Friday, August 27, 2010

Navigazonu - Navigation

EU Est navigir uno kapitano un shipu a Ameriku
Est na'vi:'gi:r u'no: ka'pi:'ta:'no: un ʃip'pu: a a'me:'ri:'ku:
EN A captain navigates a ship to America
DE Ein Kapitaen navigiert/steuert ein Schiff nach Amerika

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Qvom a pronunzir vordi in Eulingu - How to pronounce words in Eulingu

In ordu a pronunzir vordi in Eulingu, estut usir parti d'Alfabetu d'Fonetiku Internazonalus (IPA International Phonetic Alphabet), por eksemplu a eksprezir "sh", "j", "ch" y "z":

shampu - ʃam'pu:
jurnalu - ur'na:'lu:
chocolatu - o'ko'la:'tu:
produzir - pro:'du:'tsi:r y/o pro:'du:'i:r y/o pro:'du:'ʃi:r

=> "sh", "j" and "ch" are always pronounced as "ʃ", "" and ""
=> "z" is the joker among the consonants as it can be pronounced as "ts" (most common), "" or even "ʃ", depending on your location

Shampu kon taru
EU Esto usir shampu kon taru por su kapu y su kapelu
Es'to: u:'si:r ʃam'pu: kon ta'ru: por su: ka'pu: i: su: ka'pel'lu:
EN He uses shampoo with tar for his head and his hair
DE Er benutzt Shampoo mit Teer fuer seinen Kopf und sein Haar

Malo altos y fema belas
EU Est lir uno malo altos un jurnalu d'politiku y est entrir una fema belas u kambru
Est li:r u:'no: ma:'lo: al'tos un ur'na:'lu: de: po'li'ti:'ku: i: est en'tri:r u:'na: fe:'ma: be:'las u: kam'bru:
EN An old man reads/is reading a political journal and a beautiful woman enters/is entering the room (chamber)
DE Ein alter Mann liest eine Politikjournal und eine schoene Frau betritt den Raum (das Zimmer/die Kammer)

Un dormu bonus
EU In ordu a dormir bonus, estut bir un tasu d'chokolatu
In or'du: a dor'mi:r bo:'nus es'tu:t bi:r un tas'su: de: o'ko'la:'tu:
EN In oder to sleep well you drink a cup of chocolate
DE Um gut schlafen zu koennen, drinkst Du eine Tasse Kakao/Schokolade

Produzir un produktu
EU Un kompanu est produzir produkti por i konsumori
Un kom'pa'nu: est pro:'du:'tsi:r y/o pro:'du:'i:r y/o pro:'du:'ʃi:r pro:'duk'ti: por i: kon'su:'mo:'ri:
EN A company produces/is producing products for the consumers
DE Eine Firma produziert Produkte fuer die Konsumenten

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Por favoru, postir un komentu y skribir un e-letru/e-postu a, multi danki!

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I tidi - The times

EU Tidu/tempu sekondu minutu horu dagu/jur semanu/vuk monsu anu
EN Time/tide second minute hour day week month year
FR Temps seconde minute heure jour semaine mois an
ES Tiempo segundo minuto hora día semana mes año
IT Tempo secondo minuto ora giorno settimana mese anno
RU время секунда минута час день неделя месяц год
DE Zeit/Gezeiten Sekunde Minute Stunde/Uhr Tag Woche Monat Jahr/Anno

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Por favoru, postir un komentu y skribir un e-letru y/o e-postu a, multi danki!

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Radio South Dublin FM

TJ, Zuzu Reda, Aleksander Jakima y mu personu in stazonu d'Radio Dublin South FM

EU Estum visitir u SHOW A-Z kon i moderatori Zuzu Reda y Aleksander Jakima in stazonu d'Radio Dublin South FM in Dundrum Shopping Centre y jugir mu gitaru a un kantu d'farbenWALD qv'est nomirdt "Wer" ("Qvu") in kolaborazonu kon uno otro musikoro y kantoro - kon mo amiko TJ. In paralelu, estum parlir sur developmentu d'projektu d'tongu Eulingu y mu vidu in Iru.

EN I visit/am visiting the SHOW A-Z with the moderators/presenters Zuzu Reda y Aleksander Jakima in the Dublin South FM radio station in Dundrum Shopping Centre and play/am playing my guitar to a song of farbenWALD which is called "Wer" ("Who") in collaboration/together with another (male) musician and singer - with my (male) friend TJ. I also talk/am talking about the development of the language (tongue) project Eulingu and my life in Ireland.

DE Ich besuche die SHOW A-Z mit den Moderatoren Zuzu Reda y Aleksander Jakima in der Radiostation Dublin South FM im Dundrum Shopping Zentrum und spiele meine Gitarre zu einem Lied von farbenWALD, welches "Wer" heisst, in Zusammenarbeit/zusammen mit einem anderen/weiteren Musiker und Saenger - mit meinem Freund TJ. Desweiteren spreche ich ueber die Entwicklung des Sprachprojektes (Zungenprojektes) Eulingu und mein Leben in Irland.

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Un direkzonu novus - A new direction

EU O konduktoro/dirigento grandos y a violinista elegantas
EN The great (male) conductor and the elegant (female) violinist
DE Der grosse Dirigent und die elegante

EU O malo bonos y a fema belas
EN The good man and the beautiful woman
DE Der gute Mann und die schoene Frau

EU Uno konduktoro/dirigento grandos y una
violinista elegantas
EN A great (male) conductor an
elegant (female) violinist
DE Ein grosser Dirigent und eine elegante Violinistin

EU Uno malo bonos y una fema belas
EN A good man and a beautiful woman
DE Ein guter Mann und eine schoene Frau

Eksplanazonu - Explanation
In respektu por lingu portugus, v sont dezidir a inkludir i artikli portugis "a" y "o" in projektu d'tongu Eulingu in ordu a ekspresir i termi malis y femis.

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Qvus estud pensir d'postu? What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!

Por favoru, postir un komentu y skribir un e-letru y/o e-postu a, multi danki!

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

I monsi d'anu - The months of the year

EU Yanaru Febru Marzu Aprilu Mayu Yun Yul Agostu Septembru Oktobru Novembru Dezembru
EN January February March April May June July August Septembre October November December
FR Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Août Septembre Octobre Novembre Décembre
ES Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre
IT Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre
RU январь февраль март апрель май июнь июль август сентябрь октябрь ноябрь декабрь
DE Januar Februar Maerz April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember

Konfezonu - Confession
EU Estu mu fontu primus d'informazonu in ordu a kreir vordi novis por Eulingu...
EN is my first source of information in order to create new words for Eulingu...
DE ist meine erste Informationsquelle, um neue Woerter fuer Eulingu zu kreieren...

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Qvus estud pensir d'postu? What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!

Por favoru, postir un komentu y skribir un e-letru y/o e-postu a, multi danki!

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Orkhestru d'filarmoniku d'Berlin

Berlin. Estam musizir kon otri musikori in orkhestru d'filarmoniku d'Berlin. J'est jugir trombonu y Kamila est mastrir violinu. Esta una musikora perfektas. V'amir musiku klasikus, in partikularu Chopin, Grieg y Tchaikovsky. Esto Herbert von Karajan uno konduktoro grandos in orkhestru d'filarmoniku in Berlin por 35 ani.

estam musizir - I play/am playing music
kon otri musikori - with other musicians
in ork(h)estru d'filarmoniku d'Berlin - in the philharmonic orchestre of Berlin
J'est jugir trombonu - I play/am playing the trombone
y Kamila est mastrir violinu - and Camilla masters/is mastering the violin
esta una musikora perfektas - she is a perfect (female) musician
v'amir/v sont amir musiku klasikus - we love/are loving classical music
in partikular(u) - especially, in particular
Chopin, Grieg y Tchaikovsky - Chopin, Grieg and Tchaikovsky
esto Herbert von Karajan - (he is) Herbert von Karajan is
uno konduktoro grandos - a great (male) conductor
in ork(h)estru d'filarmoniku in Berlin - in the philharmonic orchestre in Berlin
por 35/triti-fuv ani - for 35 years

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Uno turisto in Isralu/Palestinu

Isralu/Palestinu. Estu Akko un urbu arabus kon un portu romantikus y un zitadelu altus. Sont eksplorir Yana y
tunelu d'templori d'Akko. Est flanir Arne sur stratu elegantus d'Dizengoff y promenadu belus d'Tel Aviv.
Arne est amir Tel Aviv y kapitalu isralus Yerusalemu
. I
n Yerusalemu, d
ar multi moski, iglesi, synagogi y bazari.

uno turisto - a (male) tourist
Isralu/Palestinu - Israel/Palestine
estu Akko un urbu arabus - (it is) Akko is an arabic city/town
kon un portu romantikus - with a romantic port/harbour
y un zitadelu altus - and an old citadel
sont eksplorir Yana y
- Jana and Arne explore
tunelu d'templori d'Akko - the templar tunnel of Akko (lit. "of the Templars")
est flanir Arne - Arne strolls
sur stratu elegantus d'Dizengoff - over the elegant Dizengoff street
y promenadu belus d'Tel Aviv - and the beautiful promenade of Tel Aviv
Arne est amir Tel Aviv y kapitalu isralus Yerusalemu - Arne loves Tel Aviv and the Israeli capital Jerusalem
in Yerusalemu - in Jerusalem
ar - there is/are
multi moski, iglesi, synagogi y bazari - many mosques, churches, synagogues and bazaars

Por mori informazoni sur Eulingu skribir a, danku!

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Karuselu d'vidu - Carousel of life

Parku d'fun. Estam sir in/sur karuselu d'vidu y mi armi, legi y pedi/futi sont vibrir in aeru kaltus...

Estam sir - I sit/am sitting
in/sur karuselu d'vidu - in/on (the) carousel of life
y mi armi, legi y pedi/futi - and my arms, legs and feet
sont vibrir - swing/are swinging
in aeru kaltus - in (the) cool air

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

J'est/Estam eksplanir - I explain

Esto uno belos bambino - He is a lovely child
I libri sont multi interesantis - The books are very interesting
Est mano poveros - The man is poor
Est remanir fema elegantas in kafu "Paris" in zentru d'Londru - The elegant woman stays/is staying/remains/is remaining in the cafe "Paris" in the centre of London
Monika est jugir tenisu kon Marko in klub d'tenisu - Monica and Marc are playing tennis in the tennis club
Karla y Brita sont posir un apartmentu belus - Carla and Britta own a lovely apartment
J'est/Estam eksplanir libru novus d'Robert Harris a Karlo - I explain the new book of Robert Harris to Karl/Carl(os)

Estam eksplanir - I explain
As you can see there are multiple ways to express a situation in Eulingu. A form of the verbs "est/sont" can be placed at the beginning, the middle or the end of a sentence, the same applies to subject, adjective/adverb and object.

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gramatiku - Familu van Dijk

Amsterdam. Sonti madra, padro, sistra y frato parti d'familu y multus importantus por vidu d'humanu. Sont responsiblus parenti por infanti qv'sont dodra/fila y filo.

Estu familu van Dijk. U familu est habitir in urbu Amsterdam. Est sir familu van Dijk sur balkonu y visir in album d'fotografi d'familu. Padro Gerto est lir in su jurnalu d'sportu sur futbalu y sa dodra Ilka est bir un limonadu kaltus. Estu ringir. Madra Elvira est plazir su glasu d'limonadu sur tablu y aprir portu d'apartmentu. Estu Marko, filo d'Elvira y Gerto. Marko est entrir balkonu y sa sistra est donir un linonadu a su.

sonti - (they) are
madra, padro, sistra y frato - mother, father, sister and brother
parti d'familu - parts of (the) family
y - and
multus importantus - very important
por vidu d'humanu - for (the) life of (the) human (being)
sont responsiblus parenti - parents are responsible
por infanti - for (the/their) children
qv'sont dodra/fila y filo - which are daughter and son
estu familu van Dijk - this is (the) van Dijk family
U familu est habitir - the family lives/is living
in urbu Amsterdam - in (the) city Amsterdam
est sir familu van Dijk sur balkonu - (the) family van Dijk sits/is sitting on the balcony
y visir in album d'fotografi d'familu - and looks/is looking into (the) family photo album
Padro Gerto est lir - Father Geert reads/is reading
in su jurnalu d'sportu - in his sport magazine
sur futbalu - about football/soccer
y sa dodra Ilka - and his daughter Ilka
est bir un limonadu kaltus - drinks/is drinking a cold lemonade
estu ringir - it (the doorbell) rings/is ringing
Madra Elvira est plazir su glasu d'limonadu - Mother Elvira places/is placing her glass of lemonade
sur tablu - on the table
y aprir portu d'apartmentu - and opens (the) door to/of (the) apartment
estu Marko - it is Marc
filo d'Elvira y Gerto - (the) son of Elvira and Geert
Marko est entrir balkonu - Marc enters/is entering (the) balcony
y sa sistra - and his sister
est donir un linonadu a su - gives/is giving him a limonade (lit. "to him")

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What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!

Please "comment" or send an email to (which is very much appreciated).

© Skolu d'Eulingu