held up high and its influence should be reflected in every step of our attempt in creating a European Unilang.

If you want to be part of this challenge sign up on => FACEBOOK and download our logo, feel free to fill the top left "white part" with your personal ideas :-)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quote by Thomas Jefferson

USA. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.'

Thomas Jefferson 1802

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ni fruti d'glob

Dar multi fruti qv'sont distribuirdt sur glob. Dar fruti d'mar, dar fruti d'land, dar fruti d'forst y dar fruti d'teru. Sont ni orangi ni fruti d'land con multi vitamini por nu systemu humanuq.

Dar multi fruti - there are many fruits
qv'sont distribuirdt - which are dirstributed
sur glob - over the globe/earth
dar fruti d'mar - there are fruits of the sea
dar fruti d'land - there are fruits of the land
dar fruti d'forst - there are frutis of the wood/forest
y dar fruti d'teru - and there are fruits of the soil
sont ni orangi ni fruti d'land - the oranges are the fruits of the land
con multi vitamini - with plenty of vitamins
por nu systemu humanuq - for the human system/body

Monday, November 17, 2008

Nu lingu d'art LINGUA EURANA d'Klaus H. Dieckmann

DE Die Lingua Eurana ist als Sprache des europäischen Volkes entworfen. Sie ist logisch aufgebaut, "einfach" zu sprechen, mit einer regelmäßigen Grammatik. Die Lingua Eurana hat ihre Wurzeln im klassischen Lateinischen und ähnelt den romanischen Sprachen und kann in kurzer Zeit erlernt werden. Sie wird Ihnen sicherlich gefallen. Die Zeichenschrift zu beherrschen dauert natürlich länger, macht aber Spaß und vermittelt neue Einsichten und Ideen über die chinesische Kultur. Diese Schrift ist von besonderer Ästhetik. Je länger man sich damit beschäftigt, desto mehr Fazetten und unerwartete Assoziationen fallen einem auf, ein Aspekt, den die Lateinschrift nicht bietet.

Eksplanazon by Klaus H. Dieckmann

€ Est developirdt Lingua Eurana as un lingu d'populu europuq. Estun construirdt con logiq, simpal to parlir, con gramar constant y regular. Hab nu Lingua Eurana nus rutagu in Latin clasic et estun similar to ni lingi romaniq et canud studir Lingua Eurana in tid brev. U vil favorir nu lingu, as fakt. Natural est demandir tid to controlir nu font d'signali, but dar fun et estun transmitir comprezoni y idi novi sur nu culturu chinuq. Dar aestetic particular in font nuast. Nu mor estud okupir con font, nu mor estud detektir faseti y asoziazoni unekspektdt, un aspekt qv'est non ofarirdt by font d'Latin.

Translazon/Lokalisazon by Arne Duering

est developirdt - is developed (pas: est/sont + verb-ir-dt)
as un lingu d'populu europuq - as a language of the European people
estun construirdt - it is constructed
con logic - with logic = logically
simpal to parlir - easy to speak
con gramar constant y regular - with a constant and regular gramar
hab nu Lingua Eurana - the Lingua Eurana has
nus rutagu - its roots (its = nu + s, pl. ni +s)
in Latin clasic - in classic Latin
et estun similar to - and it is similar to
ni lingi rom(an)iq - the roman languages (adj: rom(an) + oq, pl. rom(an) + iq)
et canud studir Lingua Eurana - and you/one can study Lingua Eurana
in tid brev - in short time
U vil favorir nu lingu - U will favor/enjoy the language
as fakt - certainly, in fact
natural est demandir tid - naturally it takes time
to controlir - to control
nu font d'signali - the font/script(ure) of signs
but dar fun - but it makes/there is fun
et estun transmitir - and it transmits
comprezoni y idi novi - new insights and ideas
sur nu culturu chinuq - on Chinese culture (adj: chinu + q)
dar aestetic particular - there is a particular aesthetic
in font nuast - in that/this font/script(ure) (superlativ: nu + ast)
Nu mor...nu mor - the more...the more
estud okupir - occupy yourself
con font - with the font
estud detektir - you detect
faseti y asoziazoni unekspektdt - unexpected facets and associations (un + ekspekt + dt)
un aspekt - an aspect
qv'est non ofarirdt - which is not offered (qv: "q" por lingi romaniq et "v" por lingi germaniq)
by font d'Latin - by (the) Latin font

