Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Un omlet espanúz con fruti d’maroq et mandarini

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas 2006: Un omlet espanúz con fruti d’maroq et mandarini

Sontiv esar omlet espanúz con fruti d’maroq, vegi, herbi et mandarini at tid d’Noloq

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Silent night, holy night!

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth "

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gramar: Vin or vino?

€ Estam vinar t'cup et drinkar t'vino roz
EN I win the cup and drink red wine
DE Ich gewinne den Pokal und drinke roten Wein

Gramar, por eksampal:

Na habitan
Est habatar un habatúr in apartment

Verb con -ar: est habitar - (is) lives(ing)
Passiv con -ad: sont drinkad - are drunken

Gerund con -an: na habitan - the living
Noun con -al: na final - the final

Person con -úr: na habitúr - the inhabitant, the tenant
Female person con -(r)us: n'akt(r)us - the actress
Male person con -or: n'aktor - the actor

Person con -ist: n'artist - the artist
Female person con -ista(s): n'/ni artista(s) - The female artist(s)
Male person con -isto(s): n'/ni artisto(s) - The male artist(s)

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Leona is the first female winner of the X Factor

€ Est vin Leona Lewis t’verzon englúz d’pop contestoq "X Factor"


Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Gram(m)ar d'Europúnoq

Ni tidi d'linguxoq Europún
Present => Est et sont
Estam parlar or sont drinkar ni maskuli t’bir blaq
Futur => Vol et vil
Volut sitar or vil audar ni femi yung t’vozi d’maskuliq alt
Past => Vos et var
Vos drivar na zofor t’automobil or variz qvestar t’garzon

The "k" sound: C, k et q
C: At start d’un vordoq, i.e. con
K: In midal et fin d’un vordoq, i.e. un aktúr or na folk
Q : Genetiv d’un vordoq, i.e. un glas d’vinoq roz

Gram(m)ar - Grammar
ni tidi d'linguxoq Europún - the times of the language Europún
Present - Present tense
est et sont - is or are
estam parlar - I (am) speak(ing)
or - or
sont drinkar - (are) drink(ing)
ni maskuli - the men
t’bir blaq - black beer (Akk.)
Futur - Future tense
vol et vil - will (sgl.) and will (pl.)
volut sitar - you will sit
vil audar - will hear
ni femi yung - the young women
t’vozi - the voices (pl.)
d’maskuliq alt - of the old men
Past - Past tense
vos et var - was and were
vos drivar - drove/was driving
na zofor - the chauffeur
t’automobil - the automobile (Akk.)
variz qvestar - asked/were asking
t’garzon - the waiter
at start d’un vordoq - at the beginning of a word
con - with
in midal et fin d’un vordoq - in the middle and end of a word
un aktúr or na folk - an actor (n.) or the folk
Genetiv d’un vordoq - Genetive of a word
un glas d’vinoq roz - a glass of red wine

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

James Bond: Who is the Real Thing? Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig?

€ Est playad na rol d’heroq James Bond i film “The world is not enough” by aktor irúz Pierce Brosnan in an 1999
EN The main role (role of the hero) James Bond in the movie “The world is not enough” is played by Irish actor Pierce Brosnan in the year 1999
DE Die Hauptrolle (Rolle des Helden - Heldenrolle) James Bond im Film “The world is not enough” wird vom irischen Schauspieler Pierce Brosnan gespielt im Jahre 1999

est playad - is played
na rol d’heroq - the main role
i film - in the movie
by aktor irúz - by the Irish actor
in an 1999 - in the year 1999

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Na markt et ni caroli d’Noloq

© „Regensburger Domspatzen“ in the cathedral, Regensburg

€ Sont singar ni infanti d’coroq t’caroli meditativ d’Noloq at markt d’Noloq or i catedral
~ sont sin-gar ni in-fan-ti d ko-rok t ka-ro-li me-di-ta-tiw d no-lok at markt d no-lok or i ka-te-dral
EN The children of the choir (are) sing(ing) contemplative Christmas carols at the Christmas market or in the cathedral
DE Die Kinder des Chors singen besinnliche Weihnachtslieder am Weihnachtsmarkt oder in der Kathedrale

Na markt – The market
Na carol (d’Noloq) – The (Christmas) carol
Nol – Christmas
sont singar – (are) sing(ing)
Na cor – The choir
meditative – contemplative
or - or, ou, oder
i, in - in
Na catedral - The cathedral, minster
por - for
mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

St. Nikola(u)s

€ Est arivar St. Nikola(u)s as nait ab 05.12. to 06.12.
~ Est a-ri-war sant ni-ko-la(u)s as na-it ab deschambar schinkast to deschambar seschast
EN St. Nikolas arrives during the night from 05.12. to 06.12.
DE St. Nikolaus kommt in der Nacht vom 05.12. zum 06.12.

est arivar - (is) arrives(-ing)
as - during, as
Na nait - The night
ab - from
to - to
por - for
mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

The difference between -úr and –ist

Verb => -úr, i.e. to act – to akt => N’aktúr/-or/-us/-ori/-usi
Noun => -ist, i.e. the art – n’art=> N’artist/-o/-a/-os/-as

€ Est lovar/amar n'aktus yung t'film d'artistoq alt
EN The young actress loves the the film/movie of the old artist (m.)
DE Die junge Schauspielerin liebt den Film des alten Künstlers

€ Sont zalabar ni artistas t'aktor aft performanz i theatar
EN The artists (f.) celebrate the actor (m.) after the performance in the theatre
DE Die Künstlerinnen feiern den Schauspieler (m.) nach dem Auftritt im Theater

mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Ni skribúri – The writers

Sont skribar ni skribúri con peni blu et ink/tint blaq t’vordi d’linguxoq Europún on pagi d’papiroq blanq
EN The writers write with blue pens and black ink words of the language Europún on pages of white paper
DE Die Schreiber schreiben mit blauen Stiften und schwarzer Tinte Wörter der Sprache Europún auf Seiten weissen Papiers

mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Ni qvart tidi d’anoq – The four seasons

€ Dar tid d’blumoq/floriq, tid d’soloq, tid d’coloriq et tid d’coldoq ni qvart tidi d’anoq
EN Spring (time of blooming/flowers), summer (time of sun), autumn/fall (time of colours/colors) and winter (time of cold) are the four seasons
DE Frühling (Zeit der Blühte/Blumen), Sommer (Zeit der Sonne), Herbst (Zeit der Farben) und Winter (Zeit der Kälte) sind die vier Jahreszeiten

Ni qvart tidi d’anoq - The four seasons
qvart - four
Na tid - The time
N'an - The year
N'tid d'anoq - The season
dar - there is, are but also (in this case) is/are as there is no other verb involved
Na tid d’blumoq/floriq - The spring
Na blum - The flower, blooming
Na flor - The flower
Na tid d’soloq - The summer
Na sol - The sun
Na tid d’coloriq - The autumn/fall
N acolor - The colour/color
Na tid d’coldoq - The winter
Na cold - The cold
mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

Jurnal d’Europúq – Un Jurnal por Un Europú

Dar na Jurnal d’Europúq (JE) na jurnal unast en Europún por totali populi d’Europúq. Est residar na redakzon d’jurnaloq i Dublin/Erú. Sont parlar ni artikali d’jurnaloq on Europú et historú d'Europúq, landi europúz, folki europúz, separati folklori et culturi europúz, populi europúz et themi europúz. Dar JE un jurnal d’monsoq et vil publizar na redakzon t'edizon unast i mons Yanur 2007.

dar - "there is, are" but also (in this case) "is/are" as there is no other verb involved
Na jurnal - The journal, periodical
d’Europúq - of Europe (gen.)
un - a, an, one
unast - first
en - in (language)
por - for
total - all
popul - people
Na populazon - The population
est residar - (is) resides(-ing) (sgl.)
Na reda(k)zon - the editorial department/office/staff, rédaction, redacción
Dublin/Erú (Irú) - Dublin/Éire (Ireland)
sont parlar...on - (are) talk(ing) about (pl.)
N'artikal - The article
et - and
Na historú - The history
Na land - The country, land
Na folk - The folk
separat - separate
Na folklor - The folklore
Na cultur - The culture
Na them - The theme
Na mons - The month
vil publizar - will publish
t'edizon - The edition (akk.)
mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)

Por mori informazoni on JE or Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!