Friday, February 27, 2009

♫ Cynn raidh - Est cantir Arne un songu in Duirún

Est cantir Arne Duering un songu in lingu duirún con nomu "cynn raidh" (black bird). Dar Duirún un lingu d'artu qv'est developirdt y creirdt in anu 1982 in urbu Regensburg/Alemanu.

Ni vordi d'songu:

ay bhúlaidh
a teàn duas
ó'gu chynniach raidh
ó'gu chynniach raidh
o le gsaichagh
o le gsaichagh
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh asn
i teàn cuarfh elv
i teàn cuarfh asn
i teàn cuarfh elv
cii brú
tvuiòtb cluó

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu y TV Lingu

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to the Novalo World!

This is the official website for the universal simplified Hispanic and Italian language novalo, which is mutually understandable with, compatible with and based on the traditional Latin languages: Hispanic, Italian, and Esperanto.

What is Novalo?
Novalo, is the international simplified Neo-Latin language, more simple than Esperanto but understood by some 200 million people around the world. This makes Novalo one of the most widely understood languages around the world. This international language is gaining, daily, new ground: because it is as simple as the simplest constructed language and at the same time can be put to an immediate daily use for communication with some 200 million speakers. Unlike traditional Latin langauges, it uses only the most basic latin alphabet, without any accents or special characters, and it can be typed on any keyboard - including the U.S. keyboard. You will be amazed how many people will understand you, how many people will talk to you! Novalo will open up a whole new world for you, for your business, for your website, for your products, for profits, for education, for friendship and for pleasure. Novalo is the planned language of choice for modern people. Simple logical grammar, simple phonetic spelling, and full compatibility with all European languages - only simpler. Current Novalo dictionary contains only 200 words. Enter the Novalo World! Learn Novalo now!

Que esta al Novalo?
Novalo, al entrelanda simpla Neo Latina deciro esta piu simpla de Esperanto, la sabere 200 million humanos in al mondo. El hacere al Novalo al uno pius saberanta deciros in al mondo. El entrelanda deciro esta grandanta in todo quen dio: que el esta tale simpla de al pius simpla haceret deciro tu todo quen dio nos puede communice con 200 million corpos. Al Latina deciros usere simpla alphabetico senza speciala caracteros, al Novalo andare el dechado, ye el puede scrievere in todo quen claviaturo - al U.S claviaturo to. Tu estas bele, qual mucho humano estas deciro con tu! Al Novalo estas abrire al granda neva globo for tu, for tun enbaro, for tus webo, for tus esbaros, for tus baros, for amico connessio tu for riso. Novalo esta haceret deciro for moderna humanos. Simpla deciro scienzo, simpla deciro, tu granda marcharo con todo quen Europa deciros - sol pius simpla. In al noson Novalo verbolibro esta tale sol 200 verbos. Andaru in al Novalo Mondo! Sabere Novalo sol!

What = Que?
Who = Quen?
When = Quando?
Why = Porque?
What like = Qual?
Where = Donde?
How = Como?
How many, how much = Quanto?
Whose = Quio?

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Revealed: The world's oldest words... and the ones that will disappear

Cavemen in the Stone Age may have understood words such as 'I' and ''we', scientists believe

By Niall Firth Last updated at 6:21 PM on 26th February 2009

Some of the oldest words in the English language date back more than 20,000 years, it has been revealed.

Words such as 'I', 'we', 'two', 'three' and 'five' were probably used by our ancestors in the Stone Age - and have changed very little since then.

Numerals and pronouns are the least resistant to change because they are used most frequently and have very precise meanings, researchers have discovered.

In contrast, words that change rapidly across nations, languages and time are more likely to die off in the future.

All of the major languages in Europe, the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent developed from one original root and form the Indo-European family of languages.

Visir DailyMail a lir totalu artikalu

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

A handy little guide to small talk in the Stone Age

Mark Henderson, Science Editor

A “time traveller’s phrasebook” that could allow basic communication between modern English speakers and Stone Age cavemen is being compiled by scientists studying the evolution of language.

Research has identified a handful of modern words that have changed so little in tens of thousands of years that ancient hunter-gatherers would probably have been able to understand them.

Anybody who was catapulted back in time to Ice Age Europe would stand a good chance of being intelligible to the locals by using words such as “I”, “who” and “thou” and the numbers “two”, “three” and “five”, the work suggests.

