Saturday, March 27, 2010

Un evidenzu por un figur novus

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Zelebrazoni a "Jur d'Santo Patriko"

Dublin. In memoru d'Santo Patriko, dar magni zelebrazoni y festi a 17. Marsu 2010 in Iru, in capitalu irus Dublin, in Europu y in restu d'globu, i.e. u paradu grandus y famus in New York.

Sont costumirdt i humani in colori grun, grun y grun...


In memoru d' - in memory of
Santo Patriko - St. Patrick
dar - there is/are
magni zelebrazoni y festi - many celebrations and fest(ival)s
a 17. Marsu 2010 - on the 17th of March 2010
in Iru - in Ireland
in capitalu irus Dublin - in the Irish capital Dublin
in Europu - in Europe
y in restu d'globu - and the rest of the world (globe)
u paradu grandus y famus in New York - the great and famous parade in New York
sont costumirdt - are costumed
i humani - the humans/people
in colori grun, grun y grun - in the colours green, green and green
grun y irus por un jur - green and Irish for one day

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I libri d'Robert Harris

Estam amir i libri d'avtoro, jurnalisto y novelisto Robert Harris. Dar "Fatherland, "Enigma", "Archangel", "Pompeii", "Imperium" y "The Ghost" por eksemplu.

Estu libru famus d'crimu "Fatherland" u libru primus qv'estam lir d'Robert Harris, con un plotu inteligentus y absorbus qv'est plazirdt in tidu d'Hitler.

In momentu, estam consumir novelu "Archangel" d'Harris qv'est jugir in Rusku d'tidu altus y novus. Estu storu d'libru u qvestu/serku d'hero Fluke Kelso por "libru d'jur"/logu d'Josef Stalin y u sekretu qv'est lokirdt in urbi Moskvu y Arkhangelsk.

Paralelu, estu libru novus "The Ghost" un filmu con skriptu d'direktoro Roman Polanski con nomu "The Ghost Writer" qv'est presentirdt in teatri d'filmu europis in Marsu 2010 con aktori Ewan McGregor y Pierce Brosnan.

EU DIKZONARU - EN DICTIONARY Estam amir - I (am) love(ing)
i libri d' - the books of...
avtoro, jurnalisto y novelisto - author, jounalist and novelist (male)
dar - there is/are...
por eksemplu - for example
estu libru famus d'crimu - the famous
u libru primus - the first book
qv'estam lir d'Robert Harris - which I (am) read(ing) by Robert Harris
con un plotu inteligentus y absorbus - with an intelligent and absorbing plot
qv'est plazirdt - which is placed
in tidu d'Hitler - in the times of Hitler
in momentu - at the moment
estam consumir - I (am) consume(ing)
novelu "Archangel" d'Harris - (the) novel Archangel
qv'est jugir - which (is) plays(ing)
in Rusku - in Russia
d'tidu altus y novus - of the old and new time
estu storu d'libru - the story of the book is...
u qvestu/serku d'hero Fluke Kelso - the quest/search of the hero Fluke Kelso
por "libru d'jur"/logu d'Josef Stalin - for the diary/log of Josef Stalin
y u sekretu - and the secret
qv'est lokirdt - which is located/hidden
in urbi Moskvu y Arkhangelsk - in the cities Moskow and Arkhangelsk
paralelu - at the same time, also
estu libru novus "The Ghost" - zhe new book "The Ghost" is...
un filmu con skriptu d'direktoro Roman Polanski - a movie with a script by director Roman Polanski
qv'est presentirdt in teatri d'filmu europis - which is presented in the European cinemas
in Marsu 2010 - in March 2010
con aktori Ewan McGregor y Pierce Brosnan - with the actors Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan

Your feedback
What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input! Please "comment" or send an email to (which is very much appreciated).

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gramatiku - Qvas storu con "au"?

In ordu a makir Eulingu un lingu simplus, v sont dezidir a replazir diftongu "au" con term "av"...

Multi eksempli
avtomobilu - auto(mobile)
avtomatu - automat
avtoro - author (male)
avtismu - autism
avteismu - autheism

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Friday, March 12, 2010

Gramatiku - I formi variablis d'termi "est" y "sont"

J'est/estam - I am
U'est/estud - You are (sgl)
Estos - He is
Estela - She is

Estu - It is...

V'sont/sontiv - We are
Sonti y/o sontu - You are (pl)
Z'sont/sontiz - They are

Dar - there is/are...

Multi eksempli
J'est amir bari d'urbu - I (am) love(ing) the bars of the city
U'est bir un biru - you (are) drink(ing) a beer
Estos arivir in teatru d'filmu - He (is) arrives(ing) in the cinema
Estela plazir un legu sur tablu - She puts a leg on the table
Estu "Casablanca" un filmu grandus - "Casablanca" is a great movie
V'sont manjir steki delizis - We (are) eat(ing) delicious steaks
Z'sont parlir a femi - They (are) speak(ing) with the girls
Dar potati in platu sur tablu - There are potatoes in the plate on the table

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gramatiku - Sont representirdt lingi slavis in Eulingu

Alfabetu slavus
Аа • Бб • Вв • Гг • Дд • Ее • Ёё • Жж • Зз • Ии • Йй
Кк • Лл • Мм • Нн • Оо • Пп • Рр • Сс • Тт • Уу • Фф
Хх • Цц • Чч • Шш • Щщ • Ъъ • Ыы • Ьь • Ээ • Юю • Яя

Moskvu. Estu importantus a inkludir as magni lingi d'Europu as posiblus in creazonu d'lingu europus Eulingu, i.e. lingi slavis in adizonu a lingi romanis y germanis.

1) Finu "-u"
Estu finu "-u" un symbolu a demonstrir abilitu a inkludir elementi d'otri lingi in lingu novus Eulingu. N'estu slavis in originu, mas un symbolu.

un palastu
un robotu
un turistu
un tasu d'cafu
un arkhivu

2) Fini "-ku" y "-ki"
Sonti fini "-ku" (sgl) y "-ki" (pl) otri symboli a integrir elementi d'lingi slavis, in formu d'minimisazonu, i.e. finu "-ka" in lingu ruskus.

u palastku - i palastki
u robotku - i robotki
u turistku - i turistki
u tasku d'cafu - i taski d'cafu
u arkhivku - i arkhivki

3) Est replazir "kh" sonu "ch"

u arkhivu - i arkhivi

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What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input! Please "comment" or send an email to (which is very much appreciated).

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Berlin - Metropolis d'Germanu

Berlin. Estu Berlin u capitalu d'Germanu unitus por ~20 ani. Paralelu, estu Berlin con populazonu d'3.4mil populi un statu unikus sus 16 stati germanis. Estu Berlin u zentru d'culturu in Europu qv'est i.e. New York in USA. Estu un orsu ("der Berliner Bär") u symbolu y un partu d'flagu d'Berlin. Por mori informazoni sur Berlin visir

metropolis d'Germanu - metropolis of Germany
estu - it is...
u, i & un - the (sgl), the (pl) & a/an
capitalu d'Germanu unitus - capital of the united Germany
por ~20 ani - for ~20 years
paralelu - at the same time, as well
con populazonu d'3.4mil populi - with (a) population of 3.4 mil people
un statu unikus - a sovereign state
sus 16 stati germanis - among 16 German states
zentru d'culturu - centre of culture
orsu - bear
symbolu - symbol
partu d'flagu d'Berlin - part of the Berlin flag
por mori informazoni sur Berlin - for more information on Berlin
visir - see

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What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input! Please "comment" or send an email to (which is very much appreciated).

© Skolu d'Eulingu