Es Eulingu un projektu novus a develope un lingu simplus kel une li populi europis in 'un tongu'. Estun demonstre multu respektu por li multi kulturi d'Europu, zelebre su diversitu grandus i reflekte si elementi kulturis i lingis in le develope d'Eulingu.
Li sufiksi
Eulingu is defined by its suffixes which make it easy to recognise and to identify 'neuter' (-u), 'female' (-a) or 'male' (-o) nouns. The plural is created with '-i' (neuter), '-ai' (female) or '-oi' (male). Nevertheless, in Slangu (Eulingu Slang) the ending '-ai' or '-oi' is replaced by a simple '-i', e.g. 'li femi' (the women). Everything related to 'action' uses the suffix '-e' (le skribe - the writing, esta skribe - she writes/is writing). Quality (adverb/adjective) is added through a final '-s' (esta skribe rapides - she writes/is writing fast, le skribe rapides d'Pero- the fast writing of Pero, un vehiklu rapidus - a fast car/vehicle, uno amiko grandos - a great 'male' friend, la fema petitas - the small woman, tri viri italis - three Italian men).
Eulingu is defined by its suffixes which make it easy to recognise and to identify 'neuter' (-u), 'female' (-a) or 'male' (-o) nouns. The plural is created with '-i' (neuter), '-ai' (female) or '-oi' (male). Nevertheless, in Slangu (Eulingu Slang) the ending '-ai' or '-oi' is replaced by a simple '-i', e.g. 'li femi' (the women). Everything related to 'action' uses the suffix '-e' (le skribe - the writing, esta skribe - she writes/is writing). Quality (adverb/adjective) is added through a final '-s' (esta skribe rapides - she writes/is writing fast, le skribe rapides d'Pero- the fast writing of Pero, un vehiklu rapidus - a fast car/vehicle, uno amiko grandos - a great 'male' friend, la fema petitas - the small woman, tri viri italis - three Italian men).
Li 4 tempi
Furthermore, Eulingu knows only four 'tempi': Present, Past and Future I and Future II. In order to have basic communication we are convinced that we do not need more than 4 tenses at the current stage. Everything else would be scientific, advanced or poetic Eulingu. Basic Eulingu is using so-called indicators to set the 'correct timing':
Furthermore, Eulingu knows only four 'tempi': Present, Past and Future I and Future II. In order to have basic communication we are convinced that we do not need more than 4 tenses at the current stage. Everything else would be scientific, advanced or poetic Eulingu. Basic Eulingu is using so-called indicators to set the 'correct timing':
1) Present tense - Est
This is happening at the moment or on a regular basis. We do not differentiate between those two events and take it 'as it is'.
This is happening at the moment or on a regular basis. We do not differentiate between those two events and take it 'as it is'.
Estum/em - I am
Estut - You are (sgl)
Esto - He is
Esta - She is
Estu/es - It is
Estun - We are
Estuv - You are (pl)
Esti - They are
Estut - You are (sgl)
Esto - He is
Esta - She is
Estu/es - It is
Estun - We are
Estuv - You are (pl)
Esti - They are
Uni eksempli:
A Luntagu em beve un espresu - On Monday I am drinking an espresso
Esto aude a musiku - He listens/is listening to music
Sara (esta) plaze sur un stul - Sarah sits/is sitting on a stool
Es grandus! - It is great!
Esti ame nu lingu - They love/are loving our language
A Luntagu em beve un espresu - On Monday I am drinking an espresso
Esto aude a musiku - He listens/is listening to music
Sara (esta) plaze sur un stul - Sarah sits/is sitting on a stool
Es grandus! - It is great!
Esti ame nu lingu - They love/are loving our language
2) Past tense - Ver
Everything that happened in the past stays in the 'past'. Based on the word 'veru' (truth) it looks at the past as something complete, true and fulfilled.
Everything that happened in the past stays in the 'past'. Based on the word 'veru' (truth) it looks at the past as something complete, true and fulfilled.
Verum - I was
Verut - You were (sgl)
Vero - He was
Vera - She was
Veru - It was
Verun - We were
Veruv - You were (pl)
Veri - They were
Verut - You were (sgl)
Vero - He was
Vera - She was
Veru - It was
Verun - We were
Veruv - You were (pl)
Veri - They were
Uni eksempli:
Verut skribe un letru a tu amiku - You wrote/did write/were writing a letter to your friend
Pero vero vade a un pub - Pero (he) went/did go/was going to a pub
Olga vera non guste li pinti - Olga (she) did not like/was not liking the pictures
Lo patro i la matra veri vade a festu d'Pero - The father and the mother (they) went/did go/were going to Pero's party
Verut skribe un letru a tu amiku - You wrote/did write/were writing a letter to your friend
Pero vero vade a un pub - Pero (he) went/did go/was going to a pub
Olga vera non guste li pinti - Olga (she) did not like/was not liking the pictures
Lo patro i la matra veri vade a festu d'Pero - The father and the mother (they) went/did go/were going to Pero's party
3) Future I tense - Vol
Future I is looking at the furture, especially at what one wishes to achieve.
Future I is looking at the furture, especially at what one wishes to achieve.
Volum - I will/want/would like to
Volut - You will/want/would like to (sgl)
Volo - He will/wants/would like to
Vola - She will/wants/would like to
Volu - It will/wants/would like to
Volun - We will/want/would like to
Voluv - You will/want/would like to (pl)
Voli - They will/want/would like to
Volut - You will/want/would like to (sgl)
Volo - He will/wants/would like to
Vola - She will/wants/would like to
Volu - It will/wants/would like to
Volun - We will/want/would like to
Voluv - You will/want/would like to (pl)
Voli - They will/want/would like to
Uni eksempli:
Volum pinte un korpu - I will/want/would like to paint a body
Lu amiku volu skribe un letru a Sara - The 'neuter' friend (it/he/she) will/wants/would like to write a letter to Sarah
Volum pinte un korpu - I will/want/would like to paint a body
Lu amiku volu skribe un letru a Sara - The 'neuter' friend (it/he/she) will/wants/would like to write a letter to Sarah
4) Future II tense - Vad
Also looking at the future this is definitely a more concrete scenario as things are going to happen as planned, e.g. I have entered the train to London shouting back at my friend through the open car window: 'I am going to London by train'.
Also looking at the future this is definitely a more concrete scenario as things are going to happen as planned, e.g. I have entered the train to London shouting back at my friend through the open car window: 'I am going to London by train'.
Vadum - I am going to
Vadut - You are going to (sgl)
Vado - He is going to
Vada - She is going to
Vadu - It is going to
Vadun - We are going to
Vaduv - You are going to (pl)
Vadi - They are going to
Vadut - You are going to (sgl)
Vado - He is going to
Vada - She is going to
Vadu - It is going to
Vadun - We are going to
Vaduv - You are going to (pl)
Vadi - They are going to
Uni eksempli:
Vadum vade a mu domu - I am going to my house
Larisa vada rekorde un partu d'musiku - Larissa (she) is going to record a piece of music
Vaduv beve un otru bevu? - Are you going to drink another drink? (pl)
Vadum vade a mu domu - I am going to my house
Larisa vada rekorde un partu d'musiku - Larissa (she) is going to record a piece of music
Vaduv beve un otru bevu? - Are you going to drink another drink? (pl)
In a nutshell this is how basic Eulingu works. It is consistent and allows for quick and unambiguous understanding. You can easily form sentences when you know the correct tense indicator or suffix. Go for it! :-)
In a nutshell this is how basic Eulingu works. It is consistent and allows for quick and unambiguous understanding. You can easily form sentences when you know the correct tense indicator or suffix. Go for it! :-)
Kes estut pense? What do you think? Was denkst du?
© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu
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