Tapas - Nu spezialitu d'Espanu

Espanu. Dar manjari ekselenti in Espanu qv'est nomdt Tapas. Sont tapas porzoni smali qv'sont servirdt as hors d'oevre or curs major. As term hors d'oevre dar multi vordi in Eulingu qv'est conservir nu form original, i.e. vordi franciq in sektor manjar :-)

Tapas by Susanne Tee
Dar libar d'editora y skribtora Susanne Tee con nom "Tapas" qv'est availabal sur Derecoquinaria y Amazon.

Susanna Tee es escritora y editora, así como una excelente cocinera. Cuando estudiaba economía doméstica, recibió una beca de Nestlé que le brindó la oportunidad de realizar estudios sobre alimentación y cocina en Europa. En su vida cotidiana, Sussana compagina sus dos grandes pasiones: viajar y la cocina internacional.

Intru d'libar "Tapas" by Susanne Tee

Est Susanne Tee skribtora y editora, also un cuisinora ekselenta. During studiu d'economía doméstica, hadal rezepir un burs d'Nestlé qv'est bringdt oportunitu to realizir eksperimenti d'nutrizon y d'cuisin in Europu in particular. In las vidu banal, est combinir Susanne las do pazoni grandi: traval y nu cuisin internazonal.

Translazon/Lokalisazon by Arne Duering

nu spezialitu d'Espanu - the speciality of Spain
dar manjari ekselenti - there is/are excellent food(s)
in Espanu - in Spain
qv'est nomdt Tapas - which are called Tapas
sont tapas porzoni smali - Tapas are small portions
qv'est servirdt as hors d'oevre - which are served as hors d'oevre
or curs major - or main course
as term hors d'oevre - as the term hors d'oevre
dar multi vordi in Eulingu - there are many words in Eulingu
qv'est conservir - which conserve
nu form original - the original form
i.e. vordi franciq - i.e. French words
in sektor manjar - in the food sector
dar libar d'editora y skribtora Susanne Tee - there is a buk by the (female) editor and (female) writer Susanne Tee
con nom "Tapas" - with the name "Tapas"
qv'est availabal sur... - which is available on...
also un cuisinora ekselenta - also an excellent (female) cook
during studiu d'economía doméstica - during (her) studies of economía doméstica
hadal rezepir - she has received (had + al + verb + ir, she = L and the female ending is -al, i.e. she puts a bottle of red wine on the table = estal put(ir) un botal vinu roz on tabal, her = las)
un burs d'Nestlé - a bursary of Nestlé
qv'est bringdt oportunitu - which brings the opportunity
to realizir eksperimenti - to conduct experiments
d'nutrizon y d'cuisin in Europu - of nutrition and cuisine in Europe
in particular - in particular
in las vidu banal - in her daily life
est combinir Susanne - Susanne combines
las do pazoni grandi - her two great passions
traval y nu cuisin internazonal - travel and the international cuisine

Monday, November 3, 2008

Barack Obama: 44th president of the United States of America

Chikagu. Dar Barack Obama nu president-elect d'Unitdt Stati d'Ameriku (USA). Dank to Ameriku por Barack Obama! Por tid unast est considir Europu Ameriku as un amiku d'Europu y d'populi d'Europu. Por tid unast est considir Europu Ameriku as un nazon q'est bring(ir) change to glob et por tid unast est admirir Europu Ameriku por demokratu amerikuz. Yes, we can!

