Esperanto vs. Europún In the long run there will be a decision whether Europún is strong enough or not to replace the existing and respected European auxilliary language Esperanto as the European Unilang?! The only way wud be thru simple and adaptable approaches...let's see what we have here...
Ni artikali: Nu, Ni et Un
Nu/Ni: The definite articles "Nu" and "Ni" derive from the Irish articles “An” (sgl.) and “Na” (pl.). In Europún “Nu” means “the” (sgl.) and “Ni” “the” (pl.). There is no distinction between f, m and n, i.e. nu fem – the woman, ni femi – the women, nu patar – the father, ni patari – the fathers, nu strat – the street and ni strati – the streets.
Un: The indefinite article is “Un” and there is no distinction between f, m and n, i.e. un fem – a (one) woman, un patar – a (one) father and un strat – a (one) street.
Ni casi d’Europúnoq
Garden: Un gan - Nu gan – Ni gani
Animal: Un animal - N’animal – Ni animali
Butter: Un bur – Nu bur – Ni buri
Car: Un car - Do cari
Genetiv (d’ oq/-iq)
Nu flor d’alpoq (sgl.)
Ni colori d’fiziq (pl.)
Dativ (i.e. con, por et en)
Con vin/vini
Por popul/populi
En lingo/lingi
Akusativ (t’)
Est esir nu human t’fud – Sont esir ni humani t’fudi
I faz/fazi
In automobil/automobili (“In” only used before “a-, e-, i-, o- and u-“ words)
In hus/husi (“In” only used before “h-“ words, vive la France :-)
Ay zabad – Ay zabadi
As tid – As tidi
Singular et Plural
Nominativ (-i):
As most of the words in Europún end with a consonant it is easy to add the plural suffix –i:
Un/Nu stat – Ni stati
Un/N’akv – Ni akvi
But: Un taksi/nu taksi - ni taksi
Genetiv (-eq, -iq or –qi):
Ni tabali d’bareq (sgl.)
Ni vali d’landiq (pl.)
Ni banqi d’parq (sgl.) y ni portali d’parqi (pl.)
Ni gani d’paradúqi (pl.)
Dativ/Akusativ/Lokativ/Temporativ (-i)
D: Con matar – Con matari
A: T’castal – T’castali
L: I zatox – I zatoxi
T: Ay tid d’soloq – Ay tidi d’soloq
Europún allows the speaker to pronounce a word in a way that is familiar to her/his own language (but to keep a unique spelling at the same time), i.e. Nu faz – The face:
English: Nu feıs
German: Nu fa∫
French: Nu fas
C, K et Q
C is the "K" in the beginning: con-vil-ud!
K is the "K" in the middle: n’akt (except Genetiv plural, i.e. ni pagi d’buqi)
Q is the "K" in the end: nu Iraq
Reason: The “K” sound is not equally represented in the European languages. Therefore a combination is needed to reflect the varieties of the “K” sound so different European language groups find it easier to accept Europún spelling.
Ni jokari - The jokers
Pronounced as “SH” (IPA "∫") it allows the speaker to use it as a soft “SH”, “TS” or even “S” in all its variety, i.e. nu zabad, nu zatox, nu danz.
Pronounced as “EE” (IPA "I:") it is replacing “-Y” in English, “-IE” in German and French, i.e. n’apatú, nu farmazú.
Pronounced as „CH“ (IPA "X") as in „Loch“ it allows the speaker to change the sound „CH“ to „K“ or “KS”, i.e. na monarxú, na export/eksport, na taxi/taksi (ni taxi/taksi pl.):
English: The monarchy, the export, the taxi
German: Die Monarchie, der Export, das Taxi
French: La monarchie, l’export, le taxi
N'avantaz - The advantage
N'artikal - The article
Nu - The (sgl.)
Ni - The (pl.)
Un - A, an, one
Nu fem - The woman
Nu patar - The father
Nu strat - The street
Nu cas - The case
Nominativ - The subject case
Nu gan - The garden
N'animal - The animal
Nu bur - The butter
Nu car - The car
Genetiv - The
Nu flor d'alpiq - The flower of the alps
Ni colori d'fiziq - The colours of fish(es)
Dativ - The
con - with
Nu vin - The wine
por - for
Nu popul - The people
en - in (language)
Nu lingo - The language
Akusativ - The object case
est esir - eat (only with humans)
Na fud - The food
Lokativ - The place case
i/in - in
Nu faz - The face
N'automobil - The automobile
Nu hus - The house
Temporativ - The time case
ay - in, at, on (in connection with time)
Na zabad - The Sabbath
as - during
Nu tid - The time
Singular et Plural - Singular and Plural
Nu stat - The state
N'akv - The water
Nu taksi - The taxi
Nu tabal - The table
Nu bar - The bar
Nu val - The valley
Nu land - The land, country
Nu banq - The bank
Nu parq - the parq
Nu portal - The portal
Nu paradú - The paradies
Nu matar - The mother
Nu castal - The castle
Nu zatox - The chateaux
Nu sol - The sun
C, K et Q - C, K and Q
con-vil-ud! - Please! (with-will-yours!)
N'akt - The act
Nu pag - The page
Nu buq - The book
Nu Iraq - The Iraq
Nu jokar - The joker
Nu danz - The dance
N'apatú - The apathy
Nu farmazú - The pharmacy
Nu monarxú - The monarchy
N'eksport - The export
Por mori informazoni on Europún email, con-vil-ud!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Grand prix d'Eurovision - Grand priz d'Eurovizon
Performer: Dima Bilan
Song title: Believe
The Eurovision Song Contest (French: Concours Eurovision de la Chanson) is an annual competition held among active member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).
Each member country submits a song to be performed on live television and then casts votes for the other countries' songs to determine the most popular song in the competition. Each country participates via one of their national EBU-member television stations, whose task it is to select a singer and a song to represent their country in the international competition.
The Contest has been broadcast every year since its inauguration in 1956 and is one of the longest-running television programmes in the world. It is also one of the most-watched non-sporting events in the world, with audience figures having been quoted in recent years as anything between 100 million and 600 million internationally. Eurovision has also been broadcast outside Europe to such places as Australia, Canada, Mexico, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Jordan, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea, Vietnam, and the United States, despite the fact that these countries do not compete. Since the year 2000, the Contest has also been broadcast over the Internet, with more than 74,000 people in almost 140 countries having watched the 2006 edition online.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sup d’jur
€ Dar sup d’jur un portal nov por cuisine europúz in ordo to bring edukazon y fun en Europún to husi y populi differenti d’Europú.
sup d’jur/dag – soup of the day
portal nov – new portal
cuisine europúz – European cooking
in ordo to – in order to
bring – to bring
edukazon y fun – education and fun
en Europún – in (the) Europún (language)
husi y populi differenti d’Europú – different houses and people of Europe
sup d’jur/dag – soup of the day
portal nov – new portal
cuisine europúz – European cooking
in ordo to – in order to
bring – to bring
edukazon y fun – education and fun
en Europún – in (the) Europún (language)
husi y populi differenti d’Europú – different houses and people of Europe
Chanel N°5 - Un perfum por fem elegant
Paris. Most femi eleganti sont amir perfumi eksklusiv, i.e. odor N°5 d'brand Chanel. Por multi anni nu firm Chanel est nu favorit in mond d'vog y glamor.
perfum - perfume
fem elegant/femi eleganti - elegant woman/elegant women
most - most
sont amir - lov (pl.)
eksklusiv - exclusive
odor - fragrance/odour
brand - brand
por multi anni - for many years
nu firm Chanel - the firm/company Chanel
favorit - favourite
mond d'vog y glamor - world of fashion and glamour
perfum - perfume
fem elegant/femi eleganti - elegant woman/elegant women
most - most
sont amir - lov (pl.)
eksklusiv - exclusive
odor - fragrance/odour
brand - brand
por multi anni - for many years
nu firm Chanel - the firm/company Chanel
favorit - favourite
mond d'vog y glamor - world of fashion and glamour
Trans Europú - Un narrazon d'navigazon
Europú. Por mill/tusend anni var travalir ni tradori d’landi europúz con ship, wagon y per ped sur mar, pond, rivar y land trans Europú. In most tid sontiz orientir by stari in sky. Ni maskuli/homi/mani y ni femi d'tradi differenti var supportori grandi d'astronomú.
por mill/tusend anni - for thousand years
var travalir - travelled (pl.)
ni tradori - the traders
d’landi europúz - of the European countries (gen.)
con ship, wagon y per ped - per/by ship, coach and by foot
sur mar, pond, rivar y land - over the sea, pond, river and land
trans Europú - through Europe
in most tid - in most of the times
sontiz orientir - they orientate
by stari in sky - by the stars in the sky
ni maskuli/homi/mani y ni femi d'tradi differenti - the men and women of the different trades
supportori grandi d'astronomú - great supporters of astronomy
por mill/tusend anni - for thousand years
var travalir - travelled (pl.)
ni tradori - the traders
d’landi europúz - of the European countries (gen.)
con ship, wagon y per ped - per/by ship, coach and by foot
sur mar, pond, rivar y land - over the sea, pond, river and land
trans Europú - through Europe
in most tid - in most of the times
sontiz orientir - they orientate
by stari in sky - by the stars in the sky
ni maskuli/homi/mani y ni femi d'tradi differenti - the men and women of the different trades
supportori grandi d'astronomú - great supporters of astronomy
Labor d’domizil
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Log y logiq
€ Un log/vord d’logiq
EN A word of logic
DE Ein Wort der Vernunft/Logik
Gramar - Nu fin d’adjektiv in plural
Eksampal: Landi europúz but femi eleganti
Dar no suffiks –i in casi con end/fin –úz y -iv, but in most casi con consonanti dar end/fin est –i.
EN A word of logic
DE Ein Wort der Vernunft/Logik
Gramar - Nu fin d’adjektiv in plural
Eksampal: Landi europúz but femi eleganti
Dar no suffiks –i in casi con end/fin –úz y -iv, but in most casi con consonanti dar end/fin est –i.
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