More nuanced conversation would be more of a challenge. The analysis of language evolution suggests that none of the adjectives, verbs and nouns used in modern languages would have much in common with those used then.

Visir TimesOnline a lir totalu artikalu

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The man behind the story, the passion and the language

“Most English-speaking people... will admit that cellar door is ‘beautiful’, especially if dissociated from its sense (and from its spelling). More beautiful than, say, sky, and far more beautiful than beautiful.” So said the philologist, folklore enthusiast and sometime fiction author JRR Tolkien.

Tolkien was a language nut long before The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings made him the father of High Fantasy. Indeed, it may be said that his fiction sprang more from his love of words than of stories. He returned to those familiar foundations when he told the British journalist Bill Cater: “Supposing you say some quite ordinary words to me – ‘cellar door’, say. From that, I might think of a name, ‘Selador’, and from that a character, a situation begins to grow.”

Tolkien’s passion for this kind of evocative euphony led him to create several artificial languages: concoctions of Welsh and Old Norse and bits of Finnish and musical syllables minted by his own imagination, which he put to work in verses and myth-fragments and, in time, full-blown romances. The best developed of these languages were Quenya and Sindarin, respectively the ceremonial and vernacular forms of Elvish. Tolkien spent years refining and reforming these languages according to his shifting inclinations, dreaming up population histories to explain their morphologies – chronicles of conquest and diaspora to account for an irregular verb. The books on which his fame now rests may be regarded as by-products of this process, as well as attempts to provide his “art-languages” with the grounding in fable that he felt was necessary for a tongue to flourish. “Volapük, Esperanto, Ido, Novial, &c, &c, are dead,” he once wrote, “far deader than ancient unused languages, because their authors never invented any Esperanto legends.” Tolkien wasn’t about to make that mistake.

Yet there’s another sense in which his invented tongues (his “secret vices”, as he called them) are deader still. They are, quite literally, unspeakable. Tolkien admitted as much in a letter: “It should be obvious that if it is possible to compose fragments of verse in Quenya and Sindarin, those languages (and their relations one to another) must have reached a fairly high degree of organisation – though of course, far from completeness, either in vocabulary, or in idiom.” Contrary to popular myth, one couldn’t carry on a conversation in them.

This fact hasn’t dimmed their appeal to armies of scholars and enthusiasts. There are several journals devoted to Tolkien’s languages: Vinyar Tengwar (Quenya for “News Letters”) is probably the biggest. It’s been running since 1988, and is now edited by Carl F Hostetter, a Nasa computer scientist. He has also been engaged by Tolkien’s son Christopher to help edit the master’s unpublished papers. To give you an idea of this organ’s tone, the latest number is advertised to contain: “a presentation of five late Quenya volitive inscriptions in nai, ranging from 1964 to 1969, one of which arose on the same sheet as the Ambidexters Sentence (AS)”. Weighty stuff – and though it’s easy to mock the obsessive air, this is very much the kind of curatorial, cautiously speculative work that might otherwise be directed on ancient languages such as Etruscan or Tocharian, where the record is too spotty to permit any sort of actual fluency.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are those who, well, wing it, improvising new rules and vocabulary to rough out a language they can use. This is what the linguist David Salo had to do when he was hired as an adviser on Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings film trilogy. If an orcish imprecation was called for, Salo patched one together. Fans who wish to speak as dwarves are obliged to do the same, though as Hostetter warns, the results will bear the same relation to Tolkien’s master grammar as fan fiction will to its master text – perhaps even in the eyes of the law.

“Tolkien’s languages and their lexicons,” he writes on the website, “have exactly no independent existence apart from Tolkien’s artistic creations, and are thus nothing but artistic and creative content.” Still, don’t fear for the United Abu Dhabi Children’s Choir when they sing Tolkien’s Middle-Earthly compositions at the Emirates Palace tomorrow. I’m no legal expert, but the show sounds like a textbook case of fair use – fair even as Tinuviel, “Elleth alfirin edhelhael”, immortal maiden elven-wise...

As seen on TheNational

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do libri sur lingi d'Frederick Bodmer y d'Umberto Eco

Europu. Dar do libri qv'sont amirdt d'amiki d'lingu: 1. The Loom Of Languages d'skriboro Frederick Bodmer y 2. The Search For The Perfect Language d'skriboro d'Italu Umberto Eco. Dar libri un inspirazonu por totali creatori d'lingi d'artu.

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Fontu d'informazoni sur lingi d'Europu -

Internet. Dar un fontu d'informazonu por totali creatori d'lingi d'artu ut/ab Germanu/Alemanu y landi qv'sont parlir Germanu. Est agir as un "translator tool" qv'est donir un akzesu fazilu a trovir vordi in lingi Anglu, Franku, Espanu y Italu.

dar - is
un fontu d'informazonu - a source of information
por totali creatori d'lingi d'artu - for all creators of artificial languages
ut/ab Germanu/Alemanu - from Germany
y landi qv'sont parlir Germanu - and countries which speak German
est agir - acts/operates
as un "translator tool" - as a "translator tool"
qv'est donir - which gives
un akzesu fazilu - an easy access
a trovir vordi - to find words
in lingi Anglu, Franku, Espanu y Italu - in the languages English, French, Spanish and Italian

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Juru/dagu d'crepu - Pancake day :-)

Shrove Tuesday is a term used in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia for the day preceding the first day of the Christian season of fasting and prayer called Lent.

The word shrove is the past tense of the English verb shrive, which means to obtain absolution for one's sins by way of Confession and doing penance. Thus Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the shriving that English Christians were expected to do prior to receiving absolution immediately before Lent begins. Shrove Tuesday is the last day of "shrovetide", somewhat analogous to the Carnival tradition that developed separately in countries of Latin Europe. The term "Shrove Tuesday" is no longer widely known in the United States outside of Liturgical Traditions, such as the Lutheran, Episcopal, and Roman Catholic Churches. Because of the increase in many immigrant populations and traditions since the 19th century "Mardi Gras" is much more widely-used.

The festival is widely associated with the eating of foods such as pancakes, and often known simply as pancake day, originally because these used up ingredients such as fat and eggs, the consumption of which was traditionally restricted during Lent.

As seen on Wikipedia

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Qvem habitir/residir in Dublin/Iru?

€ Estam habitir/residir in urbu Dublin in Iru.
€ Est habitir/residir Patrick in urbu Dublin in Iru.
€ Sont habitir/residir Patrick y Patricia in urbu Dublin in Iru.

qvem - who
habitir/residir - live
Estam habitir/residir - I live
Est habitir/residir Patrick - Patrick lives
Sont habitir/residir Patrick y Patricia - Patrick and Patricia live
in urbu Dublin in Iru - in the city of Dublin in Ireland

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Europu. Dar TV LINGU un TV canalu por distribuzonu d'lingu d'artu Eulingu. Est derivir Eulingu ab seperati lingi d'Europu y ab multi lingi d'artu, i.e. Lingua Eurana, Esperanto y Interlingua.

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Hymnu Nazonalu d'Europu - European National Anthem

Dar Europu unirdt in presentu
skal restir unirdt
nos unitu in diversitu
skal contribuir to pazu d'globu/mundu

In sempru skal regnir in Europu
fedu y justizu
y libertu por hun populi
in un patru grandu

Burgari/Zivi, Europu skal florir
un tasku grandu/megu est vokir yus
dar stari ori in caelu 
ni symboli qv'skal unifir nus  

Est Europa nunc unita
et unita maneat;
una in diversitate
pacem mundi augeat.

Semper regant in Europa
fides et iustitia
et libertas populorum
in maiore patria.

Cives, floreat Europa,
opus magnum vocat vos.
Stellae signa sunt in caelo
aureae, quae iungant nos.

Europe is united now
United it may remain;
Our unity in diversity
May contribute to world peace.

May there forever reign in Europe
Faith and justice
And freedom for its people
In a greater motherland

Citizens, Europe shall flourish,
A great task calls on you.
Golden stars in the sky are
The symbols that shall unite us.

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Jurnalu d'Europu (JE) - Un jurnalu por Europu

Dar Jurnalu d'Europu (JE) un jurnalu in lingu d'artu Eulingu por totali populi d'Europu y restu d'globu. Est conzipirdt/designirdt nu Jurnalu d'Europu as un fontu d'informazoni sur Europu, politiku, ekonomu, edukazonu, lingu, sportu, populi y sozietu d'Europu. Dar deziru d'JE a comunizir in Eulingu con multi categori relevanti d'Europu. 

un jurnalu - a journal, magazine
in lingu d'artu Eulingu - in the artificial language Eulingu
por totali populi d'Europu - for all the people of Europe
y restu d'globu - and the rest of the world
est conzipirdt/designirdt nu JE as - JE is designed as
un fontu d'informazoni - a source of information (pl.)
sur - on 
politiku, ekonomu, edukazonu, lingu, sportu - politics, economy, education, language, sport
populi y sozietu d'Europu - people and society of Europe
dar deziru d'JE - It is the wish/desire of JE
a comunizir in Eulingu - to communicate in Eulingu
con multi categori relevanti d'Europu - with the many relevant classes/categories of Europe 

Por mori informazoni sur Eulingu y Jurnalu d'Europu (JE) contaktir: or, con-vil-ud!

© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu y nu redakzonu d'magazinu Jurnalu d'Europu

Tri porzoni d'tortu d'zokolatu

Salzburg. Sont manjir Pierre, Lars y Lucia tri porzoni d'tortu d'zokolatu in cafu d'Salzburg in Austru. Dar Salzburg un paradisu por amiki d'desertu y nu lokazonu d'nativitu d'musiko y artisto Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In 1997 Salzburg vos listirdt as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Por mori informazoni sur Salzburg visitir Wikipedia

Sont manjir - are eating, eat (pl.)
tri porzoni d'tortu d'zokolatu - three pieces/portion of chocolate cake
in cafu d'Salzburg in Austru - in a Salzburg cafe in Austria
dar - it is, there is/are
dar Salzburg - Salzburg is
un paradisu - a paradise
por amiki d'desertu - for lovers/friends of desserts
y - and (if list of related words or subjects, rather than "et" when sentences with different meanngs are combined)
nu lokazonu d'nativitu - the birthplace
d'musiko y artisto Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - of the (male, see word+o) musician and artist Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
vos listirdt - was listed (sing.past.pass. = vos + verb+irdt)
as UNESCO World Heritage Site - as UNESCO World Heritage Site

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

Friday, February 20, 2009

♫ Dolchamar - Junaj idealistoj (song in Esperanto)

Dolchamar estas bando, kiu faras elektronikan rokon esperante por internacia publiko. Ghi estas fama pro danciga ritmo, provokemaj textoj kaj energiozaj koncertoj. La bando ludis en pluraj Esperanto-eventoj en Finnlando, Svedio, Germanio, Pollando kaj Francio kaj okaze koncertas exter-Esperantie en sia hejma Finnlando. Dolchamar faris du kd-albumojn por la franca diskeldonejo Vinilkosmo, kiu specialighas pri esperantomuziko.

La unua albumo Lingvo Intermonda (2000) estis sukceso en festivalaj diskooj chirkau la mondo kun la hito Chu vi pretas ?!, la unua hiphopa peco eldonita en Esperanto. Kun du kontribuoj en la Elektronika Kompilo (2003) de Vinilkosmo, la "duruloj" de Esporok estis tiuj, kiuj donis al la diskjhokeoj ludendan esperantomuzikon, kaj poste sekvis aliaj artistoj.

La dua Dolchamara albumo Rebela Sono (2005) enkondukis vivan sesmembran bandon kun garaghroka sono kaj pli politika tono. Per du diversaj eldonoj - unu internacia kaj unu exkluzive Finnlanda - Rebela Sono gajnis multan audeblon kaj videblon en la Finnlandaj medioj kaj ighis unu el la plej multe venditaj esperantaj kd-oj de chiuj tempoj. Konsekve Dolchamar estis "frontpagha vizagho" de la revuo Monato en 2005.

La membroj de Dolchamar estas Patrik Austin (gitaro kaj kantado), Hannu Linkola (drumo kaj perkutiloj), Toni Mäki (basgitaro) kaj Andrei Dumitrescu (klavaro).

Visitir YouTube por mori videos:

Por mori informazoni sur Dolchamar visitir , sur Esperanto visitir Wikipedia y sur EULINGU contaktir:, con-vil-ud!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nu Emanzipazon d'femi in cursu d'tidu

Europu. Feminism is the belief that women have equal political, social, sexual, intellectual and economic rights to men. It involves various movements, theories, and philosophies concerned with issues of gender difference, that advocate equality for women, and that campaign for women's rights and interests. According to some, the history of feminism can be divided into three waves. The first wave was in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the second was in the 1960s and 1970s, and the third extends from the 1990s to the present. Feminist theory emerged from these feminist movements.It is manifest in a variety of disciplines such as feminist geography, feminist history and feminist literary criticism.

