Saturday, October 22, 2011

Un kapuzinu y un kornetu

EU Lara trinker un tasu d'kapuzinu y manjer un kornetu italus

[la:'ra trin'ke: un ta:'su d: ka'pu'tshi:'nu i: man'dshe: un kor'ne:'tu ita'lus]

EN Lara drinks/is drinking a cup of cappuccino and eats/is eating an Italian cornetto/croissant
DE Lara trinkt eine Tasse Cappuccino und isst ein italienisches Cornetto/Croissant

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

U basu d'gramatiku d'Eulingu

Europu. Thanks to great feedback on our Eulingu page on Facebook and on Twitter (let's call it the "Doroffect") we have decided to build our own Grammar blog which you can find here at: Hurray!

It is actually very helpful to put something like this together (to get a better and more objective view at your own language project) as people obviously feel that our main blog is not self-explanatory enough to deal with the different aspects of Eulingu. 

As you can see, we are thankful for your comments and do not hesitate to put your great ideas into action, simply as we see the development of Eulingu as a common effort by the people and citizens of Europe (and you are one of them) which is essential to the success of this new "common language". So again, thanks to everyone who has contributed so far and will be in the future...very much appreciated...multi danki, tu amiku d'Eulingu! :-)

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ernesto y Sabrina visiter i animali in zu

EU Ernesto y Sabrina visiter un zu kon multi animali, por eksemplu i girafi, i tigri, i elefanti, i api y i serpenti
EN Ernesto and Sabrina visit a zoo with many animals, for example the giraffes, the tigers, the elephants, the apes and the snakes/serpents
DE Ernesto und Sabrina besuchen einen Zoo mit vielen Tieren, zum Beispiel den Giraffen, den Tigern, den Elefanten, den Affen und den Schlangen/Serpenten

...y in tu lingu? ...and in your language? :-)

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Friday, October 14, 2011

Un debatu d'parlmentu

EU Tri ministori debater as debatori in un debatu d'parlmentu
[tri: mi'nis'to:'ri: de'ba'te: as de'ba'to:'ri: in un de'ba:'tu d'parl'men'tu:]
EN Three minister debate as debators in a debate of (the) parliament
DE Drei Minister debatieren als Debatoren in einer Parlamentsdebate

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Un otru jobu in Hamburg?

EU A jur estum/em apler por un otru jobu in Hamburg in Germanu.
[a dur es'tu:m/em a'ple: por un o:'tru jo'bu: in ham'bu:rg in ger'ma:'nu:]
EN Today I apply/am applying for another job in Hamburg in Germany.
DE Heute bewerbe ich mich um einen weiteren/anderen Job in Hamburg in Deutschland.

...y in tu lingu y/o conlangu? ...and in your language or conlang?

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spageti kon verdi in sosu d'tomati

EU In momentu estum/em preparer spageti kon verdi/gruni in sosu d'tomati y trinker un glasu d'vinu espanus.
[in mo'me:n'tu: es'tum/em pre'pa're: spa'get'ti: kon ver'di:/gru:'ni in so:'su d'to'ma:'ti: i: trin'ke: un gla:'su: d'vi:'nu: es'pa:'nus]
EN At the moment I am preparing spaghetti with vegetables in tomato sauce and drink a glass of Spanish wine.
DE Im Moment bereite ich Spaghetti mit Gemuese in Tomatensauce vor und trinke ein Glass von spanischem Wein.

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Sabrina in universitu d'Barzelonu

EU Esta Sabrina. Sabrina est(a) d'Venezu in Italu y esta vister universitu d'Barzelonu in Espanu.
[es'ta sa'bri:'na sa'bri:'na es'ta d've'ne:'tsu: in i'ta:'lu: i: es'ta vi'si'te: u'ni've:r'si'tu: d'bar'se'lo:'nu: in es'pa:'nu:]
EN This is Sabrina. Sabrina (she) is from Venice in Italy and she visits (the) university of Barcelona in Spain.
DE Das ist Sabrina. Sabrina (sie) ist aus Venedig in Italien und sie besucht (die) Universität von Barcelona in Spanien.

 © 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Monday, October 10, 2011

Twitter - Amiki d'Eulingu in a new look

EU Estun changer i kolori y u designu d'nu kontu d'Twitter at Por favoru, visiter-nu y komenter.
EN We have changed the colours and the design of our Twitter account at Please visit us and comment.
DE Wir haben die Farben und das Design unseres Twitter Kontos geandert bei Bitte besucht uns und kommentiert.

 © 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

I kolori d'oktobru

EU Esti i kolori d'monsu oktobru. Esto video "i kolori d'oktobru" un projektu d'amiki d'Eulingu kon fotografi d'Micki Marbh. Esti fotografi d'Blackrock in Co. Dublin/Iru. Estu musiku klasikus "i kvatri saisoni (autumnu/herbstu)" d'Vivaldi.
EN These are the colours of (the) month October. The video "the colours of october" is a project by the friends of Eulingu with photographs by Micki Marbh. The photographs are from Blackrock in Co. Dublin/Ireland/Eire. The classical music (piece) "the four seasons (autumn)" is by Vivaldi.
DE Dies sind die Farben des Monats Oktober. Das Video "die Farben des Oktobers" ist ein Projekt der Freunde Eulingus mit Fotografien von Micki Marbh. Die Fotografien sind aus Blackrock in Co. Dublin/Irland. Das klassische Musik(stueck) "die vier Jahreszeiten (Herbst)" ist von Vivaldi.

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

Monday, October 3, 2011

Symbolu y logu d'Eulingu

German Unity Day

Wikipedia. The Day of German Unity (German: Tag der Deutschen Einheit) is the national day of Germany, celebrated on 3 October as a public holiday. It commemorates the anniversary of German reunification in 1990, when the goal of a unity of Germany that originated in the middle of the 19th century, was fulfilled. Therefore, the name addresses neither the re-union or union but the unity of Germany.

Before reunification, in West Germany the "Day of german Unity" (Tag der deutschen Einheit, without capital D) was 17 June, remembering the failed Uprising of 1953 in East Germany against the Stalinist government. The revolt was crushed with Soviet aid; the exact number of fatalities is unknown, but estimated at somewhere above 100. In East Germany, the national holiday was 7 October, the "Day of the Republic" (Tag der Republik), commemorating the founding of the German Democratic Republic in 1949.

An alternative choice to commemorate the reunification could have been the day the Berlin Wall came down—November 9, 1989, which coincided with the anniversary of the proclamation of the German Republic in 1918 and the defeat of Hitler's first coup in 1923. However, 9 November was also the anniversary of the first large-scale Nazi-led pogroms against Jews in 1938 (Kristallnacht), so the day was considered inappropriate as a national holiday. Therefore, 3 October 1990, the day of formal reunification, was chosen instead.

Magic Eulingu Bus

Europu. 'Buy a bus...paint "estut parler eulingu? estum..." on the thru to the local about eulingu and its idea...absorb local languages and ideas...create a base for eulingu...definitely the best way forward...'

Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a! 

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu