Monday, November 28, 2011

In kuzinu - In (the) kitchen

EU Lara y Olga, di femi d'Rusu, esti in su kuzinu. Pavlo, ko esto d'Republiku Czekus, entrer kuzinu.

Pavlo: "Hi, kum estut?"
Olga: "Hi, Pavlo, estun grandus, kum estut?"
Pavlo: "Yep! Em grandus, Olga, danku! Estut kuker?"
Lara: "Non, n'estun kuker mas estun baker...un kaku...un kaku d'karoti. Estut guster kaku d'karoti, Pavlo?"
Pavlo: "Ah! Em amer kaku d'karoti, Lara! Em ablus a aver un poku?"
Olga y Lara: "Non in estu momentu, Pavlo! In 20 minuti, ok?"
Pavel: "Grandus! Em viser-ti in 19 minuti!"

EN Lara and Olga, two women from from Russia, (they) are in their kitchen. Pavel, who (he) is from the Czech Republic, enters (the) kitchen.

Pavel: "Hi, how are you?"
Olga: "Hi, Pavel, we are great/grand, how are you?"
Pavel: "Yep! I am great/grand, Olga, thanks! Are you cooking?"
Lara: "No, we are not cooking but we are baking...a cake...a carrot cake. Do you like carrot cake, Pavel?"
Pavel: "Ah! I love carrot cake, Lara! Am I able to/can I have a little/piece?"
Olga and Lara: "Not now/at this moment, Pavel! In 20 minutes, ok?"
Pavel: "Great! I see you in 19 minutes!"

DE Lara und Olga, zwei Frauen aus Russland, (sie) sind in ihrer Kueche. Pavel, der aus Tschechien (er) ist, betritt (die) Kueche.

Pavel: "Hi, wie geht es euch?"
Olga: "Hi, Pavel, uns geht es grossartig, wie geht es dir?"
Pavel: "Ja! Mir geht es grossartig, Olga, danke! Kocht ihr?"
Lara: "Nein, wir kochen nicht aber wir backen...einen Kuchen...einen Karottenkuchen. Magst du Karottenkuchen, Pavel?"
Pavel: "Ah! Ich liebe Karottenkuchen, Lara! Kann ich ein Stueck/bisschen (ab)haben?"
Olga und Lara: "Nicht jetzt/in diesem Moment, Pavel! In 20 Minuten, ok?"
Pavel: "Grossartig! Ich sehe euch in 19 Minuten!"

Gramatiku - Grammar
We like to highlight a few things in "estu eksemplu" for clarification. Let's start with "Lara y Olga, di femi d'Rusu, esti in su kuzinu", "two women from Russia", as we have more than one woman ("una fema") we use the plural form in "di femi". When we say "Lara y Olga esti in su kuzinu" we actually write "Lara and Olga (they) are in her/his/their kitchen", "esti" means "they are", "they" or "are" depending on context. In this case we have a simple "are", so end up with "Lara and Olga are in her/his/their kitchen", simple as that. But how do we know that it's actually "their" kitchen and not "hers" or "his" or even Pavel's. Well, let's always assume that "i populi" mentioned in the same sentence actually own the property as well, so in this case "Lara y Olga". Spanish behaves in a "similar" way. If you wanted to be more specific you can always say "kuzinu d'Pavlo" when Pavel is the owner of the kitchen. 

The term "kuzinu" is modelled on the Italian "cucina". As it is considered a "neutral" term we finish with a "-u" rather than the Romanic "-a/-e" as found e.g. in Italian, French and Spanish. Pavel enters the kitchen, "Pavlo entrer kuzinu", but more importantly, he is from the Czech Republic, "ko esto d'Republiku Czekus", we know "who" in Eulingu is generally "ku" (when considered "genderless") but it was rendered to "ko" in this case. Why? Let's say for consistency reasons as "esto" kind of "dictates" the "male" ending (-o) in the preceding word "who". If we had a female "Paula" (-a) in the room we would add "Paula, ka esta d'Republiku Czekus". But, if this both sounds too complicated just say "Pavlo/Paula, kel est d'Republiku Czekus", meaning "Pavel/Paula, which is from the Czech Republic". 

When asked by Pavel if they were cooking, Lara replied: "Non, n'estun kuker mas estun baker..." - "No, we are not cooking but we are baking...", "n'estun kuker" stands for "non estun kuker" or even "estun non kuker" (we are definitely flexible here).

Let's have a look at the next "sentenzu kel est un fragu": "Em ablus a aver un poku?" - "Can I have a piece?". But why is it a question as its structure can also mean "I am able to have a piece". Well, there is this "?" at the end of the "sentenzu" which turns a simple statement into a simply raising your voice when saying "poku" (but not too much as we don't want to shout). :-)

We, the "Amiki d'Eulingu", only agreed last week on "a aver" to represent "to have" in Eulingu, a major breakthrough ("Andyfektu"). We also agreed to replace the Germanic "can" and "koennen" with the term "to be able", which is reflected in Eulingu as "ablus", and which opens a wider range of opportunities but also that "desired" simplicity which we are striving for in "gramatiku d'Eulingu". Estut ablus a komprender, leser, skriber y parler Eulingu? - Are you able to understand, read, write and speak Eulingu?

