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Monday, December 19, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Eksplorer Juger Y Partiziper! :-)
Estun "Amiki d'Eulingu", un komunitu d'populi kel amer Europu y si lingi y kulturi. Estun developer Eulingu, un projektu d'lingu y un konzeptu simplus a uner Europu in "un tongu". Estut aver interesu in Eulingu? Estun chercher-tu a partiziper in developu d'Eulingu. Kontakter-nu in grup d'Eulingu y/o in grup d'Amiki d'Eulingu in Facebook. Multi danki!
We are the "Friends of Eulingu", a community of people which love Europu and its languages and cultures. We develop Eulingu, a language project and a simple concept to unite Europe in "one tongue". You are interested in Eulingu? We are looking for you to participate in the development of Eulingu. Contact us in the Eulingu group and/or the Amiki d'Eulingu group on Facebook. Many thanks!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Kum a krer un lingu simplus por Europu?
Kum a krer un lingu?
Kum a krer un lingu simplus?
Kum a krer un lingu simplus por Europu kel reflekter y respekter i multi lingi y kulturi europis? Un lingu kel uner populi europis in un tongu?
Estu Eulingu estu respondu? :-)
Kum a krer un lingu simplus?
Kum a krer un lingu simplus por Europu kel reflekter y respekter i multi lingi y kulturi europis? Un lingu kel uner populi europis in un tongu?
Estu Eulingu estu respondu? :-)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Monday, November 28, 2011
In kuzinu - In (the) kitchen
EU Lara y Olga, di femi d'Rusu, esti in su kuzinu. Pavlo, ko esto d'Republiku Czekus, entrer kuzinu.
Pavlo: "Hi, kum estut?"
Olga: "Hi, Pavlo, estun grandus, kum estut?"
Pavlo: "Yep! Em grandus, Olga, danku! Estut kuker?"
Lara: "Non, n'estun kuker mas estun baker...un kaku...un kaku d'karoti. Estut guster kaku d'karoti, Pavlo?"
Pavlo: "Ah! Em amer kaku d'karoti, Lara! Em ablus a aver un poku?"
Olga y Lara: "Non in estu momentu, Pavlo! In 20 minuti, ok?"
Pavel: "Grandus! Em viser-ti in 19 minuti!"
EN Lara and Olga, two women from from Russia, (they) are in their kitchen. Pavel, who (he) is from the Czech Republic, enters (the) kitchen.
Pavel: "Hi, how are you?"
Olga: "Hi, Pavel, we are great/grand, how are you?"
Pavel: "Yep! I am great/grand, Olga, thanks! Are you cooking?"
Lara: "No, we are not cooking but we are baking...a cake...a carrot cake. Do you like carrot cake, Pavel?"
Pavel: "Ah! I love carrot cake, Lara! Am I able to/can I have a little/piece?"
Olga and Lara: "Not now/at this moment, Pavel! In 20 minutes, ok?"
Pavel: "Great! I see you in 19 minutes!"
DE Lara und Olga, zwei Frauen aus Russland, (sie) sind in ihrer Kueche. Pavel, der aus Tschechien (er) ist, betritt (die) Kueche.
Pavel: "Hi, wie geht es euch?"
Olga: "Hi, Pavel, uns geht es grossartig, wie geht es dir?"
Pavel: "Ja! Mir geht es grossartig, Olga, danke! Kocht ihr?"
Lara: "Nein, wir kochen nicht aber wir backen...einen Kuchen...einen Karottenkuchen. Magst du Karottenkuchen, Pavel?"
Pavel: "Ah! Ich liebe Karottenkuchen, Lara! Kann ich ein Stueck/bisschen (ab)haben?"
Olga und Lara: "Nicht jetzt/in diesem Moment, Pavel! In 20 Minuten, ok?"
Pavel: "Grossartig! Ich sehe euch in 19 Minuten!"
Gramatiku - Grammar
We like to highlight a few things in "estu eksemplu" for clarification. Let's start with "Lara y Olga, di femi d'Rusu, esti in su kuzinu", "two women from Russia", as we have more than one woman ("una fema") we use the plural form in "di femi". When we say "Lara y Olga esti in su kuzinu" we actually write "Lara and Olga (they) are in her/his/their kitchen", "esti" means "they are", "they" or "are" depending on context. In this case we have a simple "are", so end up with "Lara and Olga are in her/his/their kitchen", simple as that. But how do we know that it's actually "their" kitchen and not "hers" or "his" or even Pavel's. Well, let's always assume that "i populi" mentioned in the same sentence actually own the property as well, so in this case "Lara y Olga". Spanish behaves in a "similar" way. If you wanted to be more specific you can always say "kuzinu d'Pavlo" when Pavel is the owner of the kitchen.
The term "kuzinu" is modelled on the Italian "cucina". As it is considered a "neutral" term we finish with a "-u" rather than the Romanic "-a/-e" as found e.g. in Italian, French and Spanish. Pavel enters the kitchen, "Pavlo entrer kuzinu", but more importantly, he is from the Czech Republic, "ko esto d'Republiku Czekus", we know "who" in Eulingu is generally "ku" (when considered "genderless") but it was rendered to "ko" in this case. Why? Let's say for consistency reasons as "esto" kind of "dictates" the "male" ending (-o) in the preceding word "who". If we had a female "Paula" (-a) in the room we would add "Paula, ka esta d'Republiku Czekus". But, if this both sounds too complicated just say "Pavlo/Paula, kel est d'Republiku Czekus", meaning "Pavel/Paula, which is from the Czech Republic".