Feminism has altered predominant perspectives in a wide range of areas within Western society, ranging from culture to law. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's legal rights (rights of contract, property rights, voting rights); for women's right to bodily integrity and autonomy, for abortion rights, and for reproductive rights (including access to contraception and quality prenatal care); for protection from domestic violence, sexual harassment and rape; for workplace rights, including maternity leave and equal pay; and against other forms of discrimination.

During much of its history, most feminist movements and theories had leaders who were predominantly middle-class white women from Western Europe and North America. However, at least since Sojourner Truth's 1851 speech to American feminists, women of other races have proposed alternative feminisms. This trend accelerated in the 1960s with the Civil Rights movement in the United States and the collapse of European colonialism in Africa, the Caribbean, parts of Latin America and Southeast Asia. Since that time, women in former European colonies and the Third World have proposed "Post-colonial" and "Third World" feminisms. Some Postcolonial feminists, such as Chandra Talpade Mohanty, are critical of Western feminism for being ethnocentric. Black feminists, such as Angela Davis and Alice Walker, share this view. Since the 1980s, standpoint feminists have argued that feminism should examine how women's experience of inequality relates to that of racism, homophobia, classism and colonization. In the late 1980s and 1990s postmodern feminists argued that gender roles are socially constructed, and that it is impossible to generalize women's experiences across cultures and histories.

Visitir Wikipedia por mori informazoni sur emanzipazon d'femi! 

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© 2009 Skol d'Eulingu

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

♫ Cynn raidh - Song in Duirún by Arne Duering

Est cantir Arne Duering un song con nom "cynn raidh" in lingu d'art Duirún qv'vos creirdt in 1982. Por mori informazoni sur Duirún visitir

Ni vordi d'song "cynn raidh" (black bird):

ay bhúlaidh
a teàn duas
ó'gu chynniach raidh
ó'gu chynniach raidh
o le gsaichagh
o le gsaichagh
i teàn cuarfh ni cleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh ni cleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh asn
i teàn cuarfh elv
cii brú
tvuiòtb cluó

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Facebook lyrics in Eulingu

Dar multi "poemi" in Eulingu on facebook:

Estam combatir ni monstri d'systemi
Michael est combatir ni dragoni d'systemi
Estam parlir con creatori d'caos qv'sont regir nos urb
Estam parlir con creatori d'caos qv'sont regir t'glob
N'estam comprendir nu manir d'pensar d'fem
Michael n'est comprendir ni maniri d'pensar d'femi
Estam resistir dragoni qv'sont okupir anguli d' be continued :-)
Estam cantir un song in lingu d'art con nom Duirún:
Est consumir Michael un tasu d'cafu y un porzonu d'tortu d'zokolatu

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© 2009 Skolu d'Eulingu

UEA-interveno ĉe Homrajta Konsilio, UN, Ĝenevo, 2008-09-17

Interveno de la reprezentantoj (Charmian Common kaj Stefano Keller) de Universala Esperanto-Asocio ĉe la Homrajta Konsilio (HRK), Unuiĝintaj Nacioj (UN), Ĝenevo, la 17-an de septembro 2008. La parolado okazis en la franca lingvo kaj estis simultane interpretata en la 5 aliaj oficialaj lingvoj de UN: angla, araba, ĉina, hispana, rusa. Ĉi tie, oni aŭdas la voĉon de Stefano Keller, kiu laŭtlegas la Esperantan version de sia teksto.

Pli da informoj pri la menciita Socia Forumo de la HRK, okazinta la 1-3ajn de septembro 2008, ĉe UN en Ĝenevo, kaj pri la HRK-interveno estas troveblaj en la retejo de la Agado por Lingvaj Rajtoj (ALR):

- Version française (originale) de cette vidéo:
La franca (originallingva) versio de tiu video estas je la adreso:

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lingua Eurana - Un lingu novu d'globu

Die Lingua Eurana ist konzipiert als Sprache des europäischen Volkes, als Erstsprache, in der man denkt, fühlt und kommuniziert wie in einer natürlich gewachsenen Sprache. Deshalb basiert sie auf dem Lateinischen und seiner Tochtersprache, dem Italienischen, ergänzt durch Wörter aus anderen europäischen Sprachen, vornehmlich dem Alt-Griechischen, Russischen und Deutschen, doch letzte Sprachen stellen nur einen kleinen Teil des euranischen Wortschatzes dar. Wer also Lateinisch oder eine romanische Sprache in der Schule gelernt hat, wird die Lingua Eurana leicht lernen.

Das Konzept einer quotierten Sprache habe ich nicht übernommen, lehne es ab, denn das hat nichts mit einer "gerechten" Verteilung von Wörtern zu tun, vielmehr ein Versuch, es allen Recht zu machen, was aber so nicht geht. Der Klangkörper einer Sprache und die Satzmelodie würde durch ein unüberlegte Mischen von Wörtern aus völlig verschiedenen Sprachen durcheinander geraten und den Lernenden eher abstoßen als ihm eine attaktive sprachliche Basis bieten. Auch würde keine Hurra-Stimmung bei den Europäern aufkommen.

Eine Sprache setzt sich nicht aufgrund seiner "gut konstruierten" Grammatik oder seines "schönen" Wortschatzes durch, sondern das hat politische Ursachen, wie das heute prädominierende Englisch zeigt, das aufgrund des Imperialismus der Briten und Amerikaner sich in der Welt als Verkehrssprache durchgesetzt hat. Mit Hilfe der Massenkommunikationsmittel manipulieren die imperialistischen Mächte jeden Fleck der Erde und propagieren in ihrer Sprache ihren Lebensstil, der nicht notwendigerweise auch für jedes Volk geeignet ist.

Gegen die geballte politische Macht des Englischen, die nicht in ihrer eher heterogenen Sprachstruktur begründet liegt, kommt auch das Esperanto nicht an. Trotz der zahlreichen Bemühungen seiner intellektuellen Anhängerschaft, ist außer unverbindlicher Empfehlungen, die als höfliche Absagen zu bewerten sind, nichts in den politischen Organisation der europäischen Gemeinsamkeit und der UNO passiert. Es wird auch dabei bleiben. Auch die überbordernden Artikel in der Esperanto-Sprache im Internet können daran nichts ändern.

Im Übrigen wäre die Übernahme des Esperanto kein Fortschritt in der Menschheitsgeschichte. Eine Sprache, die so viele Unzulänglichkeiten und ein verstaubtes Verständnis von grammatischen Strukturen, gepaart mit einer langweiligen und faden Satzmelodie hat, wäre auch nicht für Europa geeignet. Sie versteht ja sich ja sowieso nicht als Volkssprache, sondern als Begleitsprache für Menschen unterschiedlicher sprachlicher Herkunft, was ebenso gut über das Englische abgewickelt werden könnte. Ursprünglich hatte sie ihr Erfinder Lazarus Zamenhof als internationale Sprache im Sinne eines übernationalen Verständigungsmittel zwischen den europäischen Juden konzipiert, was später dann verdrängt wurde. Zamenhof schwebte die Verbreitung des jüdischen Hillelismus vor, der später in "Humanismus" umgetauft wurde. [1]

Die Lingua Eurana ist eine Neuentwicklung, die nichts mit dem Esperanto zu tun hat, auch nicht in seiner sprachlichen Tradition steht. Sie hat ihre sprachlichen Wurzel in der Sprache der alten Römer, was man am Wortschatz und ihrer Grammatik gut erkennen kann. Die neue europäische Nationalität kann nicht nur linguistisch gestützt sein, sie braucht auch Traditionen, die für eine moderne Gesellschaft geeignet sind und diese finden sich in der römischen Gesellschaft wieder als sie noch nicht von der fremden Religion aus dem Orient verdrängt wurden. Die Ersetzung der alten römischen Virtus durch die andere Ethik der Kreuzesreligion war der Anfang vom Ende des Römischen Reiches. Sie sind umrahmt durch eine Mythologie um eine Person, der der historische Bezug entrissen wurde, die ein Archetyp barbarischen Denkens und Zurschaustellung von Gewalt und Leiden anstelle von Schönheit und Heroik darstellt. Die Dualität von römischem Staat und fremder Religion, der Rückzug ins Private, das Warten auf die persönliche Erlösung, die Intoleranz gegenüber Andersdenkenden wurde durch die Infiltrierung und staatliche Institutionalisierung einer neuen, absolutistischen Religion gefördert. Das Römertum verschwand im Laufe dieses Prozesse und die unkultivierten germanischen Stämme konnten die staatliche Gewalt an sich reißen mit der Folge eines uneinigen, zerrissenen Europas mit vielen Sprachen und divergierenden Interessen.

Das europäische Volk wird sich auf die klassische römische Antike stützen und ihr Andenken bewahren. Natürlich werden nicht die blutigen Spiele, die Sklaverei und andere überholte Relikten aus alten Tagen restituiert, doch werden der Geist der römischen Virtus, der Witz der Römer, ihr geradliniges Denken, ihre klar durchdachten organisatorischen Verwaltungs- und Staatsstrukturen, ihr heute noch gültiges Rechtssystem, ihre architektonischen Leistungen und Bewirtschaftungsmethoden in die Umgestaltung der heutigen Gesellschaft eingebracht.

Unter diesem Hintergrund kann die Lingua Eurana nur als Muttersprache der Europäer dienen, keine Zweitsprache, sondern eine Sprache, die die Mütter ihren Kindern mit der Muttermilch einflößen, sie mit ihr vertraut machen, ihre Gefühle ausdrücken und ihren Lebenskosmos abbilden. Deshalb ist der Klangkörper der Lingua Eurana von vornherein auf ein harmonisches Zusammenspiel der Wörter ausgerichtet, ein Sprachfluss, der Dissonanzen vermeidet und eine expressive Möglichkeit zum Schauspiel und zum Lied schafft.

Eine national-europäische Partei, die als eines ihrer Ziele die Lingua Eurana als zukünftige europäische Staatssprache propagiert, kann den Prozess der Einigung Europas vorantreiben. Ohne eine politische Aussage und ohne organisatorische Strukturen wird sich die Lingua Eurana nicht etablieren und so all die anderen Sprachen hinter sich lassen. Wenn sie sich erst einmal in einem europäischen Land durchgesetzt hat, wird dies eine Signalwirkung auf die anderen Länder haben, denn sie müssen sich dann an diese Sprache anpassen, angefangen in den Schulen, den Publikationen, den Übersetzungsdiensten und der politischen Begegnung mit dem neuen "römischen Reich" mit seinen administrativen und kulturellen Institutionen.

Das sind noch Visionen, aber realisierbare Zukunftsaussichten, sobald sie angepackt werden von Menschen, die ein gemeinsames Ziel haben und Hand in Hand die Zukunft gestalten wollen.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Google en Interlingua

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Smartphone unast d'Google

Android is a software platform and operating system for mobile devices, based on the Linux kernel, developed by Google and later the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write managed code in the Java language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries. Applications written in C and other languages can be compiled to ARM native code and run, but this development path isn't officially supported by Google.

The unveiling of the Android platform on 5 November 2007 was announced with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 48 hardware, software, and telecom companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. Google has made most of the Android platform available under the Apache free-software and open source license.

Handset layouts 
The platform is adaptable to larger, VGA, 2D graphics library, 3D graphics library based on OpenGL ES 1.0 specifications, and traditional smartphone layouts.
The Database Software SQLite is used for data storage purposes
Android supports connectivity technologies including GSM/EDGE, CDMA, EV-DO, UMTS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.
SMS and MMS are available forms of messaging including threaded text messaging.
Web browser
The web browser available in Android is based on the open-source WebKit application framework.
Dalvik virtual machine
Software written in Java can be compiled into Dalvik bytecodes and executed in the Dalvik virtual machine, which is a specialized VM implementation designed for mobile device use, although not technically a standard Java Virtual Machine.
Media support
Android will support audio/video/still media formats such as MPEG-4, H.264, MP3, AAC, OGG, AMR, JPEG, PNG, GIF.
Additional hardware support
Android can utilize video/still cameras, touchscreens, GPS, accelerometers, and accelerated 3D graphics.
Development environment
Includes a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, a plugin for the Eclipse IDE.
Similar to the App Store on the iPhone, The Android Market is a catalog of applications that can be downloaded and installed to target hardware over-the-air, without the use of a PC. Currently only freeware applications are supported, although Google has announced plans to allow developers to offer paid applications as well.

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