Finally, Pavel leaves the kitchen by promising to be back in 19 minutes (obviously he really likes carrot cake) rather than the 20 minutes which are needed " a finer prozesu d'bakeru" (to finish 'the' baking process), and by saying: "Em viser-ti..." - "I see you...". What he actually said was: "Em viser ti (personi)..." - "I see your (persons)..." but "personi" was left out for simplicity reasons. So, Pavel can say: "Em amer-tu" - "I love-you" thinking "em amer tu personu" - "I love your person" but also "em amer tu kaku" - "I love your cake". So, "em amer tu personu" becomes "em amer-tu" when leaving out "personu". Also, if after baking Lara needs to wash her hands she can say: "Em laver mi mani" - "I wash my hands" or "em laver-mu" - "I wash myself" if not only the hands but the whole body is included. Estut juger kon uni eksempli - Play around with a few examples and you will see: "It all makes perfect sense!" :-)

Estu totu in momentu - That's it/all for now! Always let us know what you think as "ti komenti" and your feedback definitely "aver un impaktu" and shape Eulingu, multi danki in advanzu! :-)

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Friday, November 25, 2011

Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu - In Un Tongu

Kum a krer un lingu?
Kum a krer un lingu simplus?
Kum a krer un lingu simplus kel
reflekter y respekter
reflekter y respekter
reflekter y respekter
reflekter y respekter
i multi kulturi y lingi d'Europu
un lingu kel uner humani europis in un tongu?

How to create a language?
How to create a simple language?
How to create a simple language which
reflects and respects
reflects and respects
reflects and respects
reflects and respects
the many cultures and languages of Europe
a language which unites the Europeans in one tongue?

Musiku & Tekstu: Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Titlu: In Un Tongu (In One Tongue)
Misku: Lipi Miksu
Lingu: Eulingu (
Vidu: Micki Marbh
Datu: 25.11.2011
Lokalu: Blackrock Co. Dublin/Iru

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kel libri?

EU Kel libru estut leser in momentu y kel esti ti libri favoris?
EN What book do you read at the moment and which are your favourite books?
DE Welches Buch liest du gerade und was sind deine Lieblingsbuecher?

...y in tu/-i lingu/-i?

"Bon, mi libri favoris esti libri d'linguisto italos Umberto Eco, i krimi politis d'skriburo anglos Robert Harris y i libri d'lingu d'Alfred Sellner, por eksemplu "Latein im Alltag" ("Latinu in altagu"). In momentu estum leser un libru kon titlu "I stori d'Facebook, YouTube y MySpace..." d'skribura y reportura amerikas Sarah Lacy..."

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Amiki d'Eulingu in Facebook

Estun "Amiki d'Eulingu", un komunitu d'populi kel amer Europu y si lingi y kulturi. Estun developer Eulingu, un projektu europus d'lingu y un metodu novus a uner Europu in "un tongu". Estut intereser in Eulingu? Estun chercher-tu a partiziper in developu d'Eulingu. Kontakter-nu in estu grupu, multi danki!

We are the "Friends of Eulingu", a community of people which love Europu and its languages and cultures. We develop Eulingu, a European language project and a new method to unite Europe in "one tongue". You are interested in Eulingu? We are looking for you to participate in the development of Eulingu. Contact us in this group, many thanks!

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu - Kon Mi Amiki

A noktu em marcher a disku kon mi amiki
bever multi vini y kokteli kon mi amiki
In negru em parler kon chiki kon chiki seksi'
mas chiki non parler kon mu
mas kon mi amiki


At night I walk to the disco with my friends
drink plenty of wine and cocktails with my friends
In the dark I talk to sexy girls
but the girls don't talk to me
but to my friends


Titlu: Kon Mi Amiki (With My Friends)
Musiku & Tekstu: Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu
Datu: 16.11.2011
Lokalu: Blackrock/Co. Dublin/Iru

Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blogu, folger-nu in Twitter y/o Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gramatiku y dikzonaru

EU Visiter nu blogu a eksplorer i moduli y featuri novis "gramatiku" y "dikzonaru"
EN Visit our blog to explore the new modules and features "grammar" and "dictionary"
DE Besucht unser(en) Blog, um die neuen Module und Features "Grammatik" und "Woerterbuch" zu erkunden

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Esta eksaminer - She examines

EU Esta eksaminer progresu d'projektu novus Eulingu
EN She examines (the) progress of (the) new project Eulingu
DE Sie examiniert (den) Fortschritt des neuen Projekt(es)

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I heri d'Homero - The heroes of Homer

EU I multi myti, lyriki y episodi d'herai y d'heroi grekis d'Homero
EN The many myths, lyric 'poetries' and episodes of 'the' Greek 'female' and 'male' heroes by Homer
DE Die vielen Mythen, Lyriken und Episoden der griechischen 'maennlichen' Helden und Heldinnen des Homers

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Estut... - You are...

EU Estut trinker tu kafu y estut trinker ti kafi
EN You drink/are drinking (sgl) your coffee and you drink/are drinking (pl) your coffees
DE Du trinks deinen Kaffee und ihr trinkt eure Kaffees

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Un kampagnu novus - A new campaign

EU Estu tu responsibilitu a developer un kampagnu novus por ti klienti
EN It is your responsibility to develop a new campaign for your clients/customers
DE Es ist deine/liegt in deiner Verantwortung, neue Kampagnen fuer deine Klienten/Kunden zu erstellen

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu