Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Ni qvart tidi d’anoq – The four seasons

€ Dar tid d’blumoq/floriq, tid d’soloq, tid d’coloriq et tid d’coldoq ni qvart tidi d’anoq
EN Spring (time of blooming/flowers), summer (time of sun), autumn/fall (time of colours/colors) and winter (time of cold) are the four seasons
DE Frühling (Zeit der Blühte/Blumen), Sommer (Zeit der Sonne), Herbst (Zeit der Farben) und Winter (Zeit der Kälte) sind die vier Jahreszeiten

Ni qvart tidi d’anoq - The four seasons
qvart - four
Na tid - The time
N'an - The year
N'tid d'anoq - The season
dar - there is, are but also (in this case) is/are as there is no other verb involved
Na tid d’blumoq/floriq - The spring
Na blum - The flower, blooming
Na flor - The flower
Na tid d’soloq - The summer
Na sol - The sun
Na tid d’coloriq - The autumn/fall
N acolor - The colour/color
Na tid d’coldoq - The winter
Na cold - The cold
mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: europun@gmail.com or mrkunlovevn@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!

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