When asked by Pavel if they were cooking, Lara replied: "Non, n'estun kuker mas estun baker..." - "No, we are not cooking but we are baking...", "n'estun kuker" stands for "non estun kuker" or even "estun non kuker" (we are definitely flexible here).
Let's have a look at the next "sentenzu kel est un fragu": "Em ablus a aver un poku?" - "Can I have a piece?". But why is it a question as its structure can also mean "I am able to have a piece". Well, there is this "?" at the end of the "sentenzu" which turns a simple statement into a simply raising your voice when saying "poku" (but not too much as we don't want to shout). :-)
We, the "Amiki d'Eulingu", only agreed last week on "a aver" to represent "to have" in Eulingu, a major breakthrough ("Andyfektu"). We also agreed to replace the Germanic "can" and "koennen" with the term "to be able", which is reflected in Eulingu as "ablus", and which opens a wider range of opportunities but also that "desired" simplicity which we are striving for in "gramatiku d'Eulingu". Estut ablus a komprender, leser, skriber y parler Eulingu? - Are you able to understand, read, write and speak Eulingu?
Finally, Pavel leaves the kitchen by promising to be back in 19 minutes (obviously he really likes carrot cake) rather than the 20 minutes which are needed " a finer prozesu d'bakeru" (to finish 'the' baking process), and by saying: "Em viser-ti..." - "I see you...". What he actually said was: "Em viser ti (personi)..." - "I see your (persons)..." but "personi" was left out for simplicity reasons. So, Pavel can say: "Em amer-tu" - "I love-you" thinking "em amer tu personu" - "I love your person" but also "em amer tu kaku" - "I love your cake". So, "em amer tu personu" becomes "em amer-tu" when leaving out "personu". Also, if after baking Lara needs to wash her hands she can say: "Em laver mi mani" - "I wash my hands" or "em laver-mu" - "I wash myself" if not only the hands but the whole body is included. Estut juger kon uni eksempli - Play around with a few examples and you will see: "It all makes perfect sense!" :-)
Estu totu in momentu - That's it/all for now! Always let us know what you think as "ti komenti" and your feedback definitely "aver un impaktu" and shape Eulingu, multi danki in advanzu! :-)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Friday, November 25, 2011
Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu - In Un Tongu
Kum a krer un lingu?
Kum a krer un lingu simplus?
Kum a krer un lingu simplus kel
reflekter y respekter
reflekter y respekter
reflekter y respekter
reflekter y respekter
i multi kulturi y lingi d'Europu
un lingu kel uner humani europis in un tongu?
How to create a language?
How to create a simple language?
How to create a simple language which
reflects and respects
reflects and respects
reflects and respects
reflects and respects
the many cultures and languages of Europe
a language which unites the Europeans in one tongue?
Musiku & Tekstu: Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Titlu: In Un Tongu (In One Tongue)
Misku: Lipi Miksu
Lingu: Eulingu (
Vidu: Micki Marbh
Datu: 25.11.2011
Lokalu: Blackrock Co. Dublin/Iru
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Kel libri?
EU Kel libru estut leser in momentu y kel esti ti libri favoris?
EN What book do you read at the moment and which are your favourite books?
DE Welches Buch liest du gerade und was sind deine Lieblingsbuecher?
...y in tu/-i lingu/-i?
"Bon, mi libri favoris esti libri d'linguisto italos Umberto Eco, i krimi politis d'skriburo anglos Robert Harris y i libri d'lingu d'Alfred Sellner, por eksemplu "Latein im Alltag" ("Latinu in altagu"). In momentu estum leser un libru kon titlu "I stori d'Facebook, YouTube y MySpace..." d'skribura y reportura amerikas Sarah Lacy..."
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Amiki d'Eulingu in Facebook
Estun "Amiki d'Eulingu", un komunitu d'populi kel amer Europu y si lingi y kulturi. Estun developer Eulingu, un projektu europus d'lingu y un metodu novus a uner Europu in "un tongu". Estut intereser in Eulingu? Estun chercher-tu a partiziper in developu d'Eulingu. Kontakter-nu in estu grupu, multi danki!
We are the "Friends of Eulingu", a community of people which love Europu and its languages and cultures. We develop Eulingu, a European language project and a new method to unite Europe in "one tongue". You are interested in Eulingu? We are looking for you to participate in the development of Eulingu. Contact us in this group, many thanks!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu - Kon Mi Amiki
A noktu em marcher a disku kon mi amiki
bever multi vini y kokteli kon mi amiki
In negru em parler kon chiki kon chiki seksi'
mas chiki non parler kon mu
mas kon mi amiki
At night I walk to the disco with my friends
drink plenty of wine and cocktails with my friends
In the dark I talk to sexy girls
but the girls don't talk to me
but to my friends
Titlu: Kon Mi Amiki (With My Friends)
Musiku & Tekstu: Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu
Datu: 16.11.2011
Lokalu: Blackrock/Co. Dublin/Iru
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blogu, folger-nu in Twitter y/o Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Gramatiku y dikzonaru
EU Visiter nu blogu a eksplorer i moduli y featuri novis "gramatiku" y "dikzonaru"
EN Visit our blog to explore the new modules and features "grammar" and "dictionary"
DE Besucht unser(en) Blog, um die neuen Module und Features "Grammatik" und "Woerterbuch" zu erkunden
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
EN Visit our blog to explore the new modules and features "grammar" and "dictionary"
DE Besucht unser(en) Blog, um die neuen Module und Features "Grammatik" und "Woerterbuch" zu erkunden
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Esta eksaminer - She examines
EU Esta eksaminer progresu d'projektu novus Eulingu
EN She examines (the) progress of (the) new project Eulingu
DE Sie examiniert (den) Fortschritt des neuen Projekt(es)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
EN She examines (the) progress of (the) new project Eulingu
DE Sie examiniert (den) Fortschritt des neuen Projekt(es)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I heri d'Homero - The heroes of Homer
EU I multi myti, lyriki y episodi d'herai y d'heroi grekis d'Homero
EN The many myths, lyric 'poetries' and episodes of 'the' Greek 'female' and 'male' heroes by Homer
DE Die vielen Mythen, Lyriken und Episoden der griechischen 'maennlichen' Helden und Heldinnen des Homers
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Estut... - You are...
EU Estut trinker tu kafu y estut trinker ti kafi
EN You drink/are drinking (sgl) your coffee and you drink/are drinking (pl) your coffees
DE Du trinks deinen Kaffee und ihr trinkt eure Kaffees
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
EN You drink/are drinking (sgl) your coffee and you drink/are drinking (pl) your coffees
DE Du trinks deinen Kaffee und ihr trinkt eure Kaffees
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Un kampagnu novus - A new campaign
EU Estu tu responsibilitu a developer un kampagnu novus por ti klienti
EN It is your responsibility to develop a new campaign for your clients/customers
DE Es ist deine/liegt in deiner Verantwortung, neue Kampagnen fuer deine Klienten/Kunden zu erstellen
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Un kapuzinu y un kornetu
EU Lara trinker un tasu d'kapuzinu y manjer un kornetu italus
[la:'ra trin'ke: un ta:'su d: ka'pu'tshi:'nu i: man'dshe: un kor'ne:'tu ita'lus]
EN Lara drinks/is drinking a cup of cappuccino and eats/is eating an Italian cornetto/croissant
DE Lara trinkt eine Tasse Cappuccino und isst ein italienisches Cornetto/Croissant
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
[la:'ra trin'ke: un ta:'su d: ka'pu'tshi:'nu i: man'dshe: un kor'ne:'tu ita'lus]
EN Lara drinks/is drinking a cup of cappuccino and eats/is eating an Italian cornetto/croissant
DE Lara trinkt eine Tasse Cappuccino und isst ein italienisches Cornetto/Croissant
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
U basu d'gramatiku d'Eulingu
Europu. Thanks to great feedback on our Eulingu page on Facebook and on Twitter (let's call it the "Doroffect") we have decided to build our own Grammar blog which you can find here at: Hurray!
It is actually very helpful to put something like this together (to get a better and more objective view at your own language project) as people obviously feel that our main blog is not self-explanatory enough to deal with the different aspects of Eulingu.
It is actually very helpful to put something like this together (to get a better and more objective view at your own language project) as people obviously feel that our main blog is not self-explanatory enough to deal with the different aspects of Eulingu.
As you can see, we are thankful for your comments and do not hesitate to put your great ideas into action, simply as we see the development of Eulingu as a common effort by the people and citizens of Europe (and you are one of them) which is essential to the success of this new "common language". So again, thanks to everyone who has contributed so far and will be in the future...very much appreciated...multi danki, tu amiku d'Eulingu! :-)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Ernesto y Sabrina visiter i animali in zu
EU Ernesto y Sabrina visiter un zu kon multi animali, por eksemplu i girafi, i tigri, i elefanti, i api y i serpenti
EN Ernesto and Sabrina visit a zoo with many animals, for example the giraffes, the tigers, the elephants, the apes and the snakes/serpents
DE Ernesto und Sabrina besuchen einen Zoo mit vielen Tieren, zum Beispiel den Giraffen, den Tigern, den Elefanten, den Affen und den Schlangen/Serpenten
...y in tu lingu? ...and in your language? :-)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Friday, October 14, 2011
Un debatu d'parlmentu
[tri: mi'nis'to:'ri: de'ba'te: as de'ba'to:'ri: in un de'ba:'tu d'parl'men'tu:]
EN Three minister debate as debators in a debate of (the) parliament
DE Drei Minister debatieren als Debatoren in einer Parlamentsdebate
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Un otru jobu in Hamburg?
EU A jur estum/em apler por un otru jobu in Hamburg in Germanu.
[a dur es'tu:m/em a'ple: por un o:'tru jo'bu: in ham'bu:rg in ger'ma:'nu:]
EN Today I apply/am applying for another job in Hamburg in Germany.
DE Heute bewerbe ich mich um einen weiteren/anderen Job in Hamburg in Deutschland.
...y in tu lingu y/o conlangu? ...and in your language or conlang?
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Spageti kon verdi in sosu d'tomati
EU In momentu estum/em preparer spageti kon verdi/gruni in sosu d'tomati y trinker un glasu d'vinu espanus.
[in mo'me:n'tu: es'tum/em pre'pa're: spa'get'ti: kon ver'di:/gru:'ni in so:'su d'to'ma:'ti: i: trin'ke: un gla:'su: d'vi:'nu: es'pa:'nus]
EN At the moment I am preparing spaghetti with vegetables in tomato sauce and drink a glass of Spanish wine.
DE Im Moment bereite ich Spaghetti mit Gemuese in Tomatensauce vor und trinke ein Glass von spanischem Wein.
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Sabrina in universitu d'Barzelonu
EU Esta Sabrina. Sabrina est(a) d'Venezu in Italu y esta vister universitu d'Barzelonu in Espanu.
[es'ta sa'bri:'na sa'bri:'na es'ta d've'ne:'tsu: in i'ta:'lu: i: es'ta vi'si'te: u'ni've:r'si'tu: d'bar'se'lo:'nu: in es'pa:'nu:]
[es'ta sa'bri:'na sa'bri:'na es'ta d've'ne:'tsu: in i'ta:'lu: i: es'ta vi'si'te: u'ni've:r'si'tu: d'bar'se'lo:'nu: in es'pa:'nu:]
EN This is Sabrina. Sabrina (she) is from Venice in Italy and she visits (the) university of Barcelona in Spain.
DE Das ist Sabrina. Sabrina (sie) ist aus Venedig in Italien und sie besucht (die) Universität von Barcelona in Spanien.
DE Das ist Sabrina. Sabrina (sie) ist aus Venedig in Italien und sie besucht (die) Universität von Barcelona in Spanien.
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Monday, October 10, 2011
Twitter - Amiki d'Eulingu in a new look
EU Estun changer i kolori y u designu d'nu kontu d'Twitter at Por favoru, visiter-nu y komenter.
EN We have changed the colours and the design of our Twitter account at Please visit us and comment.
DE Wir haben die Farben und das Design unseres Twitter Kontos geandert bei Bitte besucht uns und kommentiert.
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
I kolori d'oktobru
EU Esti i kolori d'monsu oktobru. Esto video "i kolori d'oktobru" un projektu d'amiki d'Eulingu kon fotografi d'Micki Marbh. Esti fotografi d'Blackrock in Co. Dublin/Iru. Estu musiku klasikus "i kvatri saisoni (autumnu/herbstu)" d'Vivaldi.
EN These are the colours of (the) month October. The video "the colours of october" is a project by the friends of Eulingu with photographs by Micki Marbh. The photographs are from Blackrock in Co. Dublin/Ireland/Eire. The classical music (piece) "the four seasons (autumn)" is by Vivaldi.
DE Dies sind die Farben des Monats Oktober. Das Video "die Farben des Oktobers" ist ein Projekt der Freunde Eulingus mit Fotografien von Micki Marbh. Die Fotografien sind aus Blackrock in Co. Dublin/Irland. Das klassische Musik(stueck) "die vier Jahreszeiten (Herbst)" ist von Vivaldi.
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Monday, October 3, 2011
German Unity Day
Wikipedia. The Day of German Unity (German: Tag der Deutschen Einheit) is the national day of Germany, celebrated on 3 October as a public holiday. It commemorates the anniversary of German reunification in 1990, when the goal of a unity of Germany that originated in the middle of the 19th century, was fulfilled. Therefore, the name addresses neither the re-union or union but the unity of Germany.
Before reunification, in West Germany the "Day of german Unity" (Tag der deutschen Einheit, without capital D) was 17 June, remembering the failed Uprising of 1953 in East Germany against the Stalinist government. The revolt was crushed with Soviet aid; the exact number of fatalities is unknown, but estimated at somewhere above 100. In East Germany, the national holiday was 7 October, the "Day of the Republic" (Tag der Republik), commemorating the founding of the German Democratic Republic in 1949.
An alternative choice to commemorate the reunification could have been the day the Berlin Wall came down—November 9, 1989, which coincided with the anniversary of the proclamation of the German Republic in 1918 and the defeat of Hitler's first coup in 1923. However, 9 November was also the anniversary of the first large-scale Nazi-led pogroms against Jews in 1938 (Kristallnacht), so the day was considered inappropriate as a national holiday. Therefore, 3 October 1990, the day of formal reunification, was chosen instead.
Magic Eulingu Bus
Europu. 'Buy a bus...paint "estut parler eulingu? estum..." on the thru to the local about eulingu and its idea...absorb local languages and ideas...create a base for eulingu...definitely the best way forward...'
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
U Tagu Europus d'Lingi 2011
The European Day of Languages is 26 September, as proclaimed by the Council of Europe on 6 December 2001, at the end of the European Year of Languages (2001), which had been jointly organised by the Council of Europe and the European Union. Its aim is to encourage language learning across Europe.
Objektivi - Objectives
The general objectives of the European Day of Languages are to:
-alert the public to the importance of language learning and diversify the range of languages learned in order to increase plurilingualism and intercultural understanding;
-promote the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe;
-encourage lifelong language learning in and out of school.
In keeping with these aims, people, young and old, are encouraged to take up a language, or take special pride in their existing language skills. Also, those responsible for providing access to language learning are encouraged to make it easier for people to learn a range of languages, and to support policy initiatives to promote languages. There is also emphasis on learning a language other than English.
On the occasion of the day, a range of events are organised across Europe, including happenings for children, television and radio programmes, language classes and conferences. The events are not organised by the Council of Europe or the European Union nor do they allocate special funding (i.e. apart from their existing language programmes) for the day. Member states and potential partners are given a free hand to organise activities. To coordinate the activities organised at national level, the Council of Europe asks participating countries to nominate "National Relay Persons" for the day. The national relay in the UK is CILT, the National Centre for Languages.
I lingi d'Europu - Languages of Europe
There are about 225 indigenous languages in Europe – roughly 3% of the world's total. Most of the European languages are of Indo-European origin. Since the end of the 18th century, the most widespread language of Europe (both in terms of geography and the number of native speakers) has been Russian, which replaced French. Counting only native speakers, approximately 150 million Europeans speak Russian on a daily basis, followed by German (approx. 95 mil.), English and French (each by 65 mil.), Italian (60 mil.), Spanish and Polish (40 mil. each), Ukrainian (30 mil.) As far as foreign language studies are concerned, English is currently the most popular foreign language in Europe, followed by German, French, Russian, Spanish, and Italian.
Visiter Wikipedia por mori informazoni, danku!
Estun esperer tu feedback! Por favoru, poster un komentu in estu blogu y/o at twitter, in grup d'facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, August 25, 2011
BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon] - Radio
Titlu: Radio (Extended Lounge Mix)
Tekstu y musiku: BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon]
Lingu d'kantu: Duirún (visiter
BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon]
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & vokalu
Micki Marbh: Gitari, programeru y produkzonu
a dheàm tó radio ay bhúlaidh
ó'gu h-úlif' le mbadh
a dheàm tó radio ay bhúlaidh
ó'gu h-úledh' dórh do moth
I listen to the radio today
with my friends in the house
I listen to the radio today
to the old and new songs
© 2011 Amiki d'(Eu)lingu
BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon] - Abheal (Light)
Titlu: Abheal (Light)
Tekstu y musiku: BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon]
Lingu d'kantu: Duirún (visiter
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & vokalu
Micki Marbh: Gitari, programeru y produkzonu
th'igró hii le bhchain thairg
ó'gu g-tbreanii sblúc le g-yeàd
nilaim firr eàgor caicg nilaim tiogh do coin ar fleàr
tuiòsc thú meàú tuiòsc thú meàú
ó'gu h-adluin mhór ar tbuim
tais les ca'ab tais le ca'ab
ó'gu phailún raim d'aniin
a foelcg t'abheal...
We lie together in (the) green grass
with (a) smile on our face(s)
(the) strong body (of the man) touches gently (the) beautiful and warm body of (the) woman
now we come now we come
with (a) passionate cry of love
kiss me kiss me
with (your) wild and pointing lips
I see the light...
© 2011 Amiki d'(Eu)lingu
Friday, August 12, 2011
Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu - Dufh (Dance)
Titlu: Dufh (Dance)
Lingu: Duirún (visiter
Tekstu y musiku: Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & vokalu
Micki Marbh: Gitari, programeru y produkzonu
a teàn dufh ó'gu misheàm
a teàn dufh ó'gu fleàr
a teàn dufh ó'gu fútcg
a teàn dufh ó'gu soedhcu
a teàn dufh ó'gu scbhú
a teàn dufh ó'gu chynniach
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu - Tuiòsc (Now)
cgeàl bó h-id
scgeàr mo g-cruin
cgeàl bó h-id
vór le h-uiòl
dúdh mo bhryon
cgeàl le g-yeàd
gleàm ar cgún
lheàgh ar feàl
Musiku: Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Titlu: Tuiòsc (Now)
Produkzonu: Micki Marbh
Lingu: Duirún (
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu - Cynn Raidh
Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & Vokalu
Micki Marbh: "Bass" y "Programming"
Estu un kantu in lingu d'art Duirún, visiter estu blog ( por mori informazoni.
ay bhúlaidh
a teàn duas
ó'gu chynniach raidh
ó'gu chynniach raidh
o le gsaichagh
o le gsaichagh
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh asn
i teàn cuarfh elv
cii brú
tvuiòtb cluó...
Un translazonu d'kantu in Anglus:
I speak
with black birds
with black birds
in the distance
in the distance
white clouds are roaming
white clouds are roaming
roaming away
roaming back
so beautiful
it ends...
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Eulingu definition on Urban Dictionary
Eulingu is a language project of the "Amiki d'Eulingu" ("Friends of Eulingu") with the aim of creating a European auxiliary language based solely on European languages in order to increase and improve communication and understanding among Europeans.
EU Estum d'Europu y estum parler Eulingu
EN I am from Europe and I speak Eulingu
DE Ich bin aus Europa und ich spreche Eulingu
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Un Romanzu Italus - An Italian Romance
Romu. In Mayu d'anu 2011, sont travler a Romu in Italu por 4 jurni a eksplorer estu urbu antikus y a visiter stazoni famis: U Vatikanu y u kastalu d'Santo Angelo, u koloseum, u Phanteon, u fontanu d'Trevi (viser imagu), u stepi espanis in kvartalu Spagna, i multi ponti sur rivu Teveru, i bari y restoranti d'Trastevere, i plazi Navonu, Barberini y Venezu, u kampu d'flori y i multi markti d'strati.
Sont non user transportu publikus mas sont diskover Romu per pedi in 10 ori d'jurnu. Dur nu travlu, sont bever espresi y kapuzini in multi kafi, altidi kon un platu d'tiramisu. In seru, sont konsumer pizi, spageti kon pesku, pestu o tomati freskus y vini tintis kon un botalu d'akvu.
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Eulingu y Italus
Romu. In momentu estun studer y diskuter lingu italus y si elementi y su involvmentu in developmentu d'Eulingu. Andiamo! :-)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Estu un eulu grekus u logu d'Eulingu
Athinu. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state. A centre for the arts, learning and philosophy, home of Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum, it is widely referred to as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, largely due to the impact of its cultural and political achievements during the 5th and 4th centuries BC on the rest of the then known European continent.
Ancient Greece
Early Athenian coin, depicting the head of Athena on the obverse and her owl on the reverse - 5th century BC.
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Ancient Greece
Early Athenian coin, depicting the head of Athena on the obverse and her owl on the reverse - 5th century BC.
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Jur d'Valentino
A jur, 14 d'Febru 2011, estun zelebrer u jur d'Valentino kv'est un jur d'amu y d'afekzonu.
Wikipedia. Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs, Saint Valentine, and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD.
Wikipedia. Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs, Saint Valentine, and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD.
It was deleted from the Roman calendar of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI, but its religious observance is still permitted. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Tosti fritis kon latu y ovi
EU Esta konsumer tosti fritis kon latu y ovi
PH [es'ta: kon'su:'me: to:s'ti: fri:'tis kon la:'tu: i: o:'vi:]
EN She consumes fried toasts with milk and eggs
DE Sie isst fritierte Toaste mit Milch und Eiern
Vorti novis - New words
esta konsumer - she consumes
tosti fritis - fried toasts
kon latu y ovi - with milk and eggs
esta - she is
a konsumer - to consume
u konsum - the consume
kon - with
u latu - the milk
un ovu - an egg
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Relakser kon mu gitaru
Arne relakser kon su gitaru |
EU Estum konsumer un tasu d'kafu y un potu d'poridzu. In futur, estum relakser y musizer kon mu gitaru.
EN I consume a cup of coffee and a pot of porridge. Later (lit. "in (the) future") I relax and play music with my guitar.
DE Ich konsumiere eine Tasse Kaffee und einen Teller Porridge. Spaeter relaxe ich und musiziere mit meiner Gitarre.
About the conversation
This example is pretty straight forward. You describe, how you sit down at your kitchen table or in your couch in the living room with a nice cup of coffee and a delicious bowl of porridge. Once you are finished with your dish, you turn to your guitar and play a few chords to relax yourself.
Nevertheless, while the eating and drinking part explains itself, we have a closer look at the second sentence, especially at the construct "in futur".
Tri tensi
Eulingu's aim is to appear as simple and as recognizable as possible. Therefore we use simple phrases and expressions to describe the "momentum". Eulingu only consists of three tenses: the past, the present and the futur. This seems sufficient enough to give an adequate picture of your current situation.
Uni eksempli d'tensi
If one describes a situation in the past, we simply say: "In pastu, pastum visiter Italy" ("In (the) past, I visited Italy"). If one focuses on the present tense, we would say: "In momentu, estum visiter un biblioteku" ("At (the) moment, I am visiting a library") and if one is referring to the future, we would respond: "In futur, estum visiter Paris" ("In (the) future, I am going to visit Paris").
While we use "estum visiter" in both present tense and future tense, we settle in the past tense with "pastum visiter". This is definitely not concrete, but unless we find a better solution, we keep it that way. ;-)
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Un intervistu kon kompanu in Hamburg
Hamburg. In momentu, estum preparer por un intervistu d'telefonu a jur kon un kompanu in Hamburg. Estum amer Hamburg, u portu d'Hamburg, i fiski freskis y u szenu d'musiku y d'kultur.
Vorti novis - New words
in momentu - at (the) moment/in (the) moment
estum preparer - I prepare
por un intervistu d'telefonu - for a telephone interview
a jur - today (lit. "to day")
kon un kompanu - with a company
in Hamburg - in Hamburg
estum amer Hamburg - I love Hamburg
u portu d'Hamburg - the Hamburg port
i fiski freskis - the fresh fish (lit. pl. "the fresh fishes")
y - and
u szenu d'musiku y d'kultur - the music and culture scene
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Conlang - The Movie
A unique comedy about secret crushes, extreme linguistics and the language of love. Directed by Marta Masferrer and story by Baldvin Kári.
For more info please visit or the Facebook group.
"Love to solve Klingon Word Jumbles? Can you provide a complete analysis of the jive term "Catch you on the flip side" back to it's social and historical origins? Can you receit the Gettysburg Address using the "izzle" suffix? Or maybe you're just in the mood for some nerd love? Check out Conlang, a little film about a club dedicated to "constructed languages" and the contest for linguistic superiority. This is a must see film!"
(Oxford's LOCAL)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
The Fourth Language Creation Conference
Groningen. LCC4 will be in Groningen, Netherlands. It will be held on May 14th and 15th, 2011, under the direction of Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets.
If you have ideas for the conference or would like to participate, please email or submit them to our feedback forum at
If you are interested in presenting at LCC4, please see our call for papers for more information.
Por mori informazoni visiter vebsitu d'Conlang.
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Pedro y Sabrina visiter Paris
Paris. Pedro and Sabrina are from different parts of Europe. Pedro is from the city of Sevilla in Spain and Sabrina from Berlin in Germany. They are sitting on a bench in a park in Paris. They have met for the first time and are curious to know where the other one is coming from and what they are doing.
Can you fill in the missing pieces?
Espanu plazer kvor-a solu guster kvanti amer fabrizer Germanu Germanus estut otri kafi parku visiter lingi kvas estum turismu jus ku parler kvel Espanus romanis n'estum
Pedro y Sabrina ______ sur banku in un _____. Pedro est d'Sevilla in ______ y Sabrina est d'Berlin in Germanu.
Pedro: "Hi, _____ Pedro. Estum d'Sevilla in Espanu. Y _____? __ estut?"
Sabrina: "Estum Sabrina. Estum d'Berlin in _______."
Pedro: "Ah! Berlin! Estum ____ Berlin. "
Sabrina: "Y estum amer Espanu. In partikulari i kusti, u maru y u ___. Y manjaru espanus y vinu tintus."
Pedro: "Estut ______ Espanus?"
Sabrina: "Non, estum parler di _____ kvel sont ________ y Anglus. Y estut? ______ lingi estut parler? Estut parler Germanus?"
Pedro: "Non, _______ parler lingu Germanus. Estum parler tri lingi ____ sont _______, Franzus y Italus."
Sabrina: "Ah! Estum amer i lingi _______."
Pedro: "Kvas estut _______ in Paris?"
Sabrina: "Estum _______ multi musei, u tur d'Eiffel y ____ atrakzoni d'_______. Y estut? ____ estut fabrizer in Paris?"
Pedro: "Estum visiter multi restoranti y ____ d'Paris. Estut ______ un kafu o un ___?"
Sabrina: "Estum! ______ estut guster?"
Pedro: "Café d'Espagne!"
Vorti novis - New words
Espanu - Spain
Espanus - Spanish (language)
plazer - sit
kvor-a - where to
solu - sun
guster - like
kvanti - how many
amer - love
fabrizer - do
Germanu - Germany
Germanus - German (language)
estut - you are
otri - other(s)
kafi - cafes/coffees
parku - park
visiter - visit
lingi - languages
kvas - what
estum - I am
turismu - tourism
turismu - tourism
jus - juice
ku - who
parler - speak
kvel - which
romanis - romanic
n'estum - I am not
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Monday, February 7, 2011
Em parler tri lingi...
EU Kvanti lingi estut parler? Em parler tri lingi kvel sont Germanus, Anglus y lingu novus Eulingu.
EN How many languages do you speak? I speak three languages which are German, English and (the) new language Eulingu.
DE Wie viele Sprachen sprichst Du? Ich spreche drei Sprachen, welche sind Deutsch, Englisch und (die) neue Sprache Eulingu.
As much as we like "estum" ("I am") we more and more tend to embrace the slangu term "em" which somehow reminds us of the sound "I am" :-)
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Eulingu - The "U-lingu"?
Dublin. Many describe Eulingu as the "U-lingu". There are various reasons why we shall use the ending "-u" which are laid out and explained in greater detail here:
1. Substantive/Noun: The suffix classifies a word as a "substantivu" (= "substantive/noun"), i.e. "a parler" ("to speak") => "parleru" - "(the) speaking" or "parlu" - (the) speech. Bear in mind, Eulingu is all about simplicity, flexibility and identification and therefore shall be easily recognizable. We more or less only deal with substantives ("-u"), verbs ("-er") and/or adjectives ("-us").
2. Gender: The word becomes genderless, i.e. "amiku" - "friend" which can be a female or male friend but which can be more specified by replacing the "-u" with "-a" (female) or "-o" (male) => "una amika" ("a female friend") or "uno amiko" ("a male friend"). As you can see, the article ("un", "una" y/o "uno") always carries the same ending as the substantive, which is not always the case in European languages.
3. European languages: The ending "-u" steps in for several endings in European languages such as "-ie" (German/French), "-y" (English) or "-ia" (Spanish/Italian). It also replaces vowels such as "a" and "e", i.e. "Europa" or "Europe" simply transform into "Europu". We also watch "democracy" (one of the greatest words and achievements in history) become "demokrazu" not favouring one but all European languages.
4. Singular/Plural: The suffix "-u" indicates the singular, the plural "-i" is applied accordingly, i.e. "un lingu" ("a language") but "tri lingi" ("three languages").
5. Compound: In addition, "-u" can be found in compund endings such as "-anzu" or "-azonu", i.e. "toleranzu" ("tolerance") or "kreazonu" ("creation").
6. Surlingu/Slangu: More advanced speakers of Eulingu (i.e. in "Slangu") will be able to discard of the "-u" ending, i.e. "un panu" ("a bread") simply becomes "un pan", "un kapu" ("a head") "un kap" or "un blogu" ("a blog") "un blog". As long as we understand each other, everything is possible. On the Eulingu blog we will promote "Surlingu" (main language) but we will also give examples of "Slangu".
7. Last syllable: The ending "-u" also vanishes in cases where the last syllable already consists of the vowel "u", i.e. in "kultur" ("culture") or "manikur" ("manicure"). The same rule applies to words with only one syllable, i.e. "hus" ("house"), "jus" ("juice"), "kult" ("cult"), "kur" ("cure") y/o "lung" ("lung").
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Eulingu - Where to start and where to go
'Eulingu shall start at the lowest common ground of European languages', says Arne Duering, 'and then work its way up to transform and develop into a proper recognizable language. During this process it shall show the utmost respect for the different European languages and cultures which hopefully will all be reflected in the final structure.'
With this "bottom up" approach Eulingu hopes to attract as many supporters as possible, either as loyal but critical advocates or as solid contributors operating within the "Amiki d'Eulingu" network.
The "Friends of Eulingu" were introduced as the information gathering community and act further as the developing, monitoring and guiding body of the Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) project.
'The "amiki" need feedback such as comments on blog posts, on Facebook or on Twitter', explains Arne Duering, 'in order to move forward and in order to get the approval stamp from the people of Europe.'
© 2011 Jurnalu d'Eulingu
Un tostu kon marmeladu y/o nugatu?
Em preparer un otru tasu d'kafu kon multu latu y un tostu kon bur y marmeladu d'aprikosu o nugatu? Em penser em preferer nugatu.
Vorti novis - New words
em preparer - I prepare (short for "estum preparer")
un otru tasu d'kafu - another cup of coffee
kon multu latu - with lots of milk
y un tostu - and a toast
kon bur - with butter
y marmeladu d'aprikosu - with apricot jam/marmelade
o nugatu - or nougat
em penser - I think/guess
em preferer nugatu - I prefer nougat
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu blog y/o visiter-nu in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Monday, January 31, 2011
Un listu d'vorti
In momentu, estun krer un listu d'vorti in Eulingu y in otri lingi d'Europu in ordu a demonstrer y zelebrer i uniti y similariti in esti lingi. As un debut, estun user i listi d'vorti d'libru "Die Sprachen der Welt" ("I lingi d'veltu") d'skriboro Frederick Bodmer y dikzonaru d'LEO GmbH.
Por favor, visiter estu dokomentu y skriber ti komenti y/o mori informazoni in estu blog, in twitter y/o a Multi danki, amiki! :-)
Vorti novis - New words
in momentu - at the moment
estun krer - we create
un listu d'vorti - a list of words
in Eulingu - in Eulingu
y in otri lingi d'Europu - and other languages of Europe
in ordu a - in order to
demonstrer y zelebrer - demonstrate and celebrate
i uniti y similariti - the unities and similarities
in esti lingi - in these languages
as un debut - as a start
estun user - we use
i listi d'vorti - the lists of words
d'libru "I lingi d'veltu" - of (the) book "The loom of languages"
d'skriboro Frederick Bodmer - of (the male) writer Frederick Bodmer
y dikzonaru d'LEO GmbH - and (the) dictionary of (the) LEO GmbH
por favor - please
visiter estu dokomentu - visit this document
y skriber - and write
ti komenti - your comments
y/o - and/or
mori informazoni - more information(s)
in estu blog - in this blog
in twitter - in twitter
y/o a - and/or at
multi danki, amiki! - many thanks, friends!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Mesagu d'Facebook!
"Estu Eulingu un projektu a developer un lingu simplus a uner populi europis. Estun demonstrer multu respektu por i kulturi d'Europu y reflekter esti elementi kulturis in developmentu d'lingu. Visiter y/o partiziper in estu grup..."
Vorti novis - New words
estu Eulingu - it is Eulingu (= Eulingu is)
un projektu - a project
a developer - to develop
un lingu simplus - a simple language
a uner - to unite
populi europis - (the) European people
estun demonstrer - we demonstrate
multu respektu - a lot of respect
por i kulturi d'Europu - for the cultures of Europe
y - and
reflekter - reflect
esti elementi kulturis - those cultural elements
in developmentu d'lingu - in (the) development of (the) language
visiter - visit
y/o - and/or
partiziper - participate
in estu grup - in this group
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Kum estut tenker d'Eulingu? [kum es'tu:t ten'ke: de: oi:'ling'gu:]
What do you think of Eulingu? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!
Estu Eulingu un projektu novus a developer un lingu simplus a uner populi europis. Estun demonstrer multu respektu por multi kulturi d'Europu y reflekter esti elementi kulturis in developmentu d'Eulingu.
Estu desiru d'Eulingu a krer y a komunizer un atmosferu d'unitu, d'toleranzu y d'akzeptanzu in Europu.
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
I origini d'eleganzu d'non tempu
Italu, 1916. Estu fenomenal Eau de Cologne est kred in Parma, un zitu rikus d'artu, in un pikolus laboru d'parfumi. U Belle Époque fader in esti momenti: I prositi, i karosi elegantis, i danzanti d'seru, in kvel dami rafinati voltiger y presenter i ultimi kreazoni d'designori famis d'modu y laser senti d'parfumi. Acqua di Parma viver in harmonu kon elitu d'veltu.
Le origini dell'eleganza senza tempo
Italia, 1916. La straordinaria Eau de Cologne nasce a Parma, città ricca d'arte, in un piccolo laboratorio di profumi. Gli ultimi echi della Belle Époque sono appena sfumati: brindisi, eleganti carrozze, serate danzanti in cui dame raffinate volteggiano, esibendo le ultime creazioni di alta sartoria e lasciando lievi scie profumate. Acqua di Parma vive fin dall'inizio in simbiosi con quel mondo elitario.
The origins of timeless elegance
Italy, 1916. This extraordinary Eau de Cologne is created in a small perfume laboratory in Parma, a city rich in art. The Belle Époque has just faded away: The toasts, the elegant carriages, evening balls where refined ladies gracefully dance showing off the latest in bespoke dressmaking, and leaving scents of perfume lingering behind them as they move. Acqua di Parma has always been in perfect harmony with the elite world.
Alternative version - Variazoni alternativis
d'non tempu - kon non tempu
fenomenal(us) - ekstraordinarus
un zitu rikus d'artu - in zitu rikus in artu
voltiger - danzer
designori famis - desinori famis
modu - fasonu
harmonu - simbiosu
kon elitu d'veltu - kon veltu elitus
veltu - mondu
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
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