Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Arbitraritu - Arbitrarität

Arbitrarität (wörtl. „Willkürlichkeit“, von lat. arbitrarius – „willkürlich“) bedeutet die Entstehung oder Beschaffenheit einer Sache aufgrund von Willkür oder Willensentscheidung statt Naturnotwendigkeit. In der Sprachwissenschaft und Semiotik bezeichnet der Begriff eine grundlegende Eigenschaft sprachlicher Zeichen: Die Beziehung zwischen dem Bezeichnenden (Signifikant, Lautbild, Zeichengestalt) und dem Bezeichneten (Signifikat) beruht auf menschlicher Konvention und Vereinbarung statt auf einer naturgegebenen Gesetzmäßigkeit.

Der Schweizer Sprachwissenschaftler Ferdinand de Saussure prägte den Begriff der Arbitrarität in seinem 1916 postum veröffentlichten Werk Grundfragen der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft (Cours de linguistique générale). Saussure bezieht Arbitrarität auf das Verhältnis von Lautbild (image acoustique) und Vorstellung (concept) eines sprachlichen Zeichens. Er belegt die Willkürlichkeit dieser Zuordnung mit der Tatsache, dass dasselbe Objekt der Realität von Sprache zu Sprache verschieden benannt wird.

Arbitrarität bedeutet nicht, dass ein einzelner Sprecher bei der Konstruktion sprachlicher Ausdrücke grundsätzlich frei wählen kann (abgesehen bei der Erzeugung eines Neologismus). Beim Spracherwerb und in der Kommunikation mit anderen Personen erfährt der Sprecher den Zusammenhang zwischen Zeichen und Bedeutung als eine gewohnheitsmäßige Verbindung. Die Zuordnung von Bezeichnungen und Bedeutungen ist somit durch die Konventionen einer Sprachgemeinschaft geregelt. Arbitrarität bedeutet vielmehr, dass es keinen objektiven Grund gibt, warum konventionell einem Objekt oder Konzept ein ganz bestimmtes Lautbild zugeordnet ist.

Por mori informazoni viser Wikipedia

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© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Komparer CZ y EN

Have a look at the Sunday menu of the Czech Inn in Dublin. How much to you understand?

Nedelni menicko - Kureci vyvarek nebo kremova cesnecka
1. Hovezi gulasek s houskovymi knedliky
2. Pecena kruti prsa s brusinkovou omackou podavana se zeleninou a bramborovou kasi
3. Houbove risoto s parmazanem
4. Grilovana treska podavana s baby bramborami a zeleninovym salatem

Sunday`s special is chicken broth or creamy garlic soup
1. Beef goulash served with dumplings
2. Roasted turkey breast with cranberry sauce served with vegetable & mashed potatoes
3. Risotto with forest mushrooms & parmigiano
4. Grilled cod served with baby potatoes & salad

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

"Die Sprache" d'Jürgen Reischer

Die Sprache - Ein Phänomen und seine Erforschung
2002 | Gebunden | Unverb. Ladenpreis Euro [D] 89,95 / für USA, Kanada, Mexiko US$ 126,-. *
ISBN 978-3-11-017349-9
Reihe: de Gruyter Studienbuch


Dieses Buch versteht sich sowohl als einführende wie auch tiefer gehende Gesamtbetrachtung des Phänomens Sprache und ihres Ursprungs, ihrer Entwicklung, ihres Nutzens, ihres Wesens und ihres Funktionierens. Die Einzigartigkeit der menschlichen Sprache zeigt sich nicht nur an ihrem Einfluß auf unser Denken und Kommunizieren, sondern auch an ihrer Komplexität, die dem Leser schrittweise aufgedeckt wird. Im Stil eines wissenschaftlich orientierten (Ein)lesebuchs für den an Sprache und Sprachwissenschaft interessierten Beginner und Fortgeschrittenen wird neben einer im Schwierigkeitsgrad ansteigenden Heranführung an das Phänomen Sprache zugleich auch eine systematische Einführung und Vertiefung in die Linguistik geboten.

Hierbei wird eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenschau (neuro/psycho) linguistischer, kognitions- und kommunikation- wissenschaftlicher Forschung vor dem Hintergrund eines einheitlichen Begriffsapparats etabliert, der das Zusammenwirken sprachlicher und allgemein kognitiver Komponenten auf den linguistischen Ebenen der Pragmatik, Semantik, Syntax/Morphologie, Phonologie/Phonetik, Lexikon und Grammatik verständlich macht. Nicht zuletzt werden zahlreiche Anregungen und Ansatzpunkte zur Diskussion und weiteren Beschäftigung mit dem Thema Sprache vorgestellt.

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Kum a...

Kum a ler un libru bonus? [kum a le: u:n li:'bru: bo:'nus] How to read a good book? Wie liest man ein gutes Buch?

Kum a danzer kon una fema belas? [kum a da:n'tse: kon u:'na fe:'ma be:'las] How to dance with a beautiful woman? Wie tanzt man mit einer schoenen Frau?

Kum a server un glasu d'vinu blankus? [kum a ser've: u:n gla:'su: de: vi:'nu: bla:n'kus] How to serve a glass of white wine? Wie serviert man ein Glas Weisswein?

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Sunday, November 14, 2010

E(stu)m amer Regensburg

d'Micki Marbh. Estu Regensburg un zitu grandus in sud d'Bavaru kon multi bari, klubi y restoranti. Em amer estu kulturu, tradizonu y dedikazonu...prostu!

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Em trinker un glasu d'vinu tintus...

EU Em trinker un glasu d'vinu tintus in mu kozinu petitus y viser TV
[em tri:n'ke: u:n gla:'su: de: vi:'nu: tin'tu:s in mu: ko:'ʃi:'nu: pe:'ti:'tus i: vi:'se: te:'ve:]
EN I drink a glass of red wine in my little kitchen and watch TV
DE Ich trinke ein Glas Rotwein in meiner kleinen Küche und schaue Fernsehen/TV

d'Micki Marbh. It is late in the evening...and I am drinking a glass of red wine in my little kitchen and watch TV...well...I have also switched on my laptop and now I am opening the Facebook know what this sleep until 3 am :-)

Wait, can you explain why you used "em" instead of "estum"? Well, I guess I got lazy and used the slang...

See you in the morning, rocker!

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Esperanto - ein Desaster? - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit einer Plansprache. Eine linguistische Analyse

Autor: Klaus H. Dieckmann (Autor)
Kategorie: Sach- & Fachliteratur → Bildung
Sach- & Fachliteratur → Sprachen
Preis: 11,80 €

Dieses Buch ist eine linguistische Analyse der Plansprache Esperanto. Ihre Entstehung, Geschichte, Grammatik und die politischen Aktivitäten der Esperantisten werden dargestellt. Die Stärken und Schwächen dieser Sprache werden beschrieben und kritisch bewertet.

Der Leser wird Einblicke in das Denken und Weltbild des Esperantoschöpfers Leyzer Zamenhof gewinnen und sich anhand der Fakten ein eigenes Urteil bilden können. Eine Gesamtbewertung des Esperanto schließt sich den grammatischen Ausführungen an, woraus sich eine Entscheidungsgrundlage ergibt, ob diese Sprache als europäische Hochsprache geeignet ist.

Softcover | DIN A5 hoch | 148 Seiten s/w
Deutsch | Altersempfehlung: keine | Erscheinungsdatum: 30.10.2010

© 2008–2010 epubli GmbH

Eulingu blog in a new sexy outfit

d'Arne Duering. It was about time that we gave our beloved eurolanguage blog a new outfit with a more fitting touch. Eulingu represents European diversity and multi culture which cannot be reflected only in a static blue. "I kolori" green, blue and red are definitely "hotter" and more appropriate in expressing this dynamic continent.

We hope you like it, too?

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Esta abler a skriber un letru a-mu

EU Esta abler a skriber un letru a-mu
[e:s'ta: a:'ble: a: skri:'be: u:n le:'tru: a: mu:]
EN She is able to write (me) a letter (to me)
DE Sie ist fähig (=hat die Möglichkeit), (mir) einen Brief (zu mir) zu schreiben

From this "eksemplu" you can see it is easy to include the stem "abl" (able) in our sentence in order to express the "abilitu" of someone or something. By adding the suffix "-er", we turn the stem into the verb "to be able" and further "esta abler" into "she is able". The verb "a skriber" (to write) gives us more indication of what "she is able to do", so "esta abler a skriber" means "she is able to write". The object "un letru" (a letter) defines the accusative and "what" she is able to write, and finally "a-mu" gives us a hint of where the letter is going to, "to me". Remember, we use the hyphen "-" between "a" and "mu" as the possessive pronoun "mu" is not followed by a substantive or noun such as "personu", in which case we would drop the hyphen.

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

U libru "falu d'giganti" d'Ken Follett

d'Micki Marbh. In momentu estum ler libru novus d'skriboro kymros Ken Follett kon titlu "falu d'giganti" ("Fall of giants") kvel est partu primus d'un trilogu. Est deskriber "falu d'giganti" i eventi historis kvel kauser utbreku d'krigu primus d'veltu kvel beginer kon krigu europus.

Vorti novis
Estum apaled (I am appalled), a trinker, a tenker, Kymru (=Wales), Germanu, Rusku, Anglu, Franzu, Austru, Hungaru, empiru austrus-hungarus, kingo y kinga, torpedu, submarinu, krisu, toni d'rifli (=tons of rifles), munizoni, a karer (=to care), a inkluder, inhabiti d'zitu, shoku y a shoker (=shock and to shock), asasinazonu d'prinzo austros, risku, konsistenzu, frust, rul, a kalmer-mu (=to calm me), a adviser, a agrer y agrementu, kompromisu y a kompromiser, dezizonu y a dezider, "un gamu a pler" ("a game to play")

Tradir libru at Amazon

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© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Friday, October 29, 2010

Surlingu vs. Slangu

by Micki Marbh. At all times there has been a standard language with a certain norm in grammar and vocabulary which was regarded as the "high language", mostly spoken by the elite, aristocracy and royalty but also used in public discourse, communication by letter and the jurisdiction, while people on the ground used a more common interpretation of that standard language. If you look i.e. at the English language, there is the "Queens English" and then, on a national basis, separate versions of English in Scottland, Wales & Irleand. Even English cities and regions have their differences in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Let's call those variations "Common English" in contrast to the standardised "Queens English".

We find those constellations all over Europe, i.e. in Germany the city of Hannover claims to speak the "perfect German", while Bavarians in the south are proud of their "own German-based Bavarian language". In earlier times, Latin was spoken by the Roman elite while the peasant population turned to a more "vulgar" Latin which later gave birth to languages such as Spanish, French, Romanian and Italian.

Today, similar rules apply to Eulingu, with a standardised Eulingu called "Surlingu" and its common counterpart "Slangu" which offers an even simpler but maybe less consistent approach.

Let's have a closer look at some examples:

EU Estum manger un panu kon marmeladu d'aprikoti
EN I eat a bread with apricot jam

EU Em mange un pan kon marmelad d'aprikoti
EN I eat a bread with apricot jam


EU J mange un pan kon marmelad d'aprikoti
EN I eat a bread with apricot jam

While reducing the standard "estum" to the slang "em" or "j", changing the verb "manger" to "mange" by cutting off the "r" and finally eliminating the suffix "-u" in "panu" and "marmeladu" we are able to conclude, that the speaker understands "Surlingu" but tends to use a simpler "slang" version in order to express him/herself, assuming that those variations do not minimise the meaning of his/her words, mostly found in close-knit communities.

What does this mean for Eulingu?
We definitely encourage "Slangu" and embrace diversity, while keeping the standard with "Eulingu".

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Eulingu on Twitter

d'Micki Marbh. In addition to our successful Facebook group with nearly 90 "amiki", we have decided to expand the reach of Eulingu into more social networks. We can proudly announce that we are now on Twitter as well...feel free to follow us!

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Estut un amiku d'Eulingu?

If you are or want to become a "friend of Eulingu" feel free to join us in our facebook group. Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language, we appreciate all your comments, both critical and supportive, your feedback and your contribution. We believe, even are convinced, that Eulingu has the potential of becoming some kind of European auxiliary language, ie while travelling, when you need to understand, comprehend and communicate with the different cultures, languages and people of Europe.

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Kombinazoni d'stemu "parl"

d'Micki Marbh. Esti multi kombinazoni d'stemu "parl" y estum demonstrer kum a krer esti in Eulingu. Estu simplus y estut obtener rapides un senzu primus por lingu.

U parlu - the speech
I parli - the speeches

(A) parler [a pa:'le:] - (to) speak (both verb and infinitive)
U parleru - the speaking (gerund)
Parlizer! [pa'li:'se:] - Speak! (imperative)

Un parlor - a (gender free) speaker
Una parlora - a (female) speaker
Uno parloro - a (male) speaker
Uni parlori - A few (gender free) speakers
Uni parlorai - A few (female) speakers
Uni parloroi - A few (male) speakers

In parlmentu - in (the) parliament

Un serpentu parlus - a speaking snake (adjective)
U vortu parlud - the spoken word
I vorti parlid - the spoken words

Esto pinter parles - he paints speaking/while speaking (adverb)

As you can see...
Eulingu works well with affixes (mainly suffixes) and depending on the suffix we can easily determine what the text or the speaker is telling us. It is logical in its approach and gives new speakers the possibility to go out and "create" their own first words and sentences in Eulingu.

If you go back to the top you see the sentence "estu simplus y estut obtener rapides un senzu primus por lingu", I guess now you will be able to understand what was said? "It is simple and you obtain quickly a first sense for (the) language".

Have a go...
Simply pick a word which comes to your head, break it down and use the stem of the word to see if you can form sentences. Let us know how you get on...either by posting on this blog or in our facebook group, danku!

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

1,000 000 people for a federal Europe

d'Martial Pradaud. Europe, united in diversity. We are convinced Europeans and we defend federalism on our continent. We are convinced this system represents the concept for a better European future with more cooperation between the European Union’s Member States. Together, we are stronger and we claim it's more suitable to support the common interest whereas regionalists support sovereignty and the personal interest.

We also defend the Lisbon Treaty, because Europe deserves a president elected for two years and half and not a swivel presidency; a principle governed by the Nice Treaty.

If you are also for federalism in Europe, come and join us!

Por favoru, poster un komentu y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

U posesivu - The possessive case

EU Franko (est) parler: "Estum amer ma amika y esta amer-mu, estum amer-sa muches y estum amed muches d'ma amika."

[fran'ko: est pa:r'le: es'tu:m a:'me: ma: a'mi:'ka: i: es'ta: a:me: mu: es'tu:m a:me: sa: mu:'tʃe:s i: es'tu:m a:'me:d mu:'tʃe:s de: ma: a'mi:'ka:]

EN Franko says: "I love my girl friend and she loves me, i love her very much and I am loved very much by my girl friend."

DE Franko sagt: "Ich liebe meine Freundin und sie liebt mich, ich liebe sie sehr und ich werde sehr geliebt von meiner Freundin."

How do we do it?
As you can see, it is easy to form sentences in Eulingu and also to include the "possessive pronoun" in the structure. Let's have a closer look at the constructions.

Estum amer ma amika
I love my girl friend

We choose "ma" as it refers to "amika" which is female (girl friend) due to its "-a" ending, in contrast to the "gender free" suffix "-u" (ie "mu").

Esta amer-mu (= mu personu)
She loves me (my person)

We use the neutral "-u" ending in "mu" (we leave open if it is a "female" or "male" pronoun) as we theoretically add the word "personu" which is neutral (in its gender) to deter who loves who ("She loves-me"). A hyphen is added between the verb and the "possessive pronoun" when no visible noun is used (in our case "personu"). When we include "personu" in the sentence we need to write "esta amer mu personu" without the hyphen.

