Monday, November 17, 2008

Tapas - Nu spezialitu d'Espanu

Espanu. Dar manjari ekselenti in Espanu qv'est nomdt Tapas. Sont tapas porzoni smali qv'sont servirdt as hors d'oevre or curs major. As term hors d'oevre dar multi vordi in Eulingu qv'est conservir nu form original, i.e. vordi franciq in sektor manjar :-)

Tapas by Susanne Tee
Dar libar d'editora y skribtora Susanne Tee con nom "Tapas" qv'est availabal sur Derecoquinaria y Amazon.

Susanna Tee es escritora y editora, así como una excelente cocinera. Cuando estudiaba economía doméstica, recibió una beca de Nestlé que le brindó la oportunidad de realizar estudios sobre alimentación y cocina en Europa. En su vida cotidiana, Sussana compagina sus dos grandes pasiones: viajar y la cocina internacional.

Intru d'libar "Tapas" by Susanne Tee

Est Susanne Tee skribtora y editora, also un cuisinora ekselenta. During studiu d'economía doméstica, hadal rezepir un burs d'Nestlé qv'est bringdt oportunitu to realizir eksperimenti d'nutrizon y d'cuisin in Europu in particular. In las vidu banal, est combinir Susanne las do pazoni grandi: traval y nu cuisin internazonal.

Translazon/Lokalisazon by Arne Duering

nu spezialitu d'Espanu - the speciality of Spain
dar manjari ekselenti - there is/are excellent food(s)
in Espanu - in Spain
qv'est nomdt Tapas - which are called Tapas
sont tapas porzoni smali - Tapas are small portions
qv'est servirdt as hors d'oevre - which are served as hors d'oevre
or curs major - or main course
as term hors d'oevre - as the term hors d'oevre
dar multi vordi in Eulingu - there are many words in Eulingu
qv'est conservir - which conserve
nu form original - the original form
i.e. vordi franciq - i.e. French words
in sektor manjar - in the food sector
dar libar d'editora y skribtora Susanne Tee - there is a buk by the (female) editor and (female) writer Susanne Tee
con nom "Tapas" - with the name "Tapas"
qv'est availabal sur... - which is available on...
also un cuisinora ekselenta - also an excellent (female) cook
during studiu d'economía doméstica - during (her) studies of economía doméstica
hadal rezepir - she has received (had + al + verb + ir, she = L and the female ending is -al, i.e. she puts a bottle of red wine on the table = estal put(ir) un botal vinu roz on tabal, her = las)
un burs d'Nestlé - a bursary of Nestlé
qv'est bringdt oportunitu - which brings the opportunity
to realizir eksperimenti - to conduct experiments
d'nutrizon y d'cuisin in Europu - of nutrition and cuisine in Europe
in particular - in particular
in las vidu banal - in her daily life
est combinir Susanne - Susanne combines
las do pazoni grandi - her two great passions
traval y nu cuisin internazonal - travel and the international cuisine

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