Ni artikali: Nu, Ni y Un

Nu/Ni: The definite articles "nu" and "ni" derive from the Irish articles “an” (sgl.) and “na” (pl.). In Europun “nu” means “the” (sgl.) and “ni” “the” (pl.). There is no distinction between f, m and n =>

nu fem – the woman, ni femi – the women
nu patar – the father, ni patari – the fathers
nu strat – the street and ni strati – the streets

Un: The indefinite article is “un” and there is no distinction between f, m and n =>
un fem – a (one) woman
un patar – a (one) father
un strat – a (one) street

-u: There appear to be cases where an additional "-u" is added to words in the singular form to replace "ordinary" endings such as "-y", "-o", "-ia" or "-ie"=>
un dikzonaru - a (one) dictonary
nu solu - the solo
un cafu - a (one) cafe, coffee

COUSCOUS (la graine et le mulet) by Anton Bitel

Abdel Kechiche's third feature is an ensemble film about food, family, failure and friction within France's community of North African émigrés

Dar feature triast d'
Abdel Kechiche un film ensembal sur fud, famil, failur y frikzon in categoru d'emigranti d'Nord Afriku d'Franzu

Take the grain away from fish couscous and you are left with nothing to absorb the acidity of the mullet or the spiciness of the sauce. A similar principle is at work in Abdellatif Kechiche's film.

All the ingredients seem to be in place for a predictable ensemble recipe where everything will come together harmoniously in the end - only for the director to leave us impatient and slavering, like the protagonist's drunken dinner guests in the final scenes, for a perfect dish that may never arrive. In other words, he make us hungry for wishful fantasy, while slyly serving up something with all the frustrations, disappointments and unsavouriness of real life, so that we simultaneously are invited to dream up a happy conclusion while witnessing a tragic catastrophe that tastes very bitter indeed.

In a memorable image from Couscous, we see the 61-year-old Slimane (Boufares) running in circles, getting nowhere except out of breath, as he pursues a trio of taunting youths who have just stolen his moped at a moment when his future employment depends on it...read more => HERE!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yuropian by Florent Garet

Rouen/France. Yuropian is an imaginary variant of the English language, that could be the official language of the European Union.

hi sing - he sings
taim it flai laik an aro - Time if flies like an arrow
da haus ov mai fader - The house of my father

Nice job, Florent!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Libertu Egalitu Fratarnitu

Un lingu por un Europu q'est parldt among populi totali d'landi separati. Est regir nu motu libertu, egalitu y fratarnitu sur humani. As nu lingu Esperantu, est creir Europun un atmosfer d'unitu y akzeptanz. Dar vital por Europun to comunizir con categori relevanti totali d'sozietu...to be continued :-)

un lingu por un Europu - one language for one Europe
q'est parldt - which is spoken
among populi totali - among all people
d'landi separati - of the different countries
est regir nu motu...sur humani - the motto...reigns over the humans
libertu, egalitu y fratarnitu - liberty, equality and fraternity
as nu lingu Esperantu - as the language Esperanto
est creir - creates, is creating
un atmosfer d'unitu y akzeptanz - an atmosphere of unity and acceptance
dar vital por Europun - it is vital for Europun
to comunizir - to comunicate
con categori relevanti totali d'sozietu - with all relevant classes/categories of society

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Velkom to Episod 1 in lingu Europun. Dar nom atam Arne Duering. Estam Germanun but estam habitir in Dublin in Iru. I dag dar multi populi coniv/conus in Europu...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lekzon 1 - Tey or cafu in cafu d'Paris?

Paris. Est sit nu autor Samuel Beckett in cafu d'Paris et estos fum un zigaret. Est ariv un garzon Pierre con menu.

Garzon: "Bon jur, Samuel, tey or cafu i dag"?
Samuel: "Bon jur, Pierre, un kapuzinu, con-vil-ud".
Garzon: "Oh, un kapuzinu...yep, Samuel, un moment".

est sit -
nu autor -
in cafu -

Monday, July 14, 2008

Prise de la Bastille

The Storming of the Bastille in Paris occurred on 14 July 1789. While the medieval fortress and prison in Paris known as the Bastille contained only seven prisoners, its fall was the flashpoint of the French Revolution, and it subsequently became an icon of the French Republic. In France, Le quatorze juillet (14 July) is a public holiday, formally known as the Fête de la Fédération (Federation Holiday). It is usually called Bastille Day in English...more

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Nu Akademú d'Esperanto (Akademio de Esperanto)

La Akademio de Esperanto estas sendependa lingva institucio, kies tasko estas konservi kaj protekti la fundamentajn principojn de la lingvo Esperanto kaj kontroli ĝian evoluon.