Estum amer-sa muches
I love her very much

See above, only that we use "sa" (3rd person singular) this time but also with the indication that it applies to "sa persona" (her person), not to "his person" (so persono). In general "su" works pretty much the same as in Spanish, ie "su karu" (his/her/its car) and only the context of the sentence gives us more information on the person involved. If still unclear, we would tend to the version of "the car of..." (u karu d'...) and give a specific name.

Estum amed muches d'ma amika
In this passive construction ("amed" instead of the active "amer") Franko expresses that he is loved very much "by my girl friend" ("d'ma amika")

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Eulingu - Un lingu por EU

Estu Eulingu un projektu novus a developer un lingu simplus a uner populi europis. Estun demonstrer multu respektu por multi kulturi d'Europu y reflekter esti elementi kulturis in developmentu d'Eulingu. Estun inviter-tu a partiziper in estu projektu :-)

Eulingu is a new project to develop a simple language to unite the European people. We demonstrate full respect for the many cultures of Europe and reflect those cultural elements in the development of Eulingu. We invite you to participate in this project :-)

Eulingu on facebook

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Un eksplanazonu kortus d'Eulingu

Estut parler Eulingu? Estu Eulingu un projektu novus a developer un lingu simplus a uner populi europis. In kvestu por un lingu unikus, estun demonstrer multu respektu por multi kulturi d'Europu y reflekter esti elementi kulturis in developmentu d'lingu. Eulingu est deriver d'multi lingi europis (lingi germanis, lingi romanis y lingi slavis) y d'lingi artis (por eksemplu Esperanto, Ido y Interlingua).

Estu desiru d'Eulingu a krer y a komunizer un atmosferu d'unitu, d'toleranzu y d'akzeptanzu in Europu.


© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Un voyagu europus

Estum Mikalo y estum d'Europu. In momentu estum viver, obrer y habiter in Dublin in Iru in nord-vestu d'Europu. Mi amiki kaler-mu "europos rebelo". Estum amer kontinentu d'Europu, si landi, si humani y si multi belis lingi. A komprender y a senzer esti multi kulturi, estum dezider a travler trans Europu y a dokumenter mi aventuri in estu "buk d'tagi". Estu Dublin-London mu primus etapu.

1. etapu: Dublin - London
In Dublin, n'estum prender un trenu in stazonu d'trenu a London mas estum embarker un batu in portu d'Dun Laoghaire a Kymru. Sur batu estum trader un pintu d'Guinness in pub d'batu, pager 5€ y plazer-mu sur topdeku d'batu in freskus aeru d'noktu. Estu kloku 9 y estum vider i liti d'zitu Dublin in distanzu kvel reflekter in negrus vasku d'bu...

A ler "Un voyagu europus" viser estu linku :-)

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I lingi europis

Estu un kartu d'lingi europis d'Eurominority.

© 2010 Eurominority

Kum a krer kon "parl"?

EU Un ministor est parler in parlmentu
EN A minster speaks in the parliament
DE Ein Minister spricht im Parlament

EU Esta regarder parlor
EN She watches the speaker
DE Sie betrachtet den Sprecher

EU Estut parler Eulingu?
EN Are you speaking Eulingu?
DE Sprichst Du Eulingu?

EU Un animalu parlus
EN A speaking animal
DE Ein sprechendes Tier

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why does Eulingu work?

by Micki Marbh. Eulingu is a language project (since ~2005) which derives from several European languages such as the Romanic, the Germanic and the Slavic string but also from Latin and Greek. It shows the utmost respect for those languages and its speakers and includes their "vibe" in its development. Eulingu also reflects cultural elements and European "diversity". Therefore the three main ingredients for Eulingu need to be "simplicity, flexibiliy and identification".

Simplicity (simplizitu)
Eulingu always aims at creating the simplest and easiest solution in order to provide speakers with quick results and understanding.

Flexibility (fleksibilitu)
Eulingu allows for more than one solution if we cannot identify the "lowest common factor". Therefore we offer more than one suggestion, particularly when it comes to the creation of new words (neologismi).

Identification (identifikazonu)
Eulingu derives from the main languages of Europe and therefore every European can identify with it at once. Identification goes well with integration and therefore we are hopeful that one day Eulingu will become "the main European language". We regard Eulingu as an OSAL (Open Source Artificial Language) which is "created, approved and adapted by the people of Europe".

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, October 14, 2010

U lingu d'Romanu y su influenzu

d'Anatoli Sewtchenko. In momentu, estum studer Romanu y lingu Romanus. Estum guster Romanus y su influenzu in Eulingu. Danku Elizabeta :-)

Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

i kolori d'oktobru

d'Micki Marbh. Esto video "i kolori d'oktobru" un projektu d'amiki d'Eulingu kon fotografi d'Micki Marbh.

Musiku d'Vivaldi; Konzertu Violinu in F, Op. 8/3, RV 293, "I qvatri saisoni (autumnu)" - 2. Adagio Molto; Pavelo Popov; Stanislavo Gorkovenko: St. Petersburg RTV Orkhestru d'Sinfonu

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

d'Arne Duering. Estut d'Europu? Estut parler Eulingu? Estut amer Europu y Eulingu? Piker tu "t-shirt" favoritus! :-)

Qvas est un afiksu?

d'Wikipedia. Estu un afiksu un morfemu qv'est atached a un stemu d'vortu a krer un vortu novus. Esti afiksi "derivazonalis", as -ness y pre- in Anglus, o "inflekzonalis", as -s d'pluralu y -ed d'pastu in Anglus. I sont "bound morphemes" d'definizonu; prefiksi y sufiksi sont kaled "afiksi separaris". So, estu afiksazonu u prozesu lingus qv'est used d'parlori a former vorti novis (neologismi) per ader morfemi (afiksi) at beginu (prefiksazonu), in midlu (infiksazonu) o at finu (sufiksazonu) d'vorti.

Un translazonu d'artiklu "Affix" d'Wikipedia d'Anatoli Sewtchenko

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Monday, October 11, 2010

Verbi kon sufiksi "-er/-ed"

Estu multu simplus a krer un verbu in Eulingu. In ordu a developer un verbu aktivus, user "est" y/o "sont" y doner sufiksu "-er" [e:] a termu. In ordu a developer un verbu pasivus, user "est" y/o "sont" y ader sufiksu "-ed" [e:d] a termu.

Qvom a pronunzer "-er"?
Estu pronunzed "-er" as [e:] as in lingu franzus y estu fokus sur silbu "-er".

Uni eksempli
Estum auder musiku [e:s'tu:m au’de mu:’si:’ku:] - I hear/am hearing music
Estut non parler Espanus - You don't speak/are not speaking Spanish
Karlo (est) ber* un pintu d'biru - Karl drinks a pint of beer
Olga y Larisa (sont) travler a Mosku - Olga and Larissa travel/are travelling to Moscow

*short for "bever" or "beber"

A developer un verbu aktivus, user "et" y doner sufiksu "-er" a termu. In ordu a developer un verbu pasivus, user "et" y doner sufiksu "-ed" a termu.

Etum viver in Madrid - I lived in Madrid
Etut travler a Skandinavu - You travelled to Scandinavia
Natasha et ser in un kafu petitus - Natasha sat in a little cafe
Guido y Franko et visiter uno amiko in hospitalu - Guido and Frank visited a (male) friend in hospital

Qvas estut pensir d'postu? What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!

Poster un komentu y/o skriber un e-postu a, por favoru!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Personi y "estu/esti"

d'Arne Duering. Por mori informazoni viser estu dokumentu...

Estum = est + -um I am
Estut = est + -ut You are (sgl.)
Esto = est + -o He is
Esta = est + -a She is

Estu = est + -u It/the/this/one is (also used as "this" without the "is", viser eksempli)

Estun = est + -un We are
Estuv = est + -v You are (pl.)