La Akademio de Esperanto estis fondita en 1905 en la unua Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, laŭ propono de Zamenhof, sed tiam sub la nomo "Lingva Komitato". La nomon "Akademio de Esperanto" portis unue supera komisiono de la Lingva Komitato. En 1948 la Lingva Komitato kaj ĝia Akademio kunfandiĝis en unu solan korpon nomatan "Akademio de Esperanto".

Cliq piktur por mori infomazoni

Friday, June 27, 2008

SEPA Single Euro Payments Area

The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) initiative for the European financial infrastructure involves the creation of a zone for the euro in which all electronic payments are considered domestic, and where a difference between national and intra-European cross border payments does not exist. The project aims to improve the efficiency of cross border payments and turn the fragmented national markets for euro payments into a single domestic one: SEPA will enable customers to make cashless euro payments to anyone located anywhere in the area using only a single bank account and a single set of payment instruments. The project includes the development of common financial instruments, standards, procedures, and infrastructure to enable economies of scale. This should in turn reduce the overall cost to the European economy of moving capital around the region (estimated today as 2%-3% of total GDP)...more

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cowen gets year to sell 'Lisbon II' in new vote

TAOISEACH Brian Cowen has been given a year by his European counterparts to push through a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, the Irish Independent has learned...more here

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sejm celebrates 100 years of the Universal Esperanto Association

The Sejm, Poland’s lower house, is today celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Universal Esperanto Association in 1908 by Swiss journalist Hector Hodler.
Politicians have unilaterally hailed the continuation of the work started by Dr. Ludwik Zamenhof, a Polish opthalmologist and philologist who invented the language in 1887 in the north-eastern city of Białystok.

Parliamentarians declared in their bill that “in creating Esperanto [Dr. Zamenhof] wished to grant people the possibility to understand one another regardless of nationality, race, religion, or religious views.”

Esperanto is an international auxiliary language, and takes its name from the pseudonym originally taken by Zamenhof. According to some estimates, there are between 200 thousand and 2 million speakers of Esperanto around the world.

I dag est votir Irú on "tratado d'Lisboa" - Ireland says NO!

Dublin. Ireland voted and they voted NO to the Lisbon treaty. One reason which circulated among political and goverment figures causing the rejection obviously seems to be the late campaign start of the yes supporters, while the opponents benefitted from intense and wide spread initiatives.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ni ponti d'Prag - The bridges of Prague

Praha/Prag. Aft analysi d'lingi germanúz y romanúz v velkom nu lingo Czeqún to Europún.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ni avantazi d'Europún - Un composizon d'lingo

Esperanto vs. Europún In the long run there will be a decision whether Europún is strong enough or not to replace the existing and respected European auxilliary language Esperanto as the European Unilang?! The only way wud be thru simple and adaptable approaches...let's see what we have here...

Ni artikali: Nu, Ni et Un
Nu/Ni: The definite articles "Nu" and "Ni" derive from the Irish articles “An” (sgl.) and “Na” (pl.). In Europún “Nu” means “the” (sgl.) and “Ni” “the” (pl.). There is no distinction between f, m and n, i.e. nu fem – the woman, ni femi – the women, nu patar – the father, ni patari – the fathers, nu strat – the street and ni strati – the streets.

Un: The indefinite article is “Un” and there is no distinction between f, m and n, i.e. un fem – a (one) woman, un patar – a (one) father and un strat – a (one) street.

Ni casi d’Europúnoq

Garden: Un gan - Nu gan – Ni gani
Animal: Un animal - N’animal – Ni animali
Butter: Un bur – Nu bur – Ni buri
Car: Un car - Do cari
Genetiv (d’ oq/-iq)
Nu flor d’alpoq (sgl.)
Ni colori d’fiziq (pl.)

Dativ (i.e. con, por et en)
Con vin/vini
Por popul/populi
En lingo/lingi

Akusativ (t’)
Est esir nu human t’fud – Sont esir ni humani t’fudi

I faz/fazi
In automobil/automobili (“In” only used before “a-, e-, i-, o- and u-“ words)
In hus/husi (“In” only used before “h-“ words, vive la France :-)

Ay zabad – Ay zabadi
As tid – As tidi

Singular et Plural

Nominativ (-i):
As most of the words in Europún end with a consonant it is easy to add the plural suffix –i:
Un/Nu stat – Ni stati
Un/N’akv – Ni akvi
But: Un taksi/nu taksi - ni taksi

Genetiv (-eq, -iq or –qi):
Ni tabali d’bareq (sgl.)
Ni vali d’landiq (pl.)
Ni banqi d’parq (sgl.) y ni portali d’parqi (pl.)
Ni gani d’paradúqi (pl.)

Dativ/Akusativ/Lokativ/Temporativ (-i)
D: Con matar – Con matari
A: T’castal – T’castali
L: I zatox – I zatoxi
T: Ay tid d’soloq – Ay tidi d’soloq

Europún allows the speaker to pronounce a word in a way that is familiar to her/his own language (but to keep a unique spelling at the same time), i.e. Nu faz – The face:
English: Nu feıs
German: Nu fa∫
French: Nu fas

C, K et Q
C is the "K" in the beginning: con-vil-ud!
K is the "K" in the middle: n’akt (except Genetiv plural, i.e. ni pagi d’buqi)
Q is the "K" in the end: nu Iraq

Reason: The “K” sound is not equally represented in the European languages. Therefore a combination is needed to reflect the varieties of the “K” sound so different European language groups find it easier to accept Europún spelling.

Ni jokari - The jokers

Pronounced as “SH” (IPA "∫") it allows the speaker to use it as a soft “SH”, “TS” or even “S” in all its variety, i.e. nu zabad, nu zatox, nu danz.

Pronounced as “EE” (IPA "I:") it is replacing “-Y” in English, “-IE” in German and French, i.e. n’apatú, nu farmazú.

Pronounced as „CH“ (IPA "X") as in „Loch“ it allows the speaker to change the sound „CH“ to „K“ or “KS”, i.e. na monarxú, na export/eksport, na taxi/taksi (ni taxi/taksi pl.):
English: The monarchy, the export, the taxi
German: Die Monarchie, der Export, das Taxi
French: La monarchie, l’export, le taxi

N'avantaz - The advantage
N'artikal - The article
Nu - The (sgl.)
Ni - The (pl.)
Un - A, an, one
Nu fem - The woman
Nu patar - The father
Nu strat - The street

Nu cas - The case
Nominativ - The subject case
Nu gan - The garden
N'animal - The animal
Nu bur - The butter
Nu car - The car

Genetiv - The
Nu flor d'alpiq - The flower of the alps
Ni colori d'fiziq - The colours of fish(es)

Dativ - The
con - with
Nu vin - The wine
por - for
Nu popul - The people
en - in (language)
Nu lingo - The language

Akusativ - The object case
est esir - eat (only with humans)
Na fud - The food

Lokativ - The place case
i/in - in
Nu faz - The face
N'automobil - The automobile
Nu hus - The house

Temporativ - The time case
ay - in, at, on (in connection with time)
Na zabad - The Sabbath
as - during
Nu tid - The time

Singular et Plural - Singular and Plural
Nu stat - The state
N'akv - The water
Nu taksi - The taxi
Nu tabal - The table
Nu bar - The bar
Nu val - The valley
Nu land - The land, country
Nu banq - The bank
Nu parq - the parq
Nu portal - The portal
Nu paradú - The paradies
Nu matar - The mother
Nu castal - The castle
Nu zatox - The chateaux
Nu sol - The sun

C, K et Q - C, K and Q
con-vil-ud! - Please! (with-will-yours!)
N'akt - The act
Nu pag - The page
Nu buq - The book
Nu Iraq - The Iraq

Nu jokar - The joker
Nu danz - The dance
N'apatú - The apathy
Nu farmazú - The pharmacy
Nu monarxú - The monarchy
N'eksport - The export

Por mori informazoni on Europún email mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ud!