Esti = est + -i They/these are (also used as "these" without the "are", viser eksempli)

Uni eksempli
Estum studer Espanus - I study/am studying Spanish
Estut parler Eulingu? - Do you speak/are you speaking Eulingu?
Esto ber* un glasu d'vinu tintus - He drinks/is drinking a glass of red wine
Esto uno pintoro - He is a painter
Esta in Berlin - She is in Berlin
Esta Sara y esta una skribora - It/this/She is Sarah and she is a writer
Estun developer un lingu novus - We develop a new language

*short for "beber" or "bever"

Estu y esti
Estu Eulingu un lingu novus - Eulingu is a new language (lit. "It is Eulingu a new language")
Estu perfektus - It/this is perfect
Estu akuster as un melodu d'gitaru - It sounds like a melody of (a) guitar
In estu dokumentu estut studer gramatiku d'lingu - In this document you study/are studying (the) grammar of (the) language
Esti lingi Anglus, Italus y Germanus lingi europis - the languages English, Italian and German are European languages

As un Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL), Eulingu est qvester, "demander" y desirer tu aidu, tu kolaborazonu y tu "feedback". Poster un komentu in estu blogu d'Eulingu y/o skriber un e-postu a, por favoru!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Qvom a krer substantivi y artikli?

d'Arne Duering. In multi kasi, estu unitu in genu d'substantivu, por eksemplu as in lingu anglus (the house, the woman & the man). A krer un substantivu, estut doner sufiksu "-u" y/o sufiksu "-i" a determiner singularu y/o pluralu.

(u) vehiklu - the vehicle
(i) verhikli - the vehicles
un vehiklu - a vehicle

(u) kaminu - the way
(i) kamini - the ways
un kaminu - a way

(u) portu - the door
(i) porti - the doors
un portu - a door

A krer un genu, estut user sufiksu "-a" y/o sufiksu "-o", in ordu a determiner singularu y/o pluralu estut ader "-ai" y/o "-oi".

un amiku - a friend (gender unknown)
una amika - a (female) friend
uno amiko - a (male) friend

uni amiki - a few friends (gender unknown)
tri amiki - three friends (gender unknown)
di amikai - two (female) friends
mi amikoi - my (male) friends

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Estu Eulingu un projektu novus a developer un lingu simplus. In qvestu por un lingu unikus por Europu, estun demonstrer multu respektu por multi kulturi d'Europu y reflekter esti elementi kulturis in developmentu d'Eulingu. Eulingu est deriver d'multi lingi europis (lingi germanis, lingi romanis y lingi slavis) y d'lingi d'artu (por eksemplu Esperanto, Ido y Interlingua).

Estu desiru d'Eulingu a krer y a komunizer un atmosferu d'unitu, d'toleranzu y d'akzeptanzu in Europu.

DIKZONARU petitus d'Eulingu (beta)
GRAMATIKU petitus d'Eulingu (beta)

Qvas estut penser d'Eulingu? What do you think of Eulingu? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!

Por mori informazoni d'projektu d'lingu novus, poster un komentu in estu blogu d'Eulingu y/o skriber un e-postu a!

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Algarvi Algarvi Algarvi...

Albufeiru. A jur etum arivir in Algarvu in sud d'Portugalu. Estu mu vakanzu primus in Portugalu. Estum habitir in un apartmentu d'resortu "Alfagar". In un marketu petitus d'resortu estum tradir tomati freskis, un panu y bur, un chorizu, tri sorti d'kaesu, un glasu kon olivi, un botlu d'ol d'olivu, sal y pimentu a manjir y un boksu d'latu, 5 litri d'aqvu, un botlu d'vinu tintus d'Portugalu, un glasu d'kafu y un boksu d'kapuzinu a bir.

Bonus apetitu!

a jur - today
etum arivir - I arrived
in Algarvu in sud d'Portugalu - in (the) Algarve in (the) south of Portugal
estu mu vakanzu primus - it is my first vacation
in Portugalu - in Portugal
estum habitir - I live/am living
in un apartmentu d'resortu "Alfagar" - in an apartment/flat of (the) resort "Alfagar"
in un marketu petitus d'resortu - in a small market of (the) resort
etum tradir - I bought
tomati freskis - fresh tomatoes
un panu y bur - a bread and butter
un chorizu - a chorizo
tri sorti d'kaesu - three sorts of cheese
un glasu kon olivi - a glas with olives
un botlu d'ol d'olivu - a bottle of olive oil (also ul y/o olu)
sal y pimentu - salt and pepper (also saltu y/o salzu)
a manjir - to eat
un boksu d'latu - a box of milk
5 litri d'aqvu - 5 litres of water (also vasku)
un botlu d'vinu tintus d'Portugalu - a bottle of red wine of Portugal
un glasu d'kafu - a glas of coffee
un boksu d'kapuzinu - a box of cappucino
a bir - to drink (also a bevir y/o a bebir)
Bonus apetitu! - Enjoy your meal (Bon appétit!)