Grand prix d'Eurovision - Grand priz d'Eurovizon

Performer: Dima Bilan
Song title: Believe

The Eurovision Song Contest (French: Concours Eurovision de la Chanson) is an annual competition held among active member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

Each member country submits a song to be performed on live television and then casts votes for the other countries' songs to determine the most popular song in the competition. Each country participates via one of their national EBU-member television stations, whose task it is to select a singer and a song to represent their country in the international competition.

The Contest has been broadcast every year since its inauguration in 1956 and is one of the longest-running television programmes in the world. It is also one of the most-watched non-sporting events in the world, with audience figures having been quoted in recent years as anything between 100 million and 600 million internationally. Eurovision has also been broadcast outside Europe to such places as Australia, Canada, Mexico, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Jordan, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea, Vietnam, and the United States, despite the fact that these countries do not compete. Since the year 2000, the Contest has also been broadcast over the Internet, with more than 74,000 people in almost 140 countries having watched the 2006 edition online.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sup d’jur

€ Dar sup d’jur un portal nov por cuisine europúz in ordo to bring edukazon y fun en Europún to husi y populi differenti d’Europú.

sup d’jur/dag – soup of the day
portal nov – new portal
cuisine europúz – European cooking
in ordo to – in order to
bring – to bring
edukazon y fun – education and fun
en Europún – in (the) Europún (language)
husi y populi differenti d’Europú – different houses and people of Europe

Chanel N°5 - Un perfum por fem elegant

Paris. Most femi eleganti sont amir perfumi eksklusiv, i.e. odor N°5 d'brand Chanel. Por multi anni nu firm Chanel est nu favorit in mond d'vog y glamor.

perfum - perfume
fem elegant/femi eleganti - elegant woman/elegant women
most - most
sont amir - lov (pl.)
eksklusiv - exclusive
odor - fragrance/odour
brand - brand
por multi anni - for many years
nu firm Chanel - the firm/company Chanel
favorit - favourite
mond d'vog y glamor - world of fashion and glamour

Trans Europú - Un narrazon d'navigazon

Europú. Por mill/tusend anni var travalir ni tradori d’landi europúz con ship, wagon y per ped sur mar, pond, rivar y land trans Europú. In most tid sontiz orientir by stari in sky. Ni maskuli/homi/mani y ni femi d'tradi differenti var supportori grandi d'astronomú.

por mill/tusend anni - for thousand years
var travalir - travelled (pl.)
ni tradori - the traders
d’landi europúz - of the European countries (gen.)
con ship, wagon y per ped - per/by ship, coach and by foot
sur mar, pond, rivar y land - over the sea, pond, river and land
trans Europú - through Europe
in most tid - in most of the times
sontiz orientir - they orientate
by stari in sky - by the stars in the sky
ni maskuli/homi/mani y ni femi d'tradi differenti - the men and women of the different trades
supportori grandi d'astronomú - great supporters of astronomy

Labor d’domizil

€ Portal offizal d’informazon por labor d’domizil
DE Offizielles Informationsportal für Heimarbeit
FR Portail officiel d'informations pour travail à domicile
IT I portali d'informazioni ufficiali per lavoro a domicilio
EN Official portal of information for home work

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Log y logiq

€ Un log/vord d’logiq
EN A word of logic
DE Ein Wort der Vernunft/Logik

Gramar - Nu fin d’adjektiv in plural
Eksampal: Landi europúz but femi eleganti
Dar no suffiks –i in casi con end/fin –úz y -iv, but in most casi con consonanti dar end/fin est –i.