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Un dialogu petitus d'Isabela y d'Karlo

Isabela: "Salut! Estum Isabela, estum espanus y vivir in Madrid. Y estut?"
Karlo: "Salut, Isabela! Estum Karlo y vivir in Berlin. Estum alemanus y in momentu studir Eulingu a komunizir kon otri populi in Europu. Y estut?"
Isabela: "Grandus! Estum studir Eulingu kon ma amika Veronika. Esta d'Frankfurt in Alemanu y laborir in un ofizu in Sevilla. Estut gustir Espanu?"
Karlo: "Gustir Espanu? Estum amir Espanu y manjaru espanus. In partikularu, fruti d'maru, 'paella', chorizu y vinu tintus espanus. Y estut? Estut gustir o amir manjaru d'Alemanu?"
Isabela: "Si, estum gustir Alemanu y manjaru alemanus. In partikularu, estum gustir kozinu d'Bavaru in sud d'Alemanu y estum amir biru bavarus...Prost!"
Karlo: "Prost!" :-)

© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Skolu d'Eulingu. It looks like that creating "times" (tenses) in Eulingu is one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks we have been confronted with. In order to keep it simple, recognizable and rememberable we came up with the following solution as a first draft.

We distinguish between past tense (pastu), present tense (presentu) and the future (futuru). 3 different tenses seem efficient enough to reflect reality and "everyday life", everything else should be considered "poetry" or "science" :-)

The "past tense" covers everything until the "present" which itself describes what is happening "now", while the "future tense" gives us an idea of something which "will" or "is going to" happen.

Estum - I am
Estut - You are (sgl.)
Esto - He is
Esta - She is
Estu - It/the/this is
Estumi - We are (=many "Is" are...)
Estuti - You are (pl., =many "YOUs" are...)
Esti - They/these are

Uni eksempli
Rikardo est presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard presents/is presenting his passport at the airport
Rikardo esto uno artisto - Richard is an (male) artist
Esta ordir un kafu kon latu - She orders/is ordering a coffee with milk
Estu un muchus belus manjaru - This is a very lovely meal
Estuti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You organize/are organizing a conference in Paris
Esti salati grekis - These are Greek salads

PASTU KON "ET" [ae't]
Etum - I was
Etut - You were (sgl.)
Eto - He was
Etu - It/the/this was
Etumi - We were (=many "Is" are...)
Etuti - You were (pl., =many "YOUs" are...)
Eti - They/these were

Uni eksempli
Rikardo et presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard presented/was presenting his passport at the airport
Rikardo eto uno artisto - Richard was an artist
Eta ordir un kafu kon latu - She did order a coffee with milk
Etu un muchus belus manjaru - This was a very lovely meal
Etuti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You did organize a conference in Paris
Eti salati grekis - These were Greek salads

Volum - I will
Volut - You will (sgl.)
Volo - He will
Vola - She will
Volu - It/the/this will
Volumi - We will ( not confuse with "voluminu" = volume)
Voluti - You will (pl.)
Voli - They/these will

Uni eksempli
Rikardo vol presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard will present his passport at the airport
Vola ordir un kafu kon latu - She will order a coffee with milk
Voluti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You will organize a conference in Paris

The "futuru" needs to be discussed further in one of the next there is possibly a conflict in the way we understand "to will" and "to want", i.e. "Rikardo volo uno artisto" does not really mean "Richard wants to be an artist"!

Possible solution:
Rikardo vol estir uno artisto - Richard will be/wants to be an artist

Qvas estut pensir d'postu? What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!

Por favoru, postir un komentu y/o skribir un e-postu a, multi